• Definition of specification
• Essentials of Specifications
• Specifications for building works
Earthwork excavation.
PCC in bed concrete
UCRM in footings
Ashlar Masonry
RCC work
Wood work
Definition of Specification and Essentials
Dimensioning: N,L,B,D
PCC in bed concrete in CC 1:4:8
Materials: Cement (OPC, Blended), sand (F.M
2.36, dust and soil free), Coarse Aggregates (CA)
basalt, angular, 40mm down, water- potable
quality, admixtures-plasticizers, air entraining
agents (if any)
T & P: Trowels, mixers, tarpaulin sheets, boxes,
guaging boxes 30cm X 45cm X 40cm , steel or
wooden forms, Tamping steel rod 25mm dia,
Materials are guaged as per mix proportion
and mixed in dry state thoroughly. CA are
guaged in guaging boxes, sand guaged in
boxes WRT 1 bag of cement.
Water added to dry mix as per W/C ratio
Mixing time 15 min to 30 min (hand or
machine mix)
Steel or timber Forms are fixed in position,
concrete applied in layers (each layer depth= 1/3 of
total depth of bed concrete) , each layer is tamped
25 times using steel tamping rod of diameter
25mm and length=1.5m, thorughly and uniformly.
Forms removed after 7 days of application of
Curing; 8 days using wet jute sheets
Protection: No load applied on conc for 21 days
Dimesioning: N,L,B,D
UCR masonry in footings in CM 1:6
Materials: stone (trap, sand stone),cement –
OPC, Blended, sand: FM 2.36mm, water –
potable, plasticizers (if any)
T & P: Line out marking tools, trowels, chisel,
boxes, tarpualin sheets, Plumb for vertical
Top Surface of bed concrete cleaned and The line
out for laying stones marked with marking tools.
Stones are dressed atleast on one face using chisels
Stones are laid such that height of each layer ht not
more than 20cm, no vertical joints formed
English bond adopted for laying
Through stones are used at every 1/3 rd height.
Stone chips not used and joint thickness not
exceeds 15mm
Raking back adopted for work progress.
Curing: 8 days
Protection; No load applied on footings for next 15
Dimensions; physical meas of N, L , B, D (C/S
2.5cm thick D.P.C in CC 1:1.5:3
Materials: cement, sand, CA (10mm down),
impermo or damp proofing agent of approved
quality , admixtures (plasticizers, air entraining
agents of approved quality), potable water.
T & P; Trowels, guaging boxes, mixers, boxes,
steel tray, tamping rod, forms, sand paper, wire
WP: The top surface of footings are cleaned
If required sand paper and wire brush used.
Joints of footings top are filled with 12mm thick
cement sand mortar, 1;6 throughout and the
footing surface made plain
Forms are fixed and plugged.
Mixing of materials done in dry state as per mix
proportion, mixing duration 15min, DPC agent
added @ rate of 3.5kg/cement bag, for mixing,
trowels, tray and boxes used.
Water added as per W/C ratio
DPC applied to full width of plinth in 3 layers
and each layer tamped 25 times using tamping
Curing: 8 days, wet jute sheets used
Protection: DPC coat covered with water
proof sheets for 15 days and no load applied
Dimensiong: N, L,B (plinth width)
Ashlar Masonry : Same as UCRM, but height of each
layer not exceed 15cm in any case and all faces of
stone are dressed orthogonal and joint thickness not
exceed 5mm.
BBM in CM 1:6
Materials: Burnt bricks of size 200mm X 100mm X
100mm (brick strength not less than 3.5 N/mm 2 ,
cherry red colour, free from defects, ringing sound,
water abs % <15%, adequate frog depth) cement,
sand , water
T& P: scaffolding materials (wood or steel
type), trowels, tarpaulin sheets, plumb, neils,
Soaking of bricks in potable water for 48
hours before put for use.
Soaked bricks laid in English bond , vertical
alignment obtained through plumb
Broken bricks not used
Each layer laid such that, Vertical joints not formed. Joint
thickness less than 6mm.
Scaffolding provided for masonry height more than 1.5m
Curing: Done with potable water for 8 days
Protection: Scaffolds used for protection for next 15 days
and no load applied in this period.
Dimesioning: N,L,B (Wall thcikness) ,D (ht of SS),
RCC work in Slab in CC 1:2;4
Materials; Cement (OPC, Blended), CA (basalt,
angular, less than 10mm size), Sand (FM 2.36, dust
free, organic matters free, soil free), potable water,
tor steel as per approved quality , binding wires,
linseed or mustard oil
T & P: Mixers (min 35 liters capacity), needle
vibrator equipment, bar bending and cutting tools,
drillers, forms, scaffolds of approved
quality, neils, tamping rod, guaging box, box
Form work of approved quality is provided (form
work plate thk not less than 40mm, props dia not
less than 10cm, props supported on wedges 0.45m X
0.45m , diagonal braces provided), neils used to
connect forms
Reinforcement provided with tor steel with threads
bars, with appropriate bent, lap, hook lengths and
spacing (As per drawing). Bar bending done as per
drawing, using tools.
