Job Search

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True or False

The most effective way to get job interviews is the old adage,
“See a guy who knows a guy,” A technique known as
True or False

A job interview is really a sales presentation by the

applicant. Therefore, the job seeker must sell his or her
personality, potential, strengths, and experience.
True or False

Approximately 2% of job seekers are successful in

obtaining an interview when responding to a blind ad.
True or False

The job application is considered a tool of the employer,

while the resume is considered a tool of the job seeker.
Before you start knocking on doors, you’ll want
to prepare for your search.

1. Self Assessment
2. Explore Career Options
3. Research Employers
4. Prepare Job Search Materials
A self assessment will help you identify what
you are looking for in a job.

You should be able to:

 Describe what you want to do

 Match your skills, values, and interests to career fields and

job titles

 Research your career fields

Researching Employers can help you learn about the
organization and determine your place in it.

1. Make a list of preferred employers to target

2. Learn more about the employers by researching
 Employer Websites  Newspapers
 Networking Opportunities  Fellow Professionals
 Job Related Search Engines  Competitors
 Annual Reports
 Internet
 Trade Associations
 TechConnect

3. Consider conducting informational interviews

Prepare Job Search Materials

 Prepare an effective resume and cover letter – getting a job

 1 page accomplishments based resume
 Proof-read!
 Practice interviewing
 Review practice questions before going to an interview

 Purchase appropriate interview apparel

 Focus on the employer’s needs

Top 10 Job Search Survival Tips

1. Visit University’s Job Placement center

2. Talk to Your Instructor
3. Networking with Friends & Past Employers
4. Consider Volunteering
5. Join a Professional Association
6. Consider Temping
7. Read the Want Ads, Beware of BLIND ADS
8. Get an Internship
9. Give yourself a Break
#1- Consider Volunteering

 Volunteering with help build your network of local


 It also may provide experience in your field. For example: A

marketing student may help plan and advertise for a
fundraising event
#2 - Consider Temping

 Working for a Temporary Agency has many benefits:

 Get your foot in the door of a good organization
 “Try before you buy” – You are able to try out an organization
without much of a commitment
 Get valuable professional work experience
 Meet professionals working in your field
 Earn a few dollars during your job search
#3 - Join a Professional Association

Professional Associations provide:

 Journals

 Provide up to date information about your field (great for

 Highlight the ‘movers and shakers’ in your field
 Provide connections to professional development and
 Access to member information – great for networking!
 Job Listing services
 Great resume builders
 Local Chapters
#4 – Be Vigilant

 Good jobs don’t stay open long- act immediately if

you are interested in a position
#5 - Use the Career Center

 Use the Career Center in person or online

 Individual appointments to assist with your job search

strategies are available

 Check out university job placement office for the latest job
search news, job listings, workshops, networking
opportunities and links to area employers
#6 - Network Intelligently

 Networking is not just about asking someone for a job

 Develop contacts and build long term relationships
 Most jobs come through people who know you and your
 Tell everyone you know that you are looking and what you
are looking for 30-49%
Direct contact with Decision-Makers 19-
Published Job Openings 15-24%
All others 1-16%
#7 - Turn off your computer

 The internet provides a massive amount of information,

however it does not replace valuable personal interaction
 Use your computer as one of many tools necessary for a
successful job search, not the only tool for your job search
 Most people find jobs through other people, not via the
 For each hour you spend online, try to match it with one hour
of phone calls and personal interaction
#8 - Give yourself a break

 Don’t be too hard on yourself. A job search can be a

difficult task.

 Don’t try to compare yourself to others, the job you decide

to take has to be right for you.
Your goal is multiple job offers!

 You have the most control when you have choice

 You have no decisions to make until someone makes you

an offer

 Pursue every option until you get an offer

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