Combined Free and Forced Convection and Radiation

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Combined Free and Forced

Convection and Radiation

1. Objectives
2. Convection heat transfer mode (Newton’s cooling law)
3. Radiation heat transfer mode (Stefan-Boltzmann’s law)
4. Experiment apparatus
5. In-lab report
This experiment aims to
1. Learn about convection and radiation heat transfer modes.
2. Determine the convection heat transfer coefficient.
3. Demonstrate the influence of the input power on the heat transfer.
Convection heat transfer mode
Convection: is the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid (liquid
or gas) between areas of different temperature.
We can divide the heat transfer by convection into forced convection
and natural (free) convection:
- Forced convection happens when the flow is caused by external
elements, such as a fan, a pump or the wind.
- Natural convection happens when the flow is influenced by
buoyancy forces, which are the result of differences of density caused
by temperature variations.
Convection heat transfer mode

Free Convection Forced Convection

Convection heat transfer mode
Heat transfer rate by convention between a surface and a fluid is
given by Newton’s cooling law.
q = A h (Ts - T∞)
q = heat transfer rate (W)
h = convection coefficient (W/. C)
A = heat transfer area () (D = 16 mm, Cylinder length = 6.8 cm)
Ts = temperature on the surface (C)
T∞ = temperature in the flux (C)
Convection heat transfer mode
The convective heat transfer coefficient h is not a property of the
fluid. It is an experimentally determined parameter whose value
depends on all the variables influencing convection such as:
1- The surface geometry
2- The nature of fluid motion
3- The properties of the fluid
4- The fluid velocity.
Convection heat transfer mode
Convection heat transfer can be described in terms of dimensionless
numbers which are known by the names of eminent workers in this
field, and we have
- Reynolds number (Re)
- Nusselt number (Nu)
- Grashof number (Gr)
Convection heat transfer mode

Q = Volumetric flow rate ()
A = Duct area , D = 67 mm
V = flow velocity ()
= Air density (kg/ ), = 1.2 kg/ (Variable)
Reynold number
= Dynamic viscosity (N.s/ ), = N.s/ (Variable)
Radiation heat transfer mode
Radiation: The thermal radiation is energy given out by a medium
(solid, liquid or gas) with a specific temperature.

The radiation energy is transported by electromagnetic waves,

without the necessary presence of a medium. In fact, the radiation
energy transfer is more efficient under vacuum conditions.

A blackbody is an ideal surface which absorbs all incident radiation,

emits the maximum energy possible for a temperature.
Radiation heat transfer mode
The heat transfer rate by radiation from a gray surface, obtained from
the Stefan-Boltzmann’s law, is:
𝑞 = 𝜀 𝜎 𝐴 (−)
q = heat transfer rate by radiation from a surface (W)
𝜀 = emissivity of the surface
𝜎 = Stefan- Boltzmann constant (𝜎 = 5.67* W/.)
Ts = temperature of the surface (K) Tsur = temperature of surroundings (K)
A = area of the surface ()
Experiment apparatus

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