Bars are tied using binding wires.
Appropriate clear cover, joints and side covers
provided. (CC-15mm for slab, 30mm for beam)
Gauging of materials as per mix proportion, in
dry state, mixed thorougly and filled in mixer,
mixing period not less than 20min, water
added as per W/C ratio, admixtures are added
as per requirement
Concrete mix poured in the forms in layers and each
layer compacted using vibrators for 10mins, and then
tamped for 25 times
Curing: 28 days , impounding curing techniq
Protection: Form work not remove until 28 days of
casting, no load applied in this period, to remove form
work oil is used to avoid hitting of edges, shuttering
plates removed first, followed by removal of centring
Dimesioning: L,BD (slab depth)
Plastering 25mm thick in CM 1;6
Materials: cement, sand, air entraining agents,
water (potable)
T & P; Floats, trowels, steel brush, sand paper,
Rough coat: The joints of brick masonry are raked
to 2cm depth, full surface cleaned and made wet.
Dubbing out done and dots formed on the
surface for plastering
cement and sand mixed as per mix proportion, if
required admixtures added, 30 min mixing, water
added as per W/C
Mortar applied b/w dots and on dots and spread,
pressed with floats, trowels and levelled
Ist coat allowed to dry for 3 days (8mm thk)
2nd coat (Brown coat) applied after dashing and
cleaning first coat. Dots formed and plaster coat
applied and rubbed with floats ( 6mm thk)
Float coat (5mm thk) Applied after 2nd coat
dries up , using trowels and float.
Finishing coat (4mm thk) Applied after float
coat dries up and rubbed with pumice stone
to give finished surface.
White Washing: Materials; Primer white, thinner,
T & P: Approved quality brush, scaffolds, ladder,
paint roller
WP: Primer mixed with thinner as per
requirement , applied on plaster surface which is
prepared (plastered surface cleaned and dried)
using paint brushes in H & V directions, allowed
to dry, 2nd coat applied subsequently after the 1st
coat dries and then rolled.
Protection: Surface protected from external
contact for 15 days after application
Dimensioning: Length X height, Breadth X
height. Breadth X Length (ceiling white wash)
20mm thick granite (natural red) tiled Flooring
polished and laid on 7.5cm thick bed concrete in
CC 1:4:8;
Materials: Granite tiles (natural red), cement,
sand, CA, polishing powder, potable water
T & P: Polishing machine, tile cutter, trowel, tray,
box , guaging boxes, Mixer
WP: Guaging of materials as per mix proportion
of bed concrete, mixing of materials
Section of Granite Tiled Flooring
20mm thk
Granite Tiles
6mm thk
mortar bed in
CM 1:4
Concrete bed
7.5cm thick cc
Plinth with
earth fill
Application of concrete (bed conc) in 3 layers
on the earth filled plinth surface and tamping
for 25 times, each layer
Application of 6mm thick mortar bed on the
levelled bed concrete surface
Cutting of granite tiles each of size 0.45m X
0.45m , thickness=0.02m and placing the tiles
on the mortar bed
• For ceramic tiled flooring, white cement putty
will be used.
• For grill work in windows or doors, the steel
frame is fixed into wooden frame of doors or
windows wherein, using drilling machines the
holes are drilled in the wooden frame and the
steel frame is fastened to the wooden frame
using washers, nuts and bolts.
Application of polishing agent on the granite tiled
surface, followed by rubbing with polishing
Curing: 10 days curing is done with wet jute bags
Protection: Load not applied on the floor upto
15 days after laying of floor
Dimensions: LRoom length, BRoom
breadth, area of room
0.63mm thick corrugated tin sheet roofing on
Materials: Tin sheet roof of size 2.1m X 1m size,
thickness =0.63mm, limpet washers, nuts,
bolts, steel angle sections, base plate, gusset
plates, cement, CA, Sand, hollow circular steel
sections of thcikness 2mm and diameter
50mm , height=2.5m, Metal paint
T & P: Drilling machine with drill bits, welding
machine, trowels, axe, measurement and
marking devices, screw drivers, paint brush
WP: Marking of positions for erection of steel
circular sections of height 2.5m
Earthwork excavation in ordinary soil, laying of
bed concrete and erection of concrete
pedestal of height 0.2m AGL
Fixing of circular sections on concrete pedestrals
using rivets, nuts, bolts
Fixing of angle sections to the circuclar sections to
form common rafters and welding of angle sections
in lateral directions to form purlins
Fixing of tin sheet to the common rafter using
washers, nuts and bolts, such that each tin sheet
overlaps another tin sheet by 30% sides. Follwed by
fixing of crown head covers at the central portion.
This is followed by painting with 2 coats of
metallic paint
Curing:1 week curing for concrete pedestrals
Protection: No load applied, and side tin
sheets provided and to avoid detachment of
tin sheet from wind current
Dimensioning: L (Span+ wall thk+proj length)X
secθ X Longer span