Iwn Unit-5 PPT

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Wireless ATM &


Wireless ATM network

service scenarios:

•wireless LAN networks with dynamically modified structure

•broadband wireless access networks
•wireless point-to-point links
•Wireless access (ETSI BRAN)
•shared medium
•relatively high error ratios
•relatively low bit rates
•Mobility (ATM Forum)
•Location Management (LOC)
•Handover Control (HOC) without loosing connections and
with QoS persistence
WATM Network
Wireless ATM System - Basic Architecture
Elements of a WATM network
• New components
• ATM switch with “M” UNI/NNI interface
• ATM base station with “M” UNI/NNI and “W” UNI interfaces
• ATM mobile terminal with “W” UNI interface

+ mobility support software

+ radio ports

• The elements of a WATM network are shown in Figure below. In the

WATM environment, we have two new elements, the WATM-MS and
the ATM-BS, and we need to upgrade the ATM switches to support
• The WATM environment needs to define a new UNI air- interface “W”
for wireless operation and a new UNI-NNI interface protocol, ”M” that
connects the ATM-BS to the ATM switches.
Elements of a WATM network

• The WATM-MS is physically implemented on a radio NIC

(net-work interface card)
• Hardware and mobility or radio enhanced UNI software for
handling call initiation and traffic handling.
• The ATM-BS is a new small ATM switch with ports for
wireless and wired connections. This switch also needs
enhanced UNI-NNI software which supports mobility in the
wireless medium.
• The ATM switch with mobility software is a normal switch
with upgraded UNI-NNI software that handless mobility.
WATM Protocol Architecture
Physical Layer:

•A bit rate ranging 5-10 Mpbs can be achieved using existing

wireless technologies.
•CDMA provides an efficient solution for frequency reuse and
achieve bandwidth 2-4 times.
•In a Pico-cellular environment we can achieve bit range of 8-
16Mb/s using narrow band approach(TDMA).
•Overall with a good physical layer design it should be possible
for macro(5-10km),micro(0.5km) and Pico(100m) cells to
support baud rates.

• Cell radius:
• 50-500 m (microcell or picocell environment)
• Band:
• 5GHz Unlicensed NNI band (USA)
• "Hiperlan" band (Europe)
• in future 20/30 or 60GHz (limited mobility)
• Bit rate:
• ~25Mb/s (2-4Mb/s sustained, 5-10Mb/s peek VCs)
• Modulation:
• Access Method:
Physical layer
Media access control(MAC)
• WATM MAC is responsible for providing functionally point to
point links for the higher protocol layer to use.
• Each station registers it's address to it's hub during a hub
initiated slotted-ALOHA content period for new registration so
that make itself know by others.
• In a shared environment, there must be some control over the
usage of the medium to guarantee QoS. An extended TDMA,
which satisfies PCR (Peak Cell Rate), SCR (Sustainable Cell
Rate), and MBS (Maximum Burst Size) requests, is suggested.
• Another design issue of MAC layer is to support multiple PHY

• Reservation based MAC protocols

• Piggybacking
• Assigned reservation slots
• Contention slots
• Pooling based MAC protocols
• Generic frame structure (TDMA/TDD)

Header Data Reservation period

Data Link Control (DLC):
• Data Link Control is responsible for providing service to ATM
layer . Mitigating the effect of radio channel errors should be
done in this layer before cells are sent to the ATM layer.

• In order to fulfill this requirement, error detection or

retransmission protocols and forward error correction methods
are recommended.

WATM Mobility Support:

• Handover Management (HOC)

• Location Management (LOC)

•In WATM networks, a mobile end user establish a virtual circuit

(VC) to communicate with another end user .
•When the mobile end user moves from one AP (access point) to
another AP, proper handover is required. To minimize the
interruption to cell transport, an efficient switching of the active
VCs from the old data path to new data path is needed.
•When the handover occurs, the current QoS may not be
supported by the new data path. Since a mobile user may be in
the access range of several APs, it will select the one which can
provides the best QoS.
•During the handover, an old path is released and a new path is
then re-established.
Location Management:

•There are two basic location management schemes:

mobile PNNI scheme
location register scheme.
•In the mobile PNNI scheme, when a mobile moves, the
reachability update information only propagates to the nodes in
a limited region , if a call is originated by a switch in this region,
it can use the location information to directly establish the
• If a call is originated by a switch outside this region, a connect
is established between this switch and the mobile's Home Agent,
which then forward the cells to the mobile.

