DSP Unit 2

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Digital Signal Processing


Properties of discrete Fourier series,
DFS representation of periodic sequences,
Discrete Fourier transforms: Properties of DFT,
linear filtering methods based on DFT,
Fast Fourier transforms (FFT) - Radix-2
decimation in time and decimation in frequency
FFT Algorithms,
Inverse FFT.
Digital Signal Processing

Discrete Time Fourier Series

DFS representation of periodic
 Introduction
Discrete-Time Fourier Series
The conventional (continuous-time) FS represent a periodic
signal using an infinite number of complex exponentials,
whereas the DFS represent such a signal using a finite
number of complex exponentials
Example 1
 DFS of a periodic impulse train

1 n  rN
x[n]   n  rN  
r   0 else
 Since the period of the signal is N
~ N 1 N 1
Xk    ~x[n]e j2 / Nkn 
 [n]e
 j2  / N kn
 e  j2  / Nk 0  1

 We can represent the signal with the DFS coefficients


1 N1 j2  / Nkn
as x[n]   n  rN   e
r   N k 0
Example 2
 DFS of an periodic rectangular pulse train

 The DFS coefficients

~ 1  e  j2  / 10 k5  j4 k / 10  sink / 2 

Xk   e  j2  / 10 kn
 e
n0 1e  j2  / 10 k
sink / 10
Properties of DFS
 Linearity
~ ~
x1 n DFS
  X1 k 
~ ~
x n
2 DFS
 X2 k 
~ ~
x1 n  b~
x2 n  aX1 k   bX2 k 
 

 Shift of a Sequence
~ ~
x n DFS
 Xk 
~ ~
x n  m  e  j2 km / NXk 

e j2 nm / N~
x n DFS
  Xk  m

 Duality
~ ~
x n DFS
 Xk 
Xn DFS
 N~
x  k 
Symmetry Properties
Symmetry Properties Cont’d
Periodic Convolution
 Take two periodic sequences
~ ~
x1 n DFS
 X1 k 
~ ~
x n DFS
2  X2 k 
 Let’s form the product
~ ~ ~
X3 k   X1 k X2 k 

 The periodic sequence with given DFS can be written as

N 1
x n  ~
x m~
x n  m
3 
1 2

 Periodic convolution is commutative

N 1
x3 n  ~ ~
 2 x1 n  m
Periodic Convolution Cont’d
N 1
x3 n  ~ ~
 1 x2 n  m
 Substitute periodic convolution into the DFS equation
~ 
N 1 N 1

X3 k      ~ x1[m]~
x2[n  m]WNkn
n0  m0 
 Interchange summations
~ ~  N 1 ~
N 1
kn 
X3 k  
 x1 [m] 2
 x [n  m]WN 
m0  n0 
 The inner sum is the DFS of shifted sequence
N 1
 x2[n  m]WN  WN X2 k 

 Substituting
~ N 1
~  N 1 ~  N 1
~ km~ ~ ~
X3 k    x1[m]  x2[n  m]WNkn    1
x [m]WN X 2 k  X1 k X2 k 
m0  n0  m0
Graphical Periodic Convolution
Sampling the Fourier Transform
 Consider an aperiodic sequence with a Fourier transform
x[n] DTFT
 X e j  
 Assume that a sequence is obtained by sampling the DTFT
 
Xk   X e j 
 X e j2  / Nk
  2  / N k

 Since the DTFT is periodic resulting sequence is also periodic
 We can also write it in terms of the z-transform
 
Xk   Xz  z  e2  / N k  X e j2 / Nk

 The sampling points are shown in figure

 Xk could be the DFS of a sequence
 Write the corresponding sequence
~ 1 N 1 ~
x[n]   Xk e j2  / Nkn
N k 0
DFT Analysis and Synthesis
DFT is Periodic with period N
Example 1
DFT from DFS
Properties of DFT
 Linearity
x1 n DFT
 X1 k 
x2 n DFT
 X2 k 
ax1 n  bx2 n DFT
 aX1 k   bX2 k 

 Proof:
Properties of DFT contd.

 Periodicity:

 Proof:
Properties of DFT contd.

Shifting or Circular Shifting Property:

Properties of DFT contd.
Properties of DFT Contd.
 Circular frequency shift:

 Proof:
Properties of DFT Contd.
Multiplication of two sequences:

Circular Convolution:
Properties of DFT Contd.

 Parseval’s Theorem:
Linear Convolution
(II): Using Graphical Method:
III. Using Tabulation Method:
IV. Using Diagonal Method:
Circular Convolution
I. Concentric Circle Method:
I. Concentric Circle Method:
Illustration of circular convolution for N = 8:
•Example (continued)
II. Using Matrix Multiplication Method:

•Proof of circular convolution property:
Linear filtering methods based
on the DFT
DFT provides a discrete frequency
representation of a finite duration sequence
in the frequency domain.
Computational tool for linear system
analysis, especially for linear filtering.
DFT can be used to perform linear filtering
in the frequency domain.
Linear filtering methods based on the
1.Use of the DFT in Linear Filtering
2.Filtering of long data sequence
• Overlap-save method
• Overlap-add method
Use of the DFT in Linear Filtering

• Our objective is to determine the output of a

linear filter to a given input sequence.

