Development of Thermally Insulated Vending Cart For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Development of Thermally Insulated Vending Cart For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Development of Thermally Insulated Vending Cart For Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Safal vegetable vending cart Rickshaw mounted vegetable vending cart Innovative Designs of Thermal insulated
Vending Cart developed earlier
Review of status: Any existing/ past initiatives
to solve this issue? (…2)
• All these above mentioned designs are made with cycle rickshaw
pulling mechanism which may not be accepted by the vendors as they
are not habitual to this mechanism.
• Instead, the design has to be made as per the existing mechanism with
similar convenient features to the vendor.
• Currently available vegetable vending carts priced in between
Rs.30,000 – 50,000 per unit, depending upon the capacity and design.
• The vendors may not be able to afford the investment required for
complete shift from conventional vending carts to the new ones. So, in
this proposal a possible retrofit for vegetable vending cart is
Suggested/proposed solution provided in project
• The proposed project may involve the following tasks and sub-tasks:
– Design modification in current vending cart / design of new vending cart
Analysis of available design alternatives