•Due to the mobility feature of mobile ATM, routing signaling is

a little bit different from that for the wired ATM network. First,
mapping of mobile terminal routing-id's to paths in the network
is necessary.
• Also rerouting is needed to re-establish connection when the
mobiles move around. 

•Addressing issue of WATM focuses on the addressing of the

mobile terminal. Solution is that each mobile terminal has a
name and a local address.. It's constant and doesn't change
while the terminal moves.

•When a terminal is up, it's name is advertised by the switch it

attaches to other switches. An local (or temporary) address is
assigned when the mobile terminal attaches to a different switch
during roaming where it assign a local significant address to the
RRC (Radio resource control)

• RRC is needed for support of control plane functions

related to the radio access layer.
• It should support radio resource control and
management functions for PHY, MAC, and DLC
• The design issues of RRL will include
control/management syntax for PHY, MAC and DLC
layers; meta-signaling support for mobile ATM; and
interface to ATM control plane.
High Performance Radio Local Area
Motivation of HiperLAN
 Massive Growth in wireless and mobile
 Emergence of multimedia applications
 Demands for high-speed Internet access
 Deregulation of the telecommunications industry
HiperLAN networks can be deployed at hot spot areas,
e.g. airports, hotels, etc, to enable an easy way of
offering remote access and Internet services to business
 Two main standards families for Wireless Lan:
 IEEE 802.11 (802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g...)
 ETSI Hiperlan (Hiperlan Type 1, Type 2, HiperAccess, HiperLink...)
 HiperLAN Family

Hiperlan 1 Hiperlan2 HiperAccess HiperLink

Description Wireless Wireless ATM Wireless Local Wireless Point-
Ethernet Loop to-Point

Freq. Range 5GHz 5GHz 5GHz 17GHz

PHY Bit Rate 23.5Mbps 6~54Mbps ~25Mbps ~155Mbps

(data rate) (data rate)
The History, Present and Future
HiperLAN Type 1

Developed by ETSI during 1991 to 1996

Goal: to achieve higher data rate than IEEE 802.11 data rates:
1~2 Mbps, and to be used in ad hoc networking of portable
Support asynchronous data transfer, carrier-sense multiple
access multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA), no
QoS guaranteed.
Proxim's High Speed RangeLAN5 product family (24Mbps;
5GHz; QoS guaranteed)
RadioLAN’s products for indoor wireless communication
(10Mbps; 5GHz; Peer-to-Peer Topology)
• Figure shows the overall architecture of an ad hoc network In
HIPERLAN-1’s and ad hoc network architectures, a multi hub
topology is considered that also allows overlay of two WLANs.

the multi hop routing extends the HIPERLAN node is either a

forwarder, designated by “F”, or a non forwarder node simply
accepts the packet that is intended for it.

A forwarder node retransmits the received packet, if the packet

does not have its own node address, to other terminals in its

Each non forwarder node should select at least one of its neighbors
as a forwarder. Inter-HIPERLANs.
To support routing and maintain the operation of a
HIPERLAN, the forwarders and non forwarder need to
periodically update several databases.
 In Figure , solid lines represent peer-to-peer
communications between two terminals and dashed lines
represent the connections for forwarding.
Three of the terminals, 1,4, and 6, are designated by letter
“F” indicating that they have forwarding connections.
 There are two overlapping HIPERLANs, And B, and
terminal 4 is a member of both WLANs which can also act as
a bridge between the two.
This architecture does not have an infrastructure, and it
has a large coverage through the multihop operation.
HIPERLAN1 Reference model
Physical Layer
 The PHY layer of the HYPERLAN-1 uses 200MHz at 5.15-5.35 GHz,
which is divided in 5 channels (40 MHz spacing) in the European
Union and 6 channels (33 MHz spacing) in the United States.

In the United States, there are 3 more channels at 5.725-5.825

GHz bands.

