Vacuole 1

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 Introduction
 Discovery
 Structure
 Types of vacuole
 functions
 Vacuole are compartment within the
protoplast bounded by membrane tonoplast
containing sap (aqueous solution).
 It is present in both plant and animal

cells.But most abundant in plant cell.

 The number of vacuoles are different in

different types of cells.

 They occupy 90% space of parenchymatous

 Large number of smaller vacuoles are

present in meristematic cells.

 Contractile vacuoles were first observed by
Spallanzani(1776) in protozoa, although
mistaken for respiratory organ.
 Dujardin (1841) named these “stars” as

 In (1842) Schleiden applied the term for plant

cells,to distinguish the structure with the cell

sap from the rest of protoplasm.
 In (1885) de Vries named the vacuole

membrane as tonoplast.
 They generally have no basic shape or size;its
structure varies according to the requirement
of the cell.
 In immature and actively dividing plants cells

the vacuoles are quite small.

 These vacuoles arise initially in young

dividing cells, probably by the progressive

fusion of vesicles derived from the Golgi
 A vacuole is surrounded by membrane called
the tonoplast or vacuolar membrane and
filled with cell sap.
 Most part of vacuoles are occupied by water.
 The solutes are inorganic salts. The sap of

vacuole are also contain sucrose, glucose,

organic acids, phenolic compounds like
tinnins and nitrogenous compounds like
amino acids, peptides, proteins etc
Types of Vacuoles:
 Lytic vacuoles: These are plant specialized
vacuoles, function as reservoir for ions and
matabolites, including pigments and are crucial
to process of detoxification and general cell
 Protein storage vacuoles(PSV): Store proteins are

deposited into protein storage vacuole during

plant seed development and maturation and
stably accumulate to high levels;subsequently,
during germination the storage proteins are
rapidly degraded to provide nutrients for embryo.
 Contractile Vacuoles: Contractile vacuoles are
membrane bounded organelles that are
typically found among members of kingdom
protista. In these cells, the contractile vacuole is
particularly helps in osmoregulation.
 Food Vacuoles: A food vacuole is formed by the
fusion of a phagosome and a lysosome. It
contains digestive enzymes with the help of
which nutrients are digested. The digested
materials pass out into the surrounded
 Sap Vacuole: It is the large , central
organelles that occupy most part of the cell
volume. This organelle contains the fluid
known as cell sap, which consist of such
contents as water , sugars, minerals and
amino acids.
 Gas Vacuole: Gas vacuole are composed of

hollow cylindrical gas vesicles. They are

found in bacteria and have permeable
membrane that allows air to pass through.
 They expand the plant cell and do not dilute its
 It is the store house of cell. It store water and cell

products. It also store food reserves like protein,

flavonoids and alkaloids.
 It is also a store house for metabolic wastes.
 These are permanently stored in the central

 They store calcium in the form of calcium oxalate

which regulate the activity of many enzymes.

 It cause turgor in plant cell.
 It also contain pigments like anthocyanins. It

provide different colour to plant cells,flower

fruit , and vegetables. These colours are
violet, blue, purple, and red.
 It play important role in growth of the cells.

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