HFC A Catv 101 Voice

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Broadband System - A

Satellites are spaced every 2nd degrees above earth

"C" Band Toward satellite 6.0 GHz Toward earth 4.0 GHz

"L" Band Toward satellite 14.0 GHz Toward earth 12.0 GHz



Cable area

CATV - 101.

Broadband System - A

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Broadband System - A

Before we start the Seminar on Broadband system, let have a look at the beginning of the CATV industry. This will help you better understand what are the requirements for to-days Broadband System. This presentation is only a general idea and every subject demonstrated in this presentation will be explained in more details . in future presentations.

Broadband System - A

Broadband System - A


Community Antenna Television

CATV systems started in around 1952 and were a one way communication system, using coaxial cable and RF amplifiers. These CATV system distributed television signals, from a distribution center (Headend) to all the homes in a the cabled area. Then, these systems were capable of distributing between 2 to 4 TV channels. From been able to distribute 2 to 4 TV channel at their start, some of the systems finally carried as much as 12 television channels and some FM music.

In both country, Canada and the USA, you required a license to operate a CATV system. In the United States, the cities give the permit to operate a CATV system and the FCC controls the technical data. Federal Communications Commission In Canada, the license is warded by the CRTC Canadian Radio Telecommunications Commission

TV Stations, VHF or UHF. FM Stations. Satellites, 4 and 12 GHz (around 1975). AML (microwave system).

TV Program from local studio.

6.0 MHz




Video section 4.2 MHz Analog technology

dB -40

Audio section 0.9 MHz FM technology



Color section


3.59 MHz 4.5 MHz

VHF Television Signal.

CH-2 : 55.25 MHz CH-3 : 61.25 MHz CH-4 : 67.25 MHz * 73.5 MHz Int. disaster freq. CH-5 : 77.25 MHz CH-6 : 83.25 MHz FM : 88 to 108 MHz CH-7 : 175.25 MHz CH-8 : 181.25 MHz CH:-9 : 187.25 MHz CH-10 : 193.25 MHz CH-11 : 199.25 MHz CH-12 : 205.25 MHz CH-13: 211.25 MHz

* Notice, the difference in frequency, between CH-4 and CH-5, which is not a multiple of 6 MHz. The reason being, that 73.5 MHz is allocated as an international disaster frequency, that is used by the Red Cross and some other international organization.

UHF Television signal. CH-14 : 471.25 MHz to CH-69 : 805.25 MHz

All UHF signals, like the VHF signals, are located in a 6.00 MHz spacing, the UHF stations are located between 471 to 810 MHz. UHF channel, CH-37, 609.25 MHz, in generally not used as it is employed for Radio Astronomy.


Each television channel leaving the headend are controlled by; Channel processor, ( RF in, RF out) Modulator, ( Baseband in, RF out) Satellite Receiver, (4 or 12 GHz in, RF out) All the television channels are combined together with a channel combiner before they are sent on to the coaxial system.


Input ch. IF freq. Output ch.

Baseband signal IF freq. Output ch.

Satellite Receiver Modulator

Baseband signal IF freq. Output ch.

RF Combiner

First Am plifier of the C V syste AT m

Microwave Receiver

Combining Signal at a CATV Headend


12 channel plan

FM stations


This number television channels (12) was the maximum possible before the coming out of Push Pull amplifier.


21 channel plan

FM stations


22 7


With Push Pull amplifier, it became possible to carry Mid Band channels (9) between 121 to 170 MHz, for a total of 21 channels



12 GHz
TV transmitter FM transmitter

Satellite reception FM transmitter Headend CATV system

4 GHz

Up Link Transmission

Microwave System

TV transmitter

Coaxial cable consist of : 75 ohms cable. Center conductor. Foam (hold the center conductor in place) Aluminum tube. Sometimes covert with PVC jacket.

Coaxial cable are the most common way to distribute television channel. It frequency range is from 5 to 1000 MHz It is also capable of handling 90 Volts AC requires to operate RF amplifiers.


