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Spe Sil 5 6 Ing
Spe Sil 5 6 Ing
Criticism Marx To System Capitalist
Besides that, there is Public class rich (the haves) and Public class not haves (The haves not).
All classes Public this considered Marx arise as result from life economy,
surplus Value agenda
Theory "Surplus Style
Value" and oppression labor
According to Marx
Wage naturally that be accepted by the labor only enough just link life in subsistence, that is for
Fulfill needs that specifics just, even though, score from result work the labor far more big from
amount that be accepted they as wage naturally, Advantages score productivity work labor on
wage naturally here that called Marx as score more (Surplus Value) enjoyed by the owner capi-
tal, more and more small wage naturally that paid on clan labor, more and more big also score
surplus enjoyed owner capital. For Marx this mean more and more big exploitation or exploita -
tion from owner capital on clan labor,
result from circumstances this life labor increasingly long increasingly pinched,
The phases Development masyrakat
According to Marx
01 02 03
Communism primi- Slavery Feudalism
tive (tribe)
04 05 06
Capitalism Socialism Communism
from MarxStyle
on system capitalist
Need overhauled structure Public that alone, As for beberapaprogram that
offered :
1. abolition right property on soil and use semuabentuk sewatanah for destination -destination
2. Program income tax proggresif or gradual.
3. abolition all shape right inheritance,
4. concentration credit in hand country,
5. concentration tools communication and transport in hand country
6. Development factories and tools production property country,
Difference Socialism and Communism according to Marx