The Globalization of Religion

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What is Religion?
A belief in a supernatural power o powers that are
regarded as the creators and maintainers of the
Major Religions in the World
 This religion dominates the Americas, Europe, and
the southern half of Africa.
 Based on the life and teaching of Jesus, who is
believed to be the physical Son of God through the
impregnation of Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit.
 Who believes that Jesus was crucified on the cross and
died for the people’s sin.
 The believers of this religion believe called Christians.
 Their scripture is called the Bible
Major religions of the world
This is the top religion in countries located in
northern Africa, Middle East, and in Indonesia.
The believers of this religion are called Muslims.
They believe that there is only one god who is Allah
and that Muhammad is their prophet who conveyed
his teachings as told by archangel Gabriel.
Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last in a series
of great prophets.
Their scripture are called the Qur’an or Koran.
Major Religions of the World
Majority of the population are located in India are affiliated with
The believers of this religion are called Hindus.
They are polytheistic or in simplest term, they believe in many
different gods.
This religion is about the search for liberation that can achieved
through meditation, yoga and prayer.
They believe in the sanctity of all life, reincarnation and karma.
They don’t have scriptures, but they have traditions passed down
through generations.
Major Religions of the World
This is the religion across Southeast Asia and Japan.
It’s believers are called Buddhists.
Promotes solitary and spiritual way of life.
Buddhist strive for a deep insight into the true nature
of life and do not worship for gods and deitis
They focus on personal spiritual development
Major Religions of the World
Atheism and /or Agnosticism
China is the country with the largest poopulation of
atheists and/oragnostics
Atheism is the denial o of the existence of god, or that
he exists, belief in him has no relevance to the life of
man on earth.
Based on the teaching of Laozi.
The Tao Te Ching is collection of Laozi’s teachings.
In Ancient Chinese philosopy, yin and yang
What is Religion?
The belief and a worship of a superhuman controlling power,
especially a personal god or gods.
Religion may be defined as a cultural system of designated
behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified
places, prophecies, ethics, or organization, that relates
humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual
There are many differents of religion, each with a different set
of beliefs. Each religion has different ideas about these things.
The largest religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Jainism.
What is Globalization?
A process refers to phenomenon that cannot simply be
reduced to the ways in which global market have been
Is usually refers to the integration of the national
market to a wide global market signified by the
increased free trade.
Globalization refers to the historical process by
which all the world’s people increasingly come to
live in a single social unit. It implicates religion
and religions in several ways. From religious or
theological perspectives, globalization calls forth
religious response and interpretation. Yet religion
and religions have also played important roles in
bringing about and characterizing globaliztion.
The Globalization of Religion
Religion much more than culture, has the most
difficult relationship with globalism .
First, the two are entirely contrasting belief system.
Religion is concerned with the sacred, while globalism
places values on material wealth.
Religion follows divine commandments, while
globalism abides by human-made laws.
Religion assumes that there is “the possibility of
communication between human and the transcedent.
Globalism’s yardstick, however, is how much of
human action can lead to the highest material
satisfaction and subsequent wisdom that this new
status produces.
Religious people are less concerned with wealth and
all that comes along with it.
They are ascetics precisely because they shun anything
material for complete simplicity from their domain to
the clothes they wear, to the food they eat and even to
the manner in which they talk.
Religious person’s main duty is to live virtuous, sinless
life such that when he/she is assured of a place in the
other world.
On the other hand, globalists are less worried about
whether they will end up in heaven or hell. Their skills
are more pedestrians as they aim to seal trade, deals,
raise profits of private enterprises, improve
government revenue collections, protect the elites
from being excessively taxed by the state and naturally
enrich themselves.
Religious aspires to become saint, the globalist trains
to be shrewd business person.
Religious detects politics and the quest for power for
they are evidence of humanity’s weakness, the
globalist values them as a both means and ends to
open up for further the economies of the world.
In actualization, the relationship between religion and
globalism is much more complicated. Peter Berger
argues that far from being secularized, the
“contemporary worlds is …furiously religious fervor,
occuring in one form of another in all the major
religious traditions- Christianity, Judaism, Islam,
Hinduism, Buddhism, and even Confucianism and in
many places in imaginative synthese of one or more
world religions with indigenous faiths.
The relgions are the foundations of modern republics.
The Malaysian government places are religion at the
center of the political system. Its constitution
explicitly states that “Islam is the religion the
federation,” and the rules of each state was also the
“Head of the religionof is Isam.”
The late Iranian Ayatolla ruholla Khomeini, bragged
about the superiority os islamic rule over its secular
counterparts amd pointed out that” there is no
fundamental destinction among constitutional,
despotic, dictatorial, deomocratic, and communistic
To Khomeini, all secular ideologies were the same
they were flawed and Islamic rule was the superior
form if government because it was spiritual. Yet
Iran calls itsell a republic, a teem that is associated
with the secular.
Moreover, religious movements do not hesitae to
appropriate secular thems and practices.
The moderate Muslim association Nahdlatul
Ulama has ismic shools where students are taught
not only about Islam but also about modern
sciences, modern banking, civic education, rights
of women, pluralism and democracy

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