Dasamsa Loss and Gain in Career
Dasamsa Loss and Gain in Career
Dasamsa Loss and Gain in Career
Sri Jagannath Center
Sri Jagannath Center
Loss and Gain
in Career
Presentation by
Raghunatha Rao Nemani
Copyright © 2004, Aug 21-29 2004 - SJC West Coast Conference
Sri Jagannath Center
Vimsottari Narayana
Dasa Dasa Karakas
For example: If the 10th house from the Lagna is under the
influence of Saturn, then the native may be hardworking
and doing a routine job. But Mars in the 10th house from
the Moon will make him active and enterprising.
Hora Lagna
Hora Lagna is at the position of Sun at the
time of sunrise. It moves at the rate of one
Rasi per hora (hour). HL is used to see
ones Wealth, and it is also related to the
2nd house of the native's chart.
Similarly, the 6th lord promotes service while the 7th lord
promotes business. The Dasa period of 7th lord may bring
instability in service. A debilitated malefic in the 7th house or
malefics in the 8th house (being 2nd from 7th), will
encourage service and damage business. Saturn in 7th
house is karaka for 6th; hence the native will still be doing
service. Similarly Venus is karaka for 7th and if placed in the
6th, will do some kind of business.
The boss is seen from the 9th house while subordinates are
seen from the 5th house. During the period of a malefic
planet having Papa Argala on the 9th house, one is
tormented by one's boss. Benefics having Subha Argala on
the 9th house shall give a very good and helpful boss.
The ascendant lord in the 9th house makes a person very
independent and business is best advised to native such
charts or at least employment with a lot of scope for free
enterprise. The 2nd house is the 8th from the 7th house and
shall play a crucial role in starting any business.
Note: Here “well placed” and “good houses” means the planets are either in
Kendra, Trikona, 2nd or 11th and no malefic conjunctions or aspects.
Lawyer or Judge
The 6th house (court cases) and the 9th house (law) are
important when looking for career in law. Jupiter rules law and
the two signs owned by Jup are Sg and Pi, so these two houses
represent the law too. Li is the most important sign to look into,
as it is the sign of judgment and it is also an airy sign.
If the above are strong and connected with the tenth house &
Lagna then the native's career will be connected with law. If Le
and Sun also get involved in the above, then the native surely
will receive income from the Government and the native may be
a judge or a government lawyer. Please note, Sat connected
with Li and the 10th house or Jupiter gives legal career too.
In the horoscopes of Astrologers Jup, Merc and
Airy signs should be prominent. Further if 2nd
house is powerful then it gives knowledge and
also “Vaksiddhi” (Vaksiddhi means, whatever the
person predicts will come to pass by the practice
of Satya and prophecy).
If 5th house is powerful and 5th lord is also
connected to the Mars (an airy signs), then one
gets intuition. Thus it is important to have a strong
5th house for being a competent astrologer.
One has to see the prominence of nodes in a
native’s horoscopes of Engineers. Mars indicating
tools, Sat the use of these tools and Ven, which
gives refinement to their use, are also prominent
in the horoscopes of Engineers.
Venus is the Karaka of fine arts, music and
dancing. Its association with Moon, Mercury, and
Jup gives artistic talent to the native. Houses
owned by Venus, i.e. Ta and Li, should be
prominent. 3rd house and Merc should also be
prominent. 5th and 6th lord should show creative
abilities so these houses should also be
connected too.
In cases of singers and poets, 2nd house will also
be prominent because 2nd house rules speech.
If the Antardasa lord is not in 6 th, 8th and 12th from Dasa lord in the
Rasi chart, and is well placed or if he is in the 4 th or 10th in the Rasi
chart, then initial difficulties which are overcome with eventual
Benefics transiting over natal position of Dasa lord help the native
and malefics cause difficulties to the native.
Let us do some
Case Studies