CHAPTER 1& 2 - Business Communication
CHAPTER 1& 2 - Business Communication
CHAPTER 1& 2 - Business Communication
1. Communication is a process
2. Communication is purposeful
3. Communication involves people
4. Communication involves shared meaning
5. Communication is symbolic
Steady Workflow: in organization if the message is completely conveyed and received it will
results in positive feedback of steady workflow.
Achieving Goals: Organizational goals can only be attained through effective business
Enhance Productivity: It enhances productivity of both monetary and human capital in terms
of performance. People get clearer picture of what they have to give as output which increase
output in any organization.
Global Market: You can overcome the challenges in global market only through effective
business communication. Developing right attitude is crucial to effective communication in
international markets.
Decision making: Only through effective business communication one can make decision
making easy and timely for both customers and investors.
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Communication in Management
Communication is What Do Managers Do?
essential to each of Management Functions (Different Scope at job
the five basic
– Planning
functions of • Setting objectives and determining in
management. In advance exactly (?) how the objectives
order to plan, will be met.
• Monitor for Change and Anticipate or
organize, staff, React
direct and control, • PDCA – Plan – Do – Check - Act
managers must be – Organizing
able to communicate • Delegating and coordinating tasks
and allocating resources to achieve
with other persons- objectives.
and communicate – Leading
well. • Influencing employees to work
toward achieving objectives.
• Setting an Example (Shadow of the
– Controlling
• Establishing and implementing
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Hachalu F to ensure that objectives are21
The Systems Relationship among the Management Functions
Planning Functions
Controlling Organizing
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End of 1 st
Thank You
understanding is assured.
– Encoding: is changing the raw idea from its mental form into
symbols, that is, patterns of words, gestures, pictorial forms or
signs (physical or sounds) of a specific visual /oral language.
a. Noise: B. Inferring:
C. Making frozen evaluation
b. Time & Distance:
5. Attitudes & Opinions
3. Semantics
a) Interpretations of a. Emotional state:
words: b. Favorable/unfavorable information:
• Or they may instead, distort, the meaning and misinterpret the true
purpose of the policy change.
The following are the measures that can be taken to create an open
communication climate:
a) Modify the number of organizational levels
- reduce the number of levels in the organizations
– The fewer the links in the communication chain, the
less likely the misunderstandings will occur.
– a flat structure (having fewer levels) and a wide span
of control are likely to introduce distortion than a tall
structure and a narrow span of control.
b) Facilitate feedback
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2. Committing to ethical communication
Ethical communication includes all relevant information, is true in
every sense and is not deceptive in any way. In order to maintain ethical
communication follow the guidelines below:
a) Recognize ethical choices
– Every company has responsibilities to various groups- customers, shareholders,
suppliers, neighbors, the community and the nation. What’s right for one group may
be wrong for another. Moreover as we attempt to satisfy the needs of one group, we
may be presented with an option that seems right on the surface but some how feels
b) Make ethical choices
– Look at the consequences of the decision and opt for the solution that provides the
greatest good to the greatest number of people, and one that we can live with.
c) Motivate ethical choices
– Organizations can foster ethical behavior:
• by helping top managers become more sensitive communicators
• by using ethics audits
• by rewarding ethical actions
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3. Understanding the difficulties involved
in intercultural communication
– More and more businesses are crossing national
boundaries to compete on a global scale and the
make up of the global and domestic work force
is changing rapidly.
– Hidden agendas
• Private, counter-productive motives, such as a desire to take
control of the group, to undermine someone else on the team,
or to pursue a business goal that runs counter to the team’s
– Cost
• Aligning schedules, arranging meetings, and coordinating
individual parts of a project can eat up a lot of time and money.