50 0.52 0.42 0.30

300 1.31 1.08 0.78 4.45 3.55

550 1.82 1.51 1.25 5.95 4.90

865 2.33 1.94 1.60 7.52 6.10

1,000 2.52 2.07 1.74 8.12 6.55

MHz Loss

Main coaxial cable: P-III-500 0.16 P-III-625 0.13 P-III-750 0.11

Main drop installation cable: RG-59 0.86 1.95 RG-6 0.58 1.53

Above loss are giving @ 68 degrees F. or 20 degrees C.


Be a r of t ecoa l ca lere on ve s te p ra u ch n e h viou h xia b sp se rsu m e t re a g

Output previous amplifier
50 4 9 4 8 4 7 4 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 0 3 9 3 8 3 7 3 6 10 0 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 60 0 650 700 750 800 850 4 9 4 8 4 7 4 6 4 5 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 0 3 9 3 8 3 7 3 6 3 1 3 0 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 5 0 5 0 10 0

In tn xta p r a r 3 d sp ga 8 0M z pu e m lifie fte 0 B acin t 6 H

10 5 20 0 20 5 30 0 30 5 40 0 40 5 50 0 50 5 60 0 60 5 70 0 70 5 80 80 0 5 3 1 3 0 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4

-4 o 0

2 3 2 2

6 o 0 1 0o 4
r b q alize r ca lee u nl Sig a afte

2 1 2 0 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 6

Sig l afte ca lee u na r b q alize r

Sig a aft r ca le nl e b e q alize u r
4 9 9 . 2 5
40 5 50 0 50 5 60 0 60 5 70 0 70 5 80 80 0 5

1 5 1 4 1 3

10 0

10 5

20 0

20 5

30 0

30 5

40 0


RF amplifier amplifies the signal when it becomes weak


Ingress Sleeve

Connection to Outside tube Connection to central conductor

Connectors are required to make a connection between the amplifiers and the passives equipments on the coaxial cable.

Input cable

Out cable

Out cable

RF splitter and coupler give the possibly to send coaxial cable into two or more directions.


Standby power supply are working on 110 volts AC or 36/48 Volts DC

Power supply delivers 60 or 90 volts AC thru the coaxial cable, to permit RF amplifiers to work.

RG-59 or RG-6

Multitap make the connection between the CATV system and the customer.


5 0M -4 Hz

5 0M z 0-75 H

From Headend

Pow er Passing T ap



RG-59 or RG-6

A CATV system

RF amplifier

Coaxial cable

Power Supply



Broadband CATV systems are now a very complex, Bi-directional communications network, called; HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) using Fiber Optic and Coaxial Cable technologies. These systems are now delivering the following; Analog Television programs. Television on demand or pay per view television. Digital Television. HDTV (High Definition Television). High speed Internet service, by Cablemodem. Security system. IP telephony (VoIP).


HFC Broadband systems are using fiber optic technology to transport the signals for the longest distance, between the headend to a NODE (optical receiver). The node transfers the light signal to RF signal. The signals then continue thru the coaxial system to feed all the customers. The coaxial system permits to deliver the signals at less cost. Fiber optic delivers a better quality signal than coaxial cable, this is why fiber optic is used to transport the signal for the long distance. A HFC system is a bi-directional system, and the working bandwidth from the headend to the customer is: 50 to 870-1,000 MHz, and from customer to the headend is: 5 to 40 or 42 MHz.



In a modern Broadband system, the frequencies below 550 MHz are generally used for the transport analogical channels (NTSC).

50 MHz

F M s t a t io n s



225 MHz

225 MHz

2 3

4 0

4 3

5 0

380 MHz

380 MHz

5 1

7 7

550 MHz


In a modern Broadband system, the frequencies above 550 MHz are generally used for the transport of the digital portion of the HFC system. QAM digital channels and a standard television channels can well exits side by side.

550 MHz



13 0
870 MHz

7 8

= Digital, Data, IP Telephony, Video On Demand

Standard Television channels can be replaced by digital television or other digital services (Data, Cablemodem, Security system, IP Telephony system, etc.) on a modern HFC system.


