Rebate Agreements

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Rebate Agreements

• Rebates are like a discounts but not given immediately to customer right after the
• At Rebates, the values are accumulated and issued to customer at a pre-determined
• We need to create sales order and process it for the invoice so that the relevant accruals
can be updated to the respective rebate agreements.
• The rebate agreement can be processed partially or for a full settlement.

• In this both the cases a credit memo request is generated which can be processed
further for credit memo.

• This credit memo will update the relevant GL accounts and rebate agreements
Consultant settings/SPRO
• Maintaining Condition Technique for Rebates.

1. Condition tables- either we can create or use the existing one.

2. Maintain Access sequence.
3. Maintain condition types.
• Ex: BO01-group rebate (%)
• BO02-material rebate (quantity) 
• BO03-customer rebate (%)
4. Maintain Pricing procedure as per the below screenshot
• In the pricing procedure we maintain a step with blank condition types as

• “Rebate Basis” with subtotal as 7.

• And the rebate condition types are entered in a sequence with the step number of
“Rebate Basis” we should also maintain requirement 24 as it will allow the
condition type value to project in billing only but not in sales order. Because this
rebate is not calculated in the net value at sales order.
• The account keys will be ERB (rebate sales deduction) which is calculated
• The accruals will be ERU (rebate accruals) which will be used to post the rebate
values into the G/L accounts.
Rebate Agreement types
• Path: SPRO- S&D-Billing- Rebate Processing-Rebate Agreements- Define
• Create new rebate agreements or copy from the existing one.

Ex: 0001- Group Rebate

0002- Material Rebate

0003- Customer Rebate

• Based on the business requirement we can maintain the valid to and valid from
dates and other fields at Rebate Agreements.
1) Define condition group types
• Go to new entries and define new condition group types and save it.

2) Assign condition types

• Condition group types + Condition type + Table

3) Assign condition type groups to rebate agreements

• Here we assign the condition type groups to rebate agreements
• Apart from condition techniques there are other settings to be done which are
listed below:

1) At vov8 Create a customized sales document (R3) and assign the customized
billing type (B3). Billing block activated- check credit memo.
2) At VKOA- maintain G/L accounts and provisional accounts for the condition types
as below
3) The customized R3 sales document should be assigned to sales area at OVAZ.
End User settings/EAM
1) We must check the Box “Rebate processing active” in sales org at enterprise
structure level.
2) We must check the box “Rebate” at CMR for the respective customer.
3) We must check the box “Billing document is relevant for rebate processing” at VOFA
for the respective billing type used at Vov8.
4) Maintain condition records at VBo1, VBo2, VBo3.
• Here Agreements numbers will be created and we will be using that particular
agreement to grant the rebate to customer
For each condition type we maintain there will be an agreement number generated
whenever the rebate is paid user should open the agreement at VBo2 and pay the
Rebate to cx.
• This is the VBo2 screen where
we have already maintained
agreement type, description,
validity periods etc.
• After this we go to ”condition”
and maintain the value.
This is the conditions screen where we maintain the values for the agreement.
This can be maintained on basis of material and customer.
• Process
Create sales order, Delivery and invoice(F2).
The document flow will be:
• After the invoice is created, we
will proceed to grant the rebate
to the customer.
• In our case, we are giving rebate
based on the customer and the
agreement number is 141.
• After we open the respected
agreement, we click on the
option “ pay”
• Here we should enter the
amount to be paid as rebate to
customer- we can give partial or
full rebate and save it.
• In our case I’m taking full
• After saving, A credit memo
request document will be
• Copy the number and go to
va02- unblock the document
and save it.
• Go to va01 and confirm the
rebate amount then save the
• The rebate will be settled to

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