Module 2

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ICT Policies

and Safety
Issues in
Teaching and

Lesson 1 ICT National or International
Policies That Are Applicable to
Teaching and Learning

Lesson 2 Safety Issues in ICT

Lesson 3 Uses of ICT Policies in the

Teaching and Learning Environment

Learning Outcomes
ICT National
At the end of the lesson, you should be or International
able to:
 Understand ICT in Education
Policies That
 Define basic concepts in Are Applicable
understanding ICT in Education
 Enumerate the national ICT policies to Teaching
affecting classroom practices and Learning

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Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) can impact
student learning when teachers
are digitally literate and
understand how to integrate it into
the curriculum. When you want
every student to enumerate
national ICT policies, each time
you teach, understanding the
existing and planned national
policies related to ICT, may help
you achieve your goal.

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The World Bank‘s Systems Assessment
for Better Education Results (SABER)
initiative, as part of their work,
attempts to document national
educational technology policies
around the world and their evolution
over time. Policymakers try to
benchmark their policies on ICT use in
education against international
norms, so a related SABER- ICT policy
framework has been developed.
Likewise, those of comparator
countries around the world, identify
key themes and characteristics, draw
on an analysis of their policy
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vision and planning;

Eight policy
ICT infrastructure;

around the teachers;

world that are

skills and competencies;

identified in learning resources;

educational EMIS (Education Management Information Systems) ;

policies monitoring and evaluation; and

equity, inclusion, and safety.

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The policymakers are challenged to offer
useful related policy guidance for rapid
developments and innovations in the
technology sector (Trucano, 2016).

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There are two official documents wherein Policy on the
use of ICTs in the Philippine basic education system is
articulated. The Medium-Term Development Plan of the
Philippines (MTPDP) 2004-2010. The MTPDP states:
 ICT will be harnessed as a powerful enabler of capacity development. It will, therefore,
be targeted directly towards specific development goals like ensuring basic education for all
and lifelong learning, among others‖ (National Economic Development Authority, 2004a, p. 2)
and the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), that stipulates the following goal of Philippine
primary education:
 We must educate our Filipino learners to filter information critically, seek credible sources of
knowledge, and use data and facts creatively so that they can survive, overcome poverty, raise
their personal and national esteem, and realize a gracious life in our risky new world. (p. 1)
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The Restructured
Basic Education
launched in 2002
aimed to
implement an
curriculum and to
technology in
instruction and
education, with
computer literacy
much emphasis.
According to Arinto (2006), policy statements on ICT integration in
Philippine primary education reflect a human development perspective.
However, critical ICTs for schools’ programs tend to be informed by a
human capital approach. The human development perspective joined
the mainstream of education and development in the 1990s, and it
now reinforces the international consensus on Education for All and the
Millennium Development Goals, However, many educational reform
efforts. It continues to influence the human capital perspective (Avalos,

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Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be

able to: Lesson 2
 Describe the implementation of ICT
policies in teaching-learning
 Know and understand existing and
Safety Issues in
planned national policies related to
ICTs in Education

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Teachers on integrating ICT

Lesson 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 3
Mooij and Smeets (2001) suggested five successive
phases of ICT implementation representing different
levels of ICT transformation of the educational and
learning processes. These include:
(1) the incidental and isolated use of ICT by one or more teachers
(2) increasing awareness of ICT relevance at all levels
(3) emphasis on ICT co-ordination and hardware
(4) focus on didactic innovation and ICT support
(5) use of ICT-integrated teaching and learning that is independent of
time and place

Lesson 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 3 Conclusion
Implementing ICT safety issue policies regarding cyberbullying
 CYBERBULLYING, and it means to try to hurt someone‘s
feelings by using ICT such as the internet, email,
chatrooms, and texting to deliver demeaning messages
at any time and through a variety of avenues.
 Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act (the “Act”),
aims to protect children enrolled in kindergarten,
elementary, and secondary schools and learning
centers (collectively, “Schools”) from being bullied. It
requires Schools to adopt policies to address the
existence of bullying in their respective institutions.

Lesson 2
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Lesson 2
Lesson 1 Lesson 3
eSafety Toolkit for Schools Four elements:

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Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be Lesson 3 Uses

able to:
 Identify ICT policies that are of ICT Policies in
incorporated into the design and
implementation of teaching - the Teaching
learning activities and have a deeper
understanding of the uses of ICTs in and Learning
facilitating the teaching and learning
process Environment
 Incorporate ICT policies in the design
and implementation of teaching-
learning activities

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A. Policy Recommended Programs that have
applications to education teaching- learning:
1. ICT in Education Masterplan for all levels, including a National Roadmap for Faculty
Development in ICT in Education. A National Framework Plan for ICTs in Basic Education was

2. Content and application development through the Open Content in Education Initiative
(OCEI), which converts DepED materials into interactive multi-media content, develops
applications used in schools and conducts students‘ and teacher‘s competitions to promote
the development of education-related web content.

3.PheDNET is a ―walled‖ garden the hosts educational learning and teaching materials
and applications for use by Filipino students, their parents, and teachers. All public high
schools will be part of this network with only DepEd-approved multi-media applications,
materials, and mirrored internet sites accessible from school's PCs.
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4. Established Community eLearning Centers called eSkwela for out-of-school youth
(OSY), providing them with ICT-enhanced alternative education opportunities.

5. eQuality Program for tertiary education through partnerships with state universities and
colleges (SUCs) to improve the quality of IT education and the use of ICT in education in
the country, particularly outside of Metro Manila.

6. Digital Media Arts Program, which builds digital media skills for the government using
Open Source technologies. Particularly the beneficiary agencies organizations, the Cultural
Center of the Philippines, National Commission and for Culture and Arts, State
Universities, and local government units.

7. ICT skills strategic plan, which develops an inter-agency approach to identifying strategic
and policy and program recommendations to address ICT skills demand- supply type.

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B. Some Issues on ICT and Internet Policy and Regulations
Issue No. 1: Freedom of Expression and Censorship.
 The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides that everyone has the right to
freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, likewise the right to freedom of opinion
and expression.
 Censorship restricts the transmission of information by blocking it or filtering information
Issue No. 2: Privacy and Security
 Privacy means ―personal privacy,‖ the right of individuals not to have their home, private
life, or personal life interfered with.
 Privacy of communication refers to the protection from interference with transmission
over the phone or the internet.
 Information privacy must be used for purposes and will not be disclosed to others
without the consent of the individuals.
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Issue No. 3: Surveillance and Data Retention
 Indirect Surveillance – no direct contact between the agent and the
surveillance subject and but evidence of activities can be traced.
 Dataveillance –the use of personal information to monitor a person‘s activities.
 Data Retention – the storage and use of information from communication

Issue No. 4: E-pollutants from E-waste

 A large amount of E-waste is generated by ICT.
 These are in particular, terminal equipment for computing, broadcasting,
telephony, and peripherals.
 Material waste can be destroyed by crushing, toxic material brought by the
different equipment requires top management.

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Essential points covered in the Module include:
 Overview of National policies related to ICT in Education Policy
 Enumerate the national ICT policies affecting classroom practices
 Impact of ICT in Education Policy to teaching and learning
 Discussion on how various ICT can be used in the curriculum and how this
information improved the delivery of teaching-learning.
 Identification of ICT policies that are incorporated to the design and
implementation of teaching-learning activities and have a deeper understanding
of the uses of ICTs in facilitating the teaching and learning process
 Integrating ICT policies in the design and implementation of teaching-learning


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