Lecture 1.1.1 Intro To Database
Lecture 1.1.1 Intro To Database
Lecture 1.1.1 Intro To Database
Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Chapter 1.2 : E-R Diagram, mapping constraints, keys, reduction of E-R diagram into
tables. Roles and structural constraints, entities types, Enhanced E-R and object
modelling, Sub classes; Super classes, inheritance, specialization and generalization.
Self-learning: Network & Hierarchical Models.
Data is raw Facts. By the term raw, we mean the facts that have not yet been processes to
reveal their meaning
• For example your name, age, height, weight, etc are some data related to you.
• A picture , image , file , pdf etc can also be considered data.
Example of Data
• Student fill an application form when they want to seek admission in a college. The
admission form when filled properly consists of raw facts about the student. These raw
facts are the student name, his father name, his address, his previous result etc.
Application Form
Poll Question
a. Data
b. Information
c. Database
Information is manipulated and processed form of data i.e. it is meaningful form of data. It
is used for making decisions.
For example: Data collected from students admission form can be used to generate
different type of information.
It means this information is used for making decisions.
Thus to conclude information can be defined as the output produced when the data is
being manipulated.
Data V/S Information
Poll Question
• An online telephone directory would definitely use database to store data pertaining to
people, phone numbers, other contact details, etc.
• Your electricity service provider is obviously using a database to manage billing , client
related issues, to handle fault data, etc.
Let's also consider the facebook. It needs to store, manipulate and present data
related to members, their friends, member activities, messages, advertisements and
lot more.
We can provide countless number of examples for usage of databases .
Database Examples:
• Banking: accounts, Loans, customers
• Airlines: Reservation, Schedules
• Universities: Registration, Grades
• Sales: customers, products, purchases
• Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations
To maintain huge databases, we need certain operations which helps in maintaining the
data in the database efficiently.
The most commonly used operations performed on the databases are:
1. Insertion: To add new data into the database.
2. Updation: To Modify the existing data.
3. Deletion: To delete the existing data from the database
4. Selection: To view or retrieve the stored data.
In addition to the above basic operations performed on the data in the database
we can also perform operations like sorting, merging etc
Characteristics of database approach
1. Self-Describing Nature of a Database system:- The database system contains not only the
database itself but also a complete definition or description of the database structure and
constraints. This definition is stored is the DBMS catalog, which contains information like
structure, type, and storage format of each data.
2. Insulation between program and data:- In database systems, the data is stored
independently from the programs that access it. That is, you can modify data without need to
any changes in the programs this property is called program operation independence .
3. Support of multiple views of the data:- Database is shared among multiple users, each user
may require different information based on their requirement from the database. Each user
requirement is the view of database
4. Sharing of data transaction processing:- A multiuser DBMS allows access to database
simultaneously by more than one user at the same time using concurrency control software.
5.Security:- features like multiple views offer security to some extent. DBMS offers methods to
improve security by using constraints while entering data into the database and retrieving the
same at a later stage.
6. Query language:- query language makes it more efficient to retrieve and manipulate data. user
can apply as many and as different filtering option as required.