Climate Change

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Climate change

By: Joshua Kentish

What is climate change Current climate
Climate change change includes both anthropogenic global
warming and its impact on global
meteorological patterns. There have been
periods of climate change in the past, but the
changes now are faster than any known event
in Earth's history.
How does it happen

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather

patterns. These changes may be natural, but human activity has been the main
driver of climate change since the 19th century, primarily due to the burning
of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas, etc.) that produce heat storage gas. I am.
Examples of climate change
These phenomena include not only the rising trend of temperature
explained by global warming, but also changes such as sea level rise. Loss
of ice sheets in Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic and mountain glaciers
around the world. Blooming flowers / plant changes; extreme weather. "
How can we stop climate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Speak up! Power your home Weatherize, Invest in energy- Reduce water Actually eat the Buy better Pull the plug(s).
with renewable weatherize, efficient waste. food you buy— bulbs. .
energy. weatherize. appliances. and make less of
it meat.
How are people effected by it

By affecting the quality of the air and water, spreading some

diseases more widely, and changing the frequency or severity
of extreme weather events, climate change can also have an
effect on human health. Coastal habitats and communities are
in danger due to rising sea levels.
Effects on animals

Due to changes that result in less food, less

successful reproduction, and interference with the
environment for local wildlife, rising temperatures
reduce the survival rates of many species. Our
National Capital Area parks already show the effects
of these negative developments.

The Arctic Ocean's sea ice is

In general, glaciers are melting
melting more quickly due to the
more quickly.
rising temperatures.

Methane, a potent greenhouse Sea levels are rising,

gas, is being released into the endangering estuarine
atmosphere as a result of ecosystems and coastal
permafrost melting. populations.
Global warming
What is global warming
Global warming is the gradual warming of the Earth's surface that has
been seen since the pre-industrial era (between 1850 and 1900), and is
attributed to human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, which
raises the levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
This phrase should not be used in place of "climate change."
Visual representation
How does it happen

These greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water
vapor, and chlorofluorocarbons. World warming, often known as excess heat in
the atmosphere, is the gradual increase in the average global temperature.
Climate change has emerged as a complication of global warming.
Overall, glaciers are melting at a faster rate.

Examples Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean around the North Pole
is melting faster with the warmer temperatures.
of global Permafrost is melting, releasing methane, a

warming powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.

Sea levels are rising, threatening coastal

communities and estuarine ecosystems.
Ways to stop it
1.Change a light. ...
2.Drive less. ...
3.Recycle more. ...
4.Check your tires. ...
5.Use less hot water. ...
6.Avoid products with a lot of packaging. ...
7.Adjust your thermostat. ...
8.Plant a tree.
How it effects Climate change has made it harder for both
people and wild animals to survive. Droughts
humans and that are more frequent and extreme, storms,
heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers,
animals and warmer oceans can all directly injure
animals, destroy the habitats they rely on for
survival, and have a disastrous impact on
people's way of life and communities.

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