Types of Margin

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Mark to market (MTM) margin

 Mark to market loss is calculated by marking each transaction in
security to the closing price of the security
at the end of trading.

In case the security has not been traded on a particular day, the latest
available closing price at the NSE is to be considered as the closing

In case the net outstanding position in any security is nil, the

difference between the buy and sell values is considered as notional
loss for the purpose of calculating the mark to market margin payable
• The mark to market margin (MTM) is collected from the member
before the start of the trading of the next day.

The MTM margin is collected/adjusted from/against the cash/cash

equivalent component of the liquid net worth deposited with the
 The MTM margin is collected on the gross open position of the

The gross open position means the gross of all net positions across all
the clients of a member including its proprietary position.

For this purpose, the position of a client would be netted across its
various securities and the positions of all the clients of a
broker would be grossed.
• There would be no netting off of the positions and setoff against MTM
profits across two rolling settlements i.e. T day and T-1 day.

However, for computation of MTM profits/losses for the day, netting

or setoff against MM profits would be permitted.
 In case of Trade for Trade Segment (TFT segment) each trade is
marked to market based on the closing price of that security.

The MTM margin so collected is released on completion of pay-in of

the settlement.
 For a Client A, his MTM profit/ loss would be calculated separately for
his positions on T-1 and T-day (two
different rolling settlements).

For the same day positions of the client, his losses in some securities
can be set off/netted against profits of some other securities.

Thus, we would arrive at the MTM loss/profit figures

of the two different days T and T-1.

These two figures cannot be netted.

Any loss will have to be collected and same will not be set-off against
profit arising out of positions of the other day.
• Thus, as stated above MTM profits / losses would be computed for
each of the clients; Client A, Client B, Client
C, etc.

As regards collection of margins from the broker, the MTM would be

grossed across all the clients i.e. no setoff of loss of one client with the
profit of another client.

In other words, only the losses will be added to

give the total MTM loss that the broker has to deposit with the
exchange. In this example, the broker has to deposit MTM Margin of
Rs. 2000.

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