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Lost Spring

English Investigatory Project

By – Vansh Gupta
Class – XI -A
Objectives 01 02 Introduction

03 04 About The Author

Summary 05 06 Characteristics of spring

Causes of child labor

07 08 Consequences of child

09 Bibliography
The story, “Lost Spring” describes the pitiable condition of poor children
who have been forced to miss the joy of childhood due to the socio-
economic condition that prevails in this man-made world. These
children are denied the opportunity of schooling and forced into labour
early in life. Anees Jung gives voice to eliminate child labour by
educating the children and to enforce the laws against child labour
strictly. The call is to end child exploitation and let the children enjoy
the days.

Characters: Saheb-e-Alam: A rag picker

● Anees Jung through her story, "Lost Spring" deals with the deplorable
condition of poor children street children who get forced to miss the simple
joyful moments of childhood because of their socio-economic conditions.
● The author Anees Jung strives hard to eliminate child labor through her book.
● The writer expresses her concern over the exploitation of childhood in
hazardous jobs like rag-picking
● Abject poverty and thoughtless traditions result in the loss of childhood of
millions of children like Saheb and Mukesh by working hard to support
themselves and their families rather than enjoying their childhood by playing
and seeking education.
About the Author
● Anees Jung is an Indian female author, journalist and columnist
who writes for major newspapers in India and abroad. She was
born in Rourkela and belongs to an aristocratic family in
Hyderabad. Her father, Nawab Hoshyar Jung, who was a
renowned scholar and poet, worked as the musahib (adviser) to
the last Nizam (prince) of Hyderabad State. And her mother and
brother are also well-known Urdu poets.
● Jung hit the headlines with the publication of ‘Unveiling India in
1987’, primarily a travel diary focusing on interviews with women.
She wrote many subsequent books on the same topic, talked to
women about their everyday lives, and wrote books like ‘Night of
the New Moon: Encounters with Muslim women in India’ (1993)
and Seven Sisters (1994). Her book ‘Breaking the Silence (1997)
includes conversations on women’s lives from around the world.
(Part I): ‘Sometimes I Find a Rupee in the Garbage’ - Saheb-e-Alam (A rag picker)
The first part tells the writer’s impressions about the life of the poor rag pickers. The rag
pickers have migrated from Dhaka and found a settlement in Seemapuri (India). Their
fields and homes had been swept away by storms (Socio Political Unrest). They had come
to the big city to find a living. They are poor. The writer watches Saheb every morning
scrounging for “gold” in her neighbourhood. Garbage is a means of survival for the elders
and for the children it is something wrapped in wonder. The children come across a coin
or two from it. These people have desires and ambitions, but they do not know the way to
achieve them. There are quite a few things that are unreachable to them, namely shoes,
tennis and the like. Later Saheb joins a tea stall where he could earn 800 Rupees and all
the meals. The job has taken away his freedom.
Characteristics of spring

Season of "rebirth",
Farmers and agriculturalists sow their
"rejuvenation" and new
seeds as temperatures become
favorable for plant growth.


Breeding activities also

A lot of special flowers bloom in this increase during this time, with
season, giving colorful touch to many animals giving birth.
Childhood Is Like Spring Season
Spring being the best Similarly, the childhood of
season of a year, is full of human life is often linked to
color, fragrance, freshness, spring, as it marks the
renewal and growth. beginning of human life, full
of joy, pleasure, play and
● Saheb is a young boy of school-going age.
● Before he is a rag picker and was looking for "gold" in the garbage dumps of
the big city.
● Meaning of Saheb-e-Ala
Lord of Universe: But he is a rag picker.

Saheb came from Dhaka, Bangladesh to

Seemapuri, Delhi, India.
Saheb’s Hometown
● Around 10000 rag pickers liven structures of mud, with roofs of tin and
tarpaulin, devoid of sewage, drainage or running water.
● Food is more important for survival than an identity.
"If at the end of the day we can feed our families and go to bed without
an aching stomach, we would rather live here than in the fields that gave us no
grain" said some women.
Saheb-e-Alam Working In A Tea Stall
● Saheb now has a regular income.
● He is paid 800 rupees and all his meals. Thus, food is no problem.
● But his face has lost the carefree look. The steel canister in his hand now
seems a burden.
● He is no longer his own master.
● He may have to work for longer hours
● The helplessness of doing things at his own will makes him sad.
Causes of child labour

The lure of cheap labour Curse of poverty.

Lack of educational
Causes of child resources

Family tradition labour

Discrimination between boys and Social and economic

girls backwardness
Consequences of Child Labour

● Physical neglect like lack of adequate provision of food. clothing shelter

and medical treatment.
● General child injuries
● Sexual abuse, particularly sexual exploitation of girls
● Physical abuse that involves corporal punishment. emotional maltreatment
● Emotional neglect such as deprivation of family love and affection
● Lack of schooling Consequences results in missing educational
qualifications and higher skills thus perpetuating their life in poverty

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