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6 CVS Regulation

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Blood pressure
Regulation of arterial blood pressure (ABP)
1) Definition and normal values
2) Variations
a) Physiological Variations
b) Pathological Variations
3) Determinants of arterial blood pressure
a) Central factors,
b) Peripheral factors
Contents contd:
4) Regulation of arterial blood pressure
a) Nervous mechanism
b) Renal mechanism
c) Hormonal mechanism
d) Local mechanism

a) Short term control (Baroreceptors reflex,

Chemoreceptor and Circulating hormones) and

b) Long term control (Kidneys and Renin- Angiotensin

Aldosterone mechanism)
• Mean Volum Blood Flow:
This is the volume of blood flow into the region of the circulatory system in a given unit of
Q =VxA
Types of blood flow:
1. Laminar/Stream line flow
2. Turbulent flow

Reynold’s number:
P=density of blood
D= diameter of vessel
V= velocity of blood flow
Ŋ= viscosity
 Factors maintaining the volume of blood flow:

• Pressure gradient
• Resistance to blood flow
• Viscosity of blood
• Velocity of blood flow

 Hagen – Poiseuille equation:

(P 1-P2) x r4
8L x ŋ

 Windkessel Effect
• SHUNT (Thoroughfare) VESSELS

• Eg: Aorta, Pul.artery &their large branches

• WINDKESSEL means Elastic reservoir

• Due to the elastic recoil of the arteries pulsatile flow

of blood is converted into a steady flow in the
• Eg: Arterioles , Metarterioles, Pre-capillary sphincters
• Main site of Peripheral resistance- Arterioles
• R-1/r4
• Vessels of skin & skeletal muscle offer max. resistence
• Metarterioles, Pre-capillary sphincters determine the size
of the open capillary area
• Radius-
Neurogenic factors- sym. Constrictor fibers
Local factors – constrictors –serotonin ,low temp,
Dilators- hypoxia,hypercapnia,increase in temp,decrease in pH
• Eg: Capillaries
• 3 types of capillaries
*Continuos(nonfenestrated) *Fenestrated-
Renal glomeruli,glands
*Discontinuous(sinusoids) –bone
• Eg:Venules,veins
• Venous valves –unidirectional flow
• Venous pressure - central venous
pressure (CVP)-Rt.atrial pressure -4-6 mmHg
peripheral venous pressure-10mmHg
SHUNT (Thoroughfare) VESSELS

• A-V Shunts or A-V anastomoses

• Bypass capillaries
• Important in body temp. regulation
• Skin, fingers, toes, palms etc
• Is the measure for the tendency for the
turbulence to occur.
• Re=V.D.p/n
• V=Velocity , D=Diameter, p(rho)=density,
• Turbulence occurs if the Reynolds number is
more than 2000
Arterial Blood Pressure
• Significance:
1. To ensure the blood flow to various organs
2. Plays important role in exchange of nutrients
and gases across the capillaries
3. Required for urine formation
4. Required for formation of the lymph
It is the lateral force or pressure exerted by the
contained column of blood on the walls of
the blood vessels.

Normal adult = 120/80mmHg


120 systole Range= 90- 140mmHg

80 diastole Range = 60- 90mmHg
Arterial blood pressure is expressed in four different terms

1. Systolic BP (SBP) defined as maximun BP in the arteries

attainable during systole

Normal 120±20 mmHg

Mainly contributed by :
1. Force of heart beat
2. Normal blood volume
3. Cardiac output
Normal Range = 90-140mmHg
2. Diastolic BP(DBP): defined as minimun
pressure that is obtained at the end of the
ventricular diastole

Normal Value = 60-90mmHg

1. Represents a constant load on the arterial walls

2. Index to peripheral resistance (hence more important)
3. Responsible for the flow of blood in the vessels during
4. Responsible for maximum blood flow through coronary
arteries during diastole
3. Pulse pressure (PP): denotes difference
between systolic and diastolic pressure
PP= SBP- DBP =40 mmHg

4. Mean Arterial Pressure(MABP):

MABP= DBP + 1/3 PP
= 95mmHg
Component Definition Features N values
(mm Hg)

SBP Max pressure during Undergoes fluctuations Range

systole Shows degree of work 100-130
done by heart & pres. Av 120
Bld vessel walls to take
DBP Min pressure during More Stable Range
diastole Reflects P R 60- 80
Constant load for heart Av 70
PP S B P- D B P Determines pulse Av
volume 40

MBP Avg pressure thruout Same in all organs & is Range

C.Cycle pres. Head 95- 100
Cv reflexes sensitive to
Factors affecting arterial BP
• Age
• Sex
• Body built
• Diurnal variation
• Exercise
• Emotions
• Gravity
• Hereditary
• Meals
• Sleep
• Posture
Factors affecting B.P
• 1. Age
SBP(mm Hg) DBP(mm Hg)
Newborn: 20-60
At 30 days: 80
12 years: 105 50
17 years: 120 60
60 years: 140 90
• Gender : Females <menopause
• SBP is 4-5mm Hg lesser than Males of same age
after menopause SBP is 4-5 mm Hg more

Body built : Obesity can increase B.P

Climate : Cold- Vasoconstriction - SBP & DBP

Warm- Vasodilation - SBP & DBP
• Diurinal Variation : Fluctuation of 5-10 mm Hg
common, peak values at afternoon, lowest at
early morning

