6CS5 DS Unit-5

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Distributed System
rashi Jain
Assistant Professor
Computer Science ENGG. Department
Acerc, Jaipur
RTU syllabus Of UNIT V
Distributed Agreement: Concept of Faults,
failure and recovery, Byzantine Faults,
Adversaries, Byzantine Agreement,
Impossibility of Consensus and Randomized
Distributed Agreement
Replicated Data Management: concepts and
issues, Database Techniques, Atomic
multicast and Update Propagation.
CORBA case study: Introduction,
Architecture, CORBA RMI,CORBA
Lecture Plan of Unit V
 Concepts of faults ,failure and recovery
 Fault Classification Lecture 1
 failure models in distributed system
 Recovery in Distributed system
 Byzantine faults
 Adversaries
 Byzantine Agreement Lecture 2
 Impossibility of Consensus
 Randomized Distributed Agreement
 Exponential time shared memory consensus Lecture 3
 Polynomial time shared memory consensus
 Message passing Randomized consensus
Lecture Plan of Unit V(Cont..)
Memory management Algorithm
Replicated data management Lecture 4
Concepts and Issues
Database Techniques
Atomic multicast
Update Propagation
Epidemic Algorithm Lecture 5
Update Logs
Case study : CORBA Lecture 6
Concept of Fault, Failure & Recovery

◦ Fault tolerance is the ability of a system to
perform its function correctly even in the
presence of internal faults.
The concept of fault, failure & Recovery is
described by using following points.
◦ Fault Classification
◦ Failure model in distributed system
◦ Recovery in Distributed system.
Fault Classification
Fault can be classified as transient or
A transient fault will eventually disappear
without any apparent intervention.
A permanent one will remain unless it is
removed by some external agency.
Classification of faults
◦ Crash Fault
◦ Omission fault
◦ Timing Fault
◦ Byzantine fault
Failure Model in Distributed System
◦ It define a precise specification of the faults that
can be exhibited by processes and
communication channels.
◦ Omission Failure
◦ Timing Failure
◦ Arbitrary Failure
Recovery In Distributed System
◦ A transaction processing system will go through a
recovery of the database to cope when the system
fails, it involves the backup, journals, checkpoint and
recovery manager.
Types of Recovery Techniques:
◦ Journal: A journal maintain an audit trail of
transaction and database changes.
◦ Checkpoint: It is to provide a snapshot of the data
within the database.
◦ Recovery Manager: A recovery manager is a program
which restores the database to a correct condition
which can restart the transaction processing.
Byzantine Faults
◦ A Byzantine fault is an arbitrary fault that occur
during execution of an algorithm by a
distributed system.
Itencompasses both omission failures and
commission failure.
When a byzantine fault has occurred the
system may respond in any unpredictable
way, unless it is designed to have byzantine
fault tolerance.
◦ An adversary is a demon that has a great deal of
control over the environment in which your
protocol executes and will try to make your
protocol fail.
The adversary has the power to examine the
global state and to schedule the execution of
the protocol.
Adversary is the ability to destroy or modify
message and change the protocol that some
of the processors execute.
Byzantine Agreement
◦ It refers to distributed agreement algorithm in
which a failed processor can send arbitrary
message into the network.
◦ A failed processor can try to prevent the
nonfailed processor from reaching an
Impossibility Of Consensus

Consensus is the task of getting all

processes in a group to agree on some
specific value based on the votes of each
The impossibility result depend completely
on the fact that the distributed system is
asynchronous. While processor can fail the
system is otherwise reliable.
Randomized Distributed Agreement
A randomized algorithm is one which
contains an assignment to a variable based
on the outcome of tossing a fair coin or a
random number generator.
The randomized distributed agreement can
be described by using some point that is as
◦ Exponential Time Shared memory Consensus.
◦ Polynomial Time Shared memory Consensus.
◦ Message Passing Randomized Consensus.
Randomized Distributed Agreement(Cont..)
Exponential Time Shared memory Consensus:
◦ It is simple-minded approach to writing a
consensus protocol in a shared memory system.
◦ We initialize by choosing a value to prefer, Vp we
look at the value preferred by every other
processors {Vj}. If all other processors have the
same value Vi =Vp, we decide on value Vp.
Otherwise we flip a coin and set Vp to the value
of the coin Flip.
Polynomial Time Shared memory Consensus
This protocol make it that every processor
obtains the same value on its flip() on a given
round r.
If every processor obtain the same value for
flip() on an arbitrary round r will probability at
least Psame, the SM_Consensus protocol will
require O(1/Psame) rounds.
If Psame is independent of N, only an expected
constant number of round are required. So it is
worthwhile to spend a fair amount of effort to
get every processor to flip the same coin.
Message Passing Randomized Consensus
It is similar to the shared memory
consensus protocol except shared variable
is the V array.
The element V[i] is written to by
processor i only and is read by every other
processor. So array V makes shared
memory look like a broadcast medium.
A naive translation of the SM_consensus
protocol to the MP_consensus protocol is
o broadcast all updates.
Memory Management Algorithm
◦ In multiprogramming system, to share the
processor with a number of processes that
must be kept in memory. These memory
management is achieved through memory
management algorithms.
Methods of Memory Management:
◦ Fixed Partitioning
◦ Variable Partitioning
◦ Paging
◦ Segmentation
Memory Management Algorithm(Cont..)
Fixed Partitioning
◦ In this method, memory is divided into
partitions whose sizes are fixed. Operating
system is placed into the lowest bytes of the
memory. Processes are classified on entry of
the system according to their memory they

Operating System

(nkB) Small

(3nkB) Medium
Memory Management Algorithm(Cont..)
Variable Partitioning
◦ In it, the memory size may vary dynamically.
◦ In it, we keep a table(linked list) indicating
used/free areas in memory.
There are three algorithms for searching
the list of free blocks for a specific
amount of memory.
◦ First Fit: Allocate the first free block that is
large enough for the new process. This is the
fast algorithm.
◦ Best Fit
◦ Worst Fit
Memory Management Algorithm(Cont..)

