This document discusses capacity management concepts including capacity, economies and diseconomies of scale, capacity measurement, long-term and short-term capacity planning strategies, and the Theory of Constraints. Long-term strategies involve capacity expansion while short-term strategies adjust capacity levels or shift demand. The Theory of Constraints focuses on maximizing utilization at bottleneck workstations to increase throughput.
This document discusses capacity management concepts including capacity, economies and diseconomies of scale, capacity measurement, long-term and short-term capacity planning strategies, and the Theory of Constraints. Long-term strategies involve capacity expansion while short-term strategies adjust capacity levels or shift demand. The Theory of Constraints focuses on maximizing utilization at bottleneck workstations to increase throughput.
This document discusses capacity management concepts including capacity, economies and diseconomies of scale, capacity measurement, long-term and short-term capacity planning strategies, and the Theory of Constraints. Long-term strategies involve capacity expansion while short-term strategies adjust capacity levels or shift demand. The Theory of Constraints focuses on maximizing utilization at bottleneck workstations to increase throughput.
This document discusses capacity management concepts including capacity, economies and diseconomies of scale, capacity measurement, long-term and short-term capacity planning strategies, and the Theory of Constraints. Long-term strategies involve capacity expansion while short-term strategies adjust capacity levels or shift demand. The Theory of Constraints focuses on maximizing utilization at bottleneck workstations to increase throughput.
2 Describe how to compute and use capacity measures 3 Describe long-term capacity expansion strategies 4 Describe short-term capacity adjustment strategies 5 Explain the principles and logic of the Theory of Constraints Capacity Capability of a manufacturing or service resource to accomplish its purpose over a specified time period Viewed as maximum rate of output per unit of time or units of resource availability Exhibit 10.1 Examples of Short- and Long-Term Capacity Decisions
EXHIBIT 10.1 Examples of Short-and Long-Term Capacity Decisions
Short-Term Capacity Long-Term Capacity
Decisions Decisions • Amount of overtime scheduled • Construction of a new for the next week manufacturing plant • Number of emergency room • Expanding the size and nurses on call during a number of beds in a hospital downtown festival weekend • Number of branch banks to • Number of call center workers to establish in a new market staff during the holiday season territory Economies and Diseconomies of Scale Focused Factory
Achieves economies of scale
without extensive investments in facilities and capacity by focusing on: Narrow range of goods or services Target market segments Dedicated processes Safety Capacity (or Capacity Cushion) Amount of capacity reserved for unanticipated events Demand surges Materials shortages
Equipment breakdowns
Averagesafety capacity (%)
= 100% − Average resource utilization (%) Exhibit 10.2 Demand versus Capacity Problem Structure Work Order Specification of work to be performed for a customer or a client Includes Quantityto be produced Processing requirements Resources needed Capacity Measurement Capacity required for one work order (Ci) = Setup time (Si) + [Processing time (Pi) x order size (Qi)] Where • Ci = Capacity requirements in units of time for work order i • Si = Setup or changeover time for work order i as a fixed amount that does not vary with volume • Pi = Processing time for each unit of work order i Capacity Measurement • Qi = Size of order i in number of units Total capacity required ΣCi = Σ[Si + (Pi x Qi)] Resources used (capacity) = Utilization (U) × [service rate × number of servers] Where Long-Term Capacity Planning Addresses the trade-off between the cost of capacity and the opportunity cost of not having adequate capacity Complementary goods and services: Produced or delivered using the same resources available to the firm • Seasonal demand patterns of the resources are out of phase with each other • Balance seasonal demand cycles by using available excess capacity Exhibit 10.6 Capacity Expansion Options Short-Term Capacity Management Approaches Adjusting short-term capacity levels Shifting and stimulating demand Adjusting Short-Term Capacity Levels Add or share equipment Sell unused capacity Change labor capacity and schedules Change labor skill mix Shift work to slack periods Shifting and Stimulating Demand Vary the price of goods or services Provide customers with information Advertising and promotion Add peripheral goods and/or services Provide reservations Reservation: Promise to provide a good or service at some future time and place Revenue Management System (RMS) Consists of dynamic methods to: Forecast demand Allocate perishable assets across market segments Decide when to overbook and by how much Determine what price to charge different customer (price) classes Theory of Constraints (TOC) Focuses on increasing total process throughput by maximizing the utilization of bottleneck work activities and workstations Throughput: Amount of money generated per time period through actual sales Constraint Anything that limits an organization from moving toward or achieving its goal Physical constraint: Associated with the capacity of a resource • Bottleneck (BN) work activity: Effectively limits the capacity of the entire process • Nonbottleneck (NBN) work activity: One in which idle capacity exists Nonphysical constraint: Associated with the environment or organization Exhibit 10.7 Basic Principles of the Theory of Constraints
EXHIBIT 10.1 Examples of Short- and Long-Term Capacity Decisions
Nonbottleneck Management Bottleneck Management Principles Principles Move jobs through nonbottleneck workstations Only the bottleneck workstations are critical to as fast as possible until the job reaches the achieving process and factory objectives and bottleneck workstation. should be scheduled first. At nonbottleneck workstations, idle time is An hour lost at a bottleneck resource is an hour acceptable if there is no work to do, and lost for the entire process or factory output. therefore resource utilizations may be low. Work-in-process buffer inventory should be Use smaller order {also called lot or transfer placed in front of bottlenecks to maximize batches) sizes at nonbottleneck workstations to resource utilization at the bottleneck. keep work flowing to the bottleneck resources Use large order sizes at bottleneck workstations and eventually to the marketplace to generate to minimize setup time and maximize resource sales. utilization. An hour lost at a nonbottleneck resource has no Bottleneck workstations should work at all times effect on total process or factory output and to maximize throughput and resource utilization incurs no real cost. so as to generate cash from sales and achieve the company's goal KEY TERMS Capacity Revenue management Economies of scale system (RMS) Diseconomies of scale Theory of Constraints Focused factory Throughput Safety capacity (or Constraint capacity cushion) Physical constraint Work order Bottleneck (BN) work Complementary goods activity and services Nonbottleneck (NBN) Reservation work activity Nonphysical constraint SUMMARY
Capacity is the capability of a
manufacturing or service system to accomplish its purpose over a specified time period Long-term capacity planning involves adjusting short-term capacity levels and shifting and stimulating demand Utilization of bottleneck work activities and workstations helps increase the total process throughput