ROLL NO : 45
•This is a serious disorder
occurring in late pregnancy,
which is often fatal for both the
mother and fetus.
• First pregnancy
• Male fetuses
• Preeclampsia
• Maternal obesity
• Multiple pregnancies
• This is caused by an autosomal recessive
genetic error.
• Specific enzyme defect is long chain 3-hydroxyl
acyl Co A Dehydrogenase (LCHAD) deficiency.
• Fetus produces abnormal fatty acid metabolites
which lead to maternal microvascular stenosis
and in extreme cases liver failure.
• LFT are abnormal with increased serum bilirubin and moderate increase in
SGOT and SGPT and alkaline phosphatase.
• Prothrombin time increased
• Disseminated coagulation failure in severe cases.
• Haemolysis and thrombocytopenia
• Increase in uric acid
• USG shows classic feature of ascites or bright liver
• Maternal mortality
1. Due to hepatic failure leading to hepatic encephalopathy,renal
failure and coagulopathy.
2. MR approx. 10% in rural India and centres where facilities for
management of complications are not available.
3. MR can be very low in teritiary centres
4. Liver functions usually returns to normal in a week or may be
delayed for months
• Perinatal Mortality
1. Rates can be as high as 85%
2. Major cause of perinatal mortality is preterm birth due to urgent
need for delivery.
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