The transmission power can go as 1W (30 dBm) and modulation

is the single carrier GMSK that can go as high as 1W (30 dBm),. and
modulation is the single carrier GMSK that can support up to

The PHY layer of the HIPERLAN-1 codes each 416 bits into 496
coded bits with a maximum of 47 code wards per packet
Media Access Control (MAC)
The HiperLAN 1 MAC layer defines the various protocols that provide the
HiperLAN 1 features of power conservation, security, and multi-hop routing,
as well as the data transfer service to the upper layers of protocols.
•HiperLAN 1 support both infrastructure and ad-hoc topology.
In infrastructure topology, each HiperLAN 1 device will select one and only one
neighbor as Forwarder and transmits all traffic to the Forwarder.
• In ad-hoc topology, there is no such controller, every device can communicate
directly with each other.
•In IEEE 802.11, Priority is embedded in Inter-Frame Space, thus the priority is
•HiperLAN 1 assigns channel access priorities dynamically to the packets.
•HiperLAN 1 uses the following two parameters to calculate the priority:
a) Packet Lifetime
b) User Priority
Channel access scheme

• The CAC layer defines how a given channel access attempt will be made
depending on whether the channel is busy or idle, and at what priority level
the attempt will be made.

• It is the CAC layer which implements the hierarchically independent,

Non-pre-emptive Priority Multiple Access (NPMA) mechanism on which
most of the HiperLAN 1 advanced features are built.

• A transmission passes through three phases:

a) the prioritization phase,
b) the contention phase
c) and the transmission phase.
• The transmission phase forms the channel access cycles because during
the transmission the medium is considered free.
The whole three phases forms a synchronized channel access cycle.
HiperLAN Type 2

Next generation of HiperLAN family: Proposed by ETSI BRAN

(Broadband Radio Access Networks) in 1999, and is still under
Goal: Providing high-speed (raw bit rate ~54Mbps) communications
access to different broadband core networks and moving terminals
Features: connection-oriented, QoS guaranteed, security mechanism,
highly flexibility
Product: Prototypes are available now, and commercial products are
expected at the end of 2001 (Ericsson).

HiperAccess and HiperLink

In parallel to developing the HIPERLAN Type 2 standards, ETSI BRAN
has started work on standards complementary to HIPERLAN Type 2.
HIPERACCESS: 5.1 GHz to 5.3 GHz, range of 5000 meters, data rate
greater than 20 Mbps, stationary mode
Hiperlink 155Mbps data rates still some way off.
 Typical application scenarios

 HiperLAN: A complement to present-day wireless

access systems, giving high data rates to end-users in
hot-spot areas.
 Typical app. Environment: Offices, homes, exhibition
halls, airports, train stations, etc.
 Different with Bluetooth, which is mainly used for
linking individual communication devices within the
personal area network
Hiperlan2 System Overview

 Features
 5 GHz technology, up to 54 Mbit/s
 Generic architecture supporting:
Ethernet, IEEE 1394, ATM, 3G etc
 Connection-oriented with QoS per conn.
 Security - authentication & encryption
 Plug-and-play radio network using DFS
 Optimal throughput scheme
Architecture Control Plane User Plane





HiperLAN Type 1 Reference Model HiperLAN Type 2 Reference Model

MAC: Medium Access Sublayer EC: Error Control

CAC: Channel Access Control SublayerRLC: Radio Link Control
PHY: Physical Layer RRC: Radio Resource Control
DLC: Data Link Control Layer ACF: Association Control Function
CL: Convergence Layer DCC: DLC Connection Control
Physical Layer
Modulation scheme: Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing
(OFDM)  providing up to 54 Mbps transfer rate for both the uplink
and downlink
Currently, most WLAN products operate in the unlicensed 2.4GHz
band, which has several limitations: 80MHz bandwidth; spread
spectrum technology; interference
Hiperlan2: 19 channels (20MHz apart). Each channel divided into
52 subcarriers
Encoding: Involves the serial sequencing of data, as well as FEC
Key feature: Flexible transmission modes
With different coding rates and modulation schemes
Modes are selected by link adaptation
BPSK, QPSK as well as 16QAM (64QAM) supported
Data Link Control Layer
 Three main control functions
 Association control function (ACF): authentication, key
management, association, disassociation, encryption
 Radio resource control function (RRC): handover, dynamic
frequency selection, mobile terminal alive/absent, power saving,
power control
 DLC user connection control function (DCC): setup and release
of user connections, multicast and broadcast
 Connection-oriented
 After completing association, a mobile terminal may request one
or several DLC connections, with one unique DLC address
corresponding to each DLC connection, thus providing different
QoS for each connection
 DLC: MAC Sublayer
 Basic frame structure (one-sector antenna)
 BCH (broadcast channel): enables control of radio resources
 FCH (frequency channel): exact description of the allocation of
resources within the current MAC frame
 ACH (access feedback channel): conveys information on previous
attempts at random access
 Multibeam antennas (sectors) up to 8 beams supported
 A connection-oriented approach, QoS guaranteed

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