Response of a 870 MHz HFC system

15 to 20 dBm V

50 MHz

108 MHz

121.25 MHz

225 MHz

300 MH z

450 MHz

550 MHz

750 MHz

870 MHz

80 NTSC, Analog channels.

220 MHz of 64 or 256 QAM signals.



coating cladding core

9 mc

The transmitted light is guided down the fiber by reflecting off the outside of the core. The core's index of refraction is slightly higher than that of the surrounding cladding to insure internal refraction. The core is surrounded by optical material called the cladding. The cladding causes the light to remain inside the core. The core and the cladding are usually made of ultra-pure glass called silica. The materials need to be ultra-pure because impurities in the material can lead to a reduction of power output. Impurities can add to absorption and scattering, which would reduce the effectiveness of the fiber. The buffer coating covers the core and the cladding. The buffer coating is generally made of plastic, which protects the fiber from moisture and other damages.


Mono-mode fiber optic operating frequencies in a HFC system are 1310 or 1550 nanometers.


Performance Characteristics of single mode fiber optic.

4.0 3.5 3.0
Spectral Attenuation ( typical fiber ):
Loss at : 850 nm = 1.31 dB/km 1310 nm = 0.33 dB/km 1550 nm= 0.19 dB/km


Spectral Attenuation ( All Wave fiber ):

4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5

Loss at : 850 nm = 1.31 dB/km 1310 nm = 0.33 dB/km 1550 nm= 0.19 dB/km


2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 a

b c
1000 1200 nm

1400 800


2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

1600 1000 1200 nm 1400 1600


The standard fiber optic is mostly used for every day signal transport. The new AllWave fiber is used for the DWDM and long distance transport. Notice that the humidity peak at 1400 nm, have been removed on AllWave fiber

Dual armored fiber optic cable.

Non-metallic covert fiber optic cable.

Fig-8 Self supporting fiber optic cable.


Optical Transmitter and Return Optical Receiver

Optical Node


30 kilometers of P-III-625 coaxial cable RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp. RF Amp.

This coaxial length spaced at: 22 dB spacing at 450 MHz, able to carry 60 NTSC TV signal, will requires 80 RF Amplifiers.

C/N here will be: 40.97 dB for 4.2 MHz spacing.

30 kilometres of fiber optic, operating at 1310 nm will means a 9.9 dB loss

C/N here will be: 53.00 dB for 4.2 MHz spacing.

Above, shows advantage of fiber optic, over coaxial cable, which are:
Better Carrier to Noise, CTB, CSO specifications at the end of the system. The 30 km fibre link will give more stable signal even with temperature change. The fibre optic link will require less actives equipments than the coaxial link. A 30 km coaxial section will require 80 amplifiers. A 30 km fiber optic link will require a 12 dBm optical transmitter and one optical receiver.


An OTDR uses microwave technology to verify the quality and the length of fiber optic.

Coaxial Section

Coaxial Return 5 / 40 MHz Coaxial Forward 50 / 870 MHz

Fiber optic Return 5 / 40 MHz Fiber Optic Forward 50 / 870 MHz


Optical Interconnection
Monitoring System

T1 / OC 192 to Tel Co

Optical Equipment RF Interconnection 5 to 42 MHz RF Interconnection 50 to 870 MHz Return Alignment and Ingress Control System

Cablemodem Headend Equipment IP-Telephone

RF Sweep

50 to 52 or 73.5 MHz


Response of a Optical Receiver or a RF amplifier for a 870 MHz HFC system.

48.5 dBm V 47.0 dBm V

4 dB

6 dB

10 dB 11.5 dB
37.0 dBm V

50 MHz

108 MHz

121.25 MHz

225 MHz

300 MH z

450 MHz

550 MHz

750 MHz

870 MHz

80 NTSC, Analog channels.

220 MHz of 64 or 256 QAM signals.


Each pocket (section) of a HFC system can have 50 to 1,500 subs.

O t l re iv r p ica ce e

Co xia ca le a l b

F e o t ca le ib r p ic b

Bi-d ct a RF a p r ire ion l m lifie


Headend of a HFC system. Description of a HFC Headend. Coaxial cable - Fiber optic. Passive equipments for a HFC system. Description of the outside plan. RF Amplifiers. Fiber optic. Fiber optic management. System distortion calculation. Understanding bi-directionality. Adjusting a HFC system. Home installation. Test equipments required for a HFC system. CLI. (Ingress & Egress) CMTS, DOCSIS, QAM signal. Cablemodem.


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