Exercise : Mild Moderate Severe

SBP + ++ +++

DBP -/ + + ++

After 5 min of stoppage- B.P normal

• Emotions:
Excitement, fear & worry - CO & SBP

Gravity : Pressure in BV above heart level is

increased by 0.77 mmHg for each cm vertical
height & in BV below heart, it is decreased by
same factor
( MBP in a cerebral vessel = 62 mmHg, while in
an artery in foot is 177 mm Hg)
• Hereditary tendencies :
Familial tendencies of hypotension &
hypertension with SBP are common

Meals :Increase BP due

A) to pressure over heart due to distended
abdomen increases H.R,
B) increased release of epinephrine
• SBP falls in early hours of sleep by 15-30 mm Hg
due to vasodilation,
• disturbed sleep increases SBP due to Sk. Muscle
tensioning and resultant sympathetic discharge

• Standing posture- SBP decreases & DBP increases
• Sitting posture- normal
• Sleeping posture- SBP increases & DBP decreases
Determinants of arterial BP
Total peripheral
Output Resistance

• CO
= HR ofX SV
blood flow
• Viscosity of blood
• Elasticity of the vessel wall
Korotkoff’s sounds
SBP – 120 mmHg Tapping sound 1

106 Murmur 2

96 loud banging sound 3

86 muffling Sound 4

DBP - 80 No sound 5
• 1. Define blood pressure. Explain short term
and long term regulation of blood pressure.
(10 marks)
BP Regulatory mechanisms:

A) Rapidly acting mechanisms:-

1) Baroreceptor reflex
2) Chemoreceptor reflex
3) Cushings reflex /CNS ischemic response

Baroreceptor zone 160mmHg

Chemoreceptor zone 60

Cushing reflex zone 40

B) Intermediate acting mechanisms:

1 Capillary fluid shift mechanism

2 Stress relaxation mechanism

3 Reverse stress mechanism.

C) Long term acting mechanisms:

• 1 Direct mechanism. {Renal fluid mechanism.}

• 2 Indirect mechanism. {Renin -angiotensin,

aldosterone }
• Vasoconstrictor area
– Anterolateral portions of the upper medulla
• Vasodilator area
– Anterolateral portions of the lower medulla
• Sensory area
– Posterolateral portions of the medulla and lower
pons (Nucleus Tractus Solitarius)
Short term regulatory mechanism:

1. Baroreceptor reflex: (mareys’ reflex): (60-160mmHg)

 Mechano –receptors and respond to stretch

 Carotid sinus reflex
 Aortic sinus reflex
 Exception to Marey’s reflex - exercise
exposure to hot environment

Stimulation of Baroreceptors
(carotid sinus and arortic arch)


Inhibition of VMC Stimulation of CIC

SNS Vagus

Symp.tone Vagal tone

Blood vessals Adrenal medulla Heart

Vasodialation Catecholamines Secretion Bradycardia


Net effect: peripheral resistance

Myocardial contractility
2. Chemoreceptor reflexes:

receptors are – carotid body

aortic body

Respond to chemicals – a) hypoxia

b) hypercapnea
c) Acidosis
Chemoreceptor mechanism:-( <60 mm Hg MBP)
Arterial B.P

Reduced blood flow to chemoreceptors

Hypoxia & Hypercapnia of chemoreceptors

Stimulation of chemoreceptors

Stimulation of vasomotor centre & inhibition of vagal nucleus

Heart rate & Vasoconstriction( P.R.)

Arterial B.P
Cushing reflex:
Increased Intracranial pressure ischemia of the brain.

BP (<40mmHg) (or) Intracranial pressure

Cerebral hypoxia , hypercapnea

Stimulation of Vasomotor centre

SNS action

Heart rate & vasoconstriction ( P.R.)

Arterial B.P.
Intermediate term regulatory mechn.
Act by altering blood volume, are functional from few days-a month
Begin to act in few minutes & reach full function in few hours

Stress relaxation:

BP blood vessels are stretched stress relaxation

BP EBV(effective blood volume) capacity

Capillary fluid shift phenomenon:

Renal mechanism (long term regulation):

• Kidneys plays an important role in the long

term Regulation of arterial blood pressure.
• The neural mechanism adapts to the altered
pressure and looses the sensitivity for the
• in such conditions renal mechanism operates
efficiently to regulate the arterial blood
Kidneys Regulates arterial blood pressure by 2
1) By regulation of ECF volume
2) Renin- Angiotensin Aldosterone
By regulation of ECF volume:
Increased BP –> excessive water and sodium
excretion—>decreased ECF volume and blood
volume –>normal ABP.
Renin- Angiotensin Aldosterone mechanism: Stimuli for Renin secretion
Applied Physiology
Pathological Variations:
Hypertension and Hypotension

1) Hypertension-persistent elevation of systemic ABP

above normal level
There are two types
• Essential ( primary) and secondary HTN

• Essential ( primary) is again two types

 Benign ( BP 200/100mm of Hg) and

 Malignant (Accelerated) HTN
Applied Physiology contd
Hypotension ( BP less than 90 systolic)
Primary and secondary
secondary due to Tabes Dorsalis, Syringomyelia,
Diabetic neuropathy

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