Reading Comprehension 2 (Autosaved)

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Drs. Anwar S., MBA, M.Pd
Work and Strong Motivation
Passion and Psychological Well-Being Recently,
Vallerand (2012) proposed that engaging in a
passionate activity on a regular basis has the
potential to not only provide a boost in
psychological well-being but also to lead to
sustainable gains in well-being. In a nutshell, the
rationale behind this hypothesis rests on three
elements. First, passion for the activity is
important because it is the motivational force that
leads the person to engage in the activity on a
regular basis. This is the sustainable part.
Continued ...

Passion for a given activity leads the person to return to the activity
regularly. Second, the type of effects that will be experienced during
activity engagement depends on the type of passion. Much research
in a variety of life domains, including work, reveals that harmonious
passion leads the person to experience a number of positive
affective experiences (e.g., positive emotions, task satisfaction)
during task engagement and may even serve to protect against
negative task experiences. Typically, obsessive passion induces little
positive experiences and may even facilitate negative experiences
(e.g., Mageau & Vallerand, 2007; Vallerand et al., 2003, Studies 1
and 2; Vallerand et al., 2006, Studies 2 and 3; see also Vallerand,
2008, 2010 for reviews).
This is the quality part of the equation. Finally, in line with the Broaden-
and-Build theory (Fredrickson, 2001), much research reveals that such
positive affective experiences facilitate psychological well-being because
they expand the self and broaden one’s repertoire of skills. This is the
function part of the equation. Thus, overall, it is proposed that the high
quality of affective experiences that one derives from having a
harmonious passion for an activity serves a purpose because it facilitates
one’s psychological well-being at the short-term level. Furthermore,
because one’s passion for the activity leads us to re-engage in the activity
on a regular basis, these short-term gains in well-being do not disappear
as they are experienced regularly and thus are sustained over time at the
long-term level.
Word Study
■ Provide
■ Sustainable
■ Passion
■ Experiences
■ Reveals
■ Equation
■ Purpose
■ Harmonious
■ Proposed
■ Engagement
Case Study
Write your own sentences the words study below, number 1 to
number 5 into Future Perfect tense form AND number 6 t0 number
10 into Present Perfect Tense form.


1. Provide
2. Sustainable
3. Passion
4, Experiences
5. Reveals
. 6. Equation
7. Purpose
8. Harmonious
9. Proposed

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