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ROLL NO : 45
•This is a serious disorder
occurring in late pregnancy,
which is often fatal for both the
mother and fetus.
• First pregnancy
• Male fetuses
• Preeclampsia
• Maternal obesity
• Multiple pregnancies
• This is caused by an autosomal recessive
genetic error.
• Specific enzyme defect is long chain 3-hydroxyl
acyl Co A Dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency.
• Fetus produces abnormal fatty acid metabolites
which lead to maternal microvascular stenosis
and in extreme cases liver failure.


1. Nausea
2. Vomiting
3. Anorexia
4. Vague abdominal discomfort
5. Malaise
6. Followed by jaundice after one week
• Signs of preeclampsia are present
• Progressive worsening of maternal conditions
• In severe cases,there will be endothelial cell activation
with capillary leakage causing haemo
concentration,hepato renal problems,ascites and
pulmonary edema.
• Still birth can occur
• Hypoglycemia is common
• Hepatic encephalopathy,coagulopathy and renal failure
in 50% cases.

• Preeclampsia with HELLP Syndrome

• Viral hepatitis

• LFT are abnormal with increased serum bilirubin and moderate increase in
SGOT and SGPT and alkaline phosphatase.
• Prothrombin time increased
• Disseminated coagulation failure in severe cases.
• Haemolysis and thrombocytopenia
• Increase in uric acid
• USG shows classic feature of ascites or bright liver

• Rapid delivery is essential

• Multidisciplinary approach involving
hepatology,nephrologist ,anesthetist and
• Prompt initiation of supportive therapy including
correction of hypoglycemia and transfusion of
blood products to correct coagulopathy may be
life saving.

• Maternal mortality
1. Due to hepatic failure leading to hepatic encephalopathy,renal
failure and coagulopathy.
2. MR approx. 10% in rural India and centres where facilities for
management of complications are not available.
3. MR can be very low in teritiary centres
4. Liver functions usually returns to normal in a week or may be
delayed for months
• Perinatal Mortality
1. Rates can be as high as 85%
2. Major cause of perinatal mortality is preterm birth due to urgent
need for delivery.
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