◦ Paging permit a program to allocate
noncontiguous blocks of memory. The OS divide
the program into pages which are blocks of small
and fixed size. Then it divide the physical
memory into frames which are block of size
equals to page size.
The OS uses a page table to map program
pages to memory frames.
Replicated Data Management
◦ Replication is the process of copying & maintaining
database objects in multiple database that make up a
distributed database system.
◦ Replication can improve the performance & protect
the availability of application because alternate data
access option exist.
The replicated data management is described by
using some point.
◦ Concept & Issues
◦ Database Techniques
◦ Atomic Multicast
◦ Update Propagation
Replicated Data Management(Cont..)
Concept & Issues:
◦ Basic replication environment support application
that require read-only access to the table data that
originates from a primary site.
The concept of basic replication environments
◦ Use of basic replication
 Information distribution, off loading & Information
◦ Read-only table snapshots
 It is a local copy of table data that originates from one or
more remote master tables.
◦ Snapshots Refreshes
 A table snapshot is a transaction- consistent reflection of its
master data as that data existed at a specific point in time.
Replicated Data Management(Cont..)
Database Techniques:
◦ It is a technique that are used for managing
replicated data, that is called database techniques.
Itwill examine the fundamentals algorithms
for maintaining data consistency in a
distributed database.
Types of Database techniques:
◦ Database logging & Recovery
◦ Two-phase Commit
◦ Three-phase Commit
◦ Replicated-Data- Management
◦ Dynamic Quorum Changes
Atomic Multicast
◦ If one processor on the delivery list receives a
reliable multicast messages, every processor
on the delivery list receives the message.
Some point to describe the Atomic
◦ Virtual Synchrony
◦ Ordered Multicasts
◦ Reliable & Casual multicast
◦ Group Membership
◦ Atomic group multicasts.
Update Propagation
The use of update propagation is to
replicate the database it manages.
Updates need to be propagated to all sites.
 The update propagation can be described
by using some point that is as follows.
◦ Epidemic Algorithms
◦ Antientropy
◦ Update Logs
Update Propagation(Cont..)
Epidemic Algorithms
◦ When a server updates a data items d, it should
start the process of distributing the update.
◦ A distributing updates is to have one site contact
another to exchange recent updates, that is called
Update Logs
◦ Every processor p keeps a log L of the updates that
it has processed. The log is an listing of event
records, where each event corresponding to an
Case Study: CORBA
◦ CORBA is a middleware design that allows
application programs to communicate with
one another irrespective of their programming
language, their hardware and software
platforms, the networks they communicate
over and their implementers.
◦ Applications are built from CORBA objects,
which implement interfaces defined in
CORBA’s interface definition language.
Case Study: CORBA(Cont..)
The Common object Request Broker
architecture is described as follows:
◦ Architecture
◦ CORBA Services
Case Study: CORBA(Cont..)
Architecture of CORBA:
◦ It designed to support the role of an object
request broker that enables clients to invoke
methods in remote objects, where both clients
and server can be implemented in a variety of
programming language.
Case Study: CORBA(Cont..)
In the CORBA architecture contains three
additional components:
◦ The object adapter
◦ The implementation Repository
◦ The interface Repository
CORBA provides for both static & Dynamic
◦ Static invocation are used when the remote
interface of the CORBA object is known at
compile time, enabling client stub & Server
skeleton to be used.
◦ If the remote interface is not known at compile
time, dynamic invocation must be used.
Case Study: CORBA(Cont..)
Object Adapter:
◦ The role of an object adapter is to bridge the
gap between CORBA objects with IDL
interfaces and the programming language
interface of the corresponding servant classes.
◦ Skeleton classes are generated in the language
of the server by an IDL compiler. The skeleton
unmarshals the arguments in request messages
and marshals exception and result in reply
Case Study: CORBA(Cont..)
Client Stub:
◦ In the client language, a set of stub procedures is
generated from an IDL interfaces by an IDL
compiler for the client language.
Implementation Repository:
◦ It is responsible for activating registered servers
on demand and for locating servers that are
currently running.
◦ The object adapter name is used to refer to
servers when registering and activating them.
Interface Repository
◦ It is to provide information about registered IDL
interfaces to client and servers that requires it.
Case Study: CORBA(Cont..)
◦ CORBA RMI requires more of the
programmer than programming in a single
language RMI system such as Java RMI.
CORBA Services:
◦ CORBA naming Services
◦ CORBA Event Services
◦ CORBA notification Services
◦ CORBA Security Services.
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