Linear Filter
h( n) y ( n) Output or
Input x( n) Response

• Linear Convolution
• By using DFT and IDFT
• Circular Convolution
Linear Convolution
• A sequence x(n) of length L filtered by an
FIR filter h(n) of length M
M 1
y( n )   h( n ) x ( n  k )
k 0

Example x(n) =[1, 2, 2, 1] , h(n) =[1, 2, 3]

x(n)=[1 ,2,2,1] ,h(n)=[1, 2,3]

The length of sequence y(n) is N=L+M-1=6

• Therefore ,a DFT of size N  L+M-1 is required
to represent y(n) in the frequency domain.
• Using the DFT notation
Y (k )  H (k ) X (k ), k  0,1,.........( N  1)

X(k) and H(k) are the DFT (with zero padding)

of x(n) and h(n), respectively.
• Performing the inverse DFT of Y(K)
y (n)  IDFT (Y (k )
• L=4,M=3,N=L+M-1=6
• Eight point DFT of x(n) is
• X(K)= {6,1.707 - 4.121j, -1 – j,0.2929 - j0.121, 0,0.292 + j0.121, -1+j,1.707 + j4.121}
• Eight point DFT of h(n) is
• H(K)={6,2.414 - j4.414, -2-j2,-0.4142+ j1.585,2,-0.414 -j 1.585,-2+j2,2.414 +
• Y(k)=X(k).H(K)={36,-14.0-j17.48,j4,0.07+j0.515,0,0.07-j0.515,-j4,-14.07+j17.48}
• Eight point IDFT of Y(K) is
Circular Convolution
• Example x(n) =[1, 2, 2, 1] , h(n) =[1, 2, 3]
• L=4,M=3
• The length of sequence y(n) is N=L+M-1=6
• Example x(n)=[1 ,2,2,1,0 ,0] ,h(n)=[1, 2,3,0,0 0]

• y(n)={1,4,9,11,8,3}
Filtering of Long Data Sequences
• In practical applications involving linear
filtering of signals, the input sequence x(n) is
often a very long sequence.
• Real-time signal processing applications
concerned with signal monitoring and
• Overlap-save method
• Overlap-add method
• x(n) 
 X(k) 
 x(n)
• Properties of DFT
Circular Convolution N 1
x 3 (m)  x1 (n)  x 2 (n)   DFT
x1 (n)x 2 ((n  m)) N   X 3 (K)  X1 (K)X 2 (K)
• Linear Filtering Methodsn 0Based on the DFT
1.Use of the DFT in Linear Filtering
• By using DFT and IDFT
• Linear Convolution
x(n)  
 X(k)  H(K)
H(K)  Y(K)  X(K).H(K)  y(n

• Circular Convolution
2.Filtering of Long Data Sequence
• Overlap-save method
• Overlap-add method
Filtering of Long Data Sequences
• When the DFT is used to implement linear
filtering, a signal is processed in blocks. Due to
the real-time requirement (low delay) and the
limitation of physical memory, the size of the
block can not be arbitrarily large.
• The length of the FIR filter is M and the length of
on block of data is L (L>M)
• Each time a block of data of length L+M-1 is
filtered by using the DFT method.
Overlap-Add Method
ANS: y(n)={3,2,2,0,4,6,5,3,3,4,3,1}
Find the output y(n) of a filter. Assume block length as 3
• Overlap-Add Method: N 1

• Let L=4,M=3,N=L+M-1=6 x3 (m)  x1 (n)  x 2 (n)   n 0

x1 (n)x 2 ((n  m)) N

x1(n)={3,-1,0,1,0,0}, x3(n)={2,1,0,0,0,0}
x2(n)={3,2,0,1,0,0} N 1
Perform y1(n)=x1(n) N h(n) y1 (m)  x1 (n)  h(n)   x1 (n)h((n  m)) N
n 0
N 1
y2(n)=x2(n) N h(n) y2 (m)  x 2 (n)  h(n)   x (n)h((n  m))
n 0
2 N

N 1
y3(n)=x3(n) N h(n) y3 (m)  x 3 (n)  h(n)   x (n)h((n  m))
3 N
n 0
• y(n)={3,2,2,0,4,6,5,3,3,4,3,1}
Fast Fourier Transform
• A large amount of work has been devoted to
reducing the computation time of a DFT.
• This has led to efficient algorithms which are
known as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
• Decimation In Time(DIT) Radix-2 Algorithm
• Decimation In Frequency(DIF) Radix-2 Algorithm
Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) X k   N 1
 
N 1 j
 x n W nk

X k    xne N n 0

1 N 1

n 0
x n    X k WN nk
e N
 WN (TwiddleFac tor (or ) PhaseFactor ) N n 0
N 2 2 N 2 2
k j k j j k j k
 j
WN 2
e N
e N 2
e N
e  e N
 WNk , Symmetry Pr operty
N 2 2 N 2
k j k j j k
N 2 N 22 N 2
WN 2
e e e  W Nk , Periodicity Pr operty
2 2
N(N-1) N2 complex ‘×’ N/2 log2(N) N log2(N)
complex ‘+’ complex ‘×’. complex ‘+’.

8 56 64 12 24
16 240 256 32 64
32 992 1024 80 160
64 4032 4096 192 384
128 16256 16384 448 896
DIT Radix-2 FFT Algorithm
• Let us consider the computation of the N-Point DFT

N  rm
,r-Radix, m- No. of Stages
First Step: x[n] = x[0], x[1], …, x[N-1]
Split the N-point data sequences into two N/2-point
data sequences f1(n) and f2(n)
Lets divide the sequence x[n] into even and odd

N 
; n  0,1, 1 
f1(n) =x[2n] = x[0], x[2], …, x[N-2] 2    (1)
N 
f2(n) =x[2n+1] = x[1], x[3], …, x[N-1] ; n  0,1,   1
2 
N 1
X k    xnWNnk ; 0  k  N  1 N-point DFT
n 0
1 1
2 2
X k    x 2 n 
2 nk
  x 2 n  1WN
 2 n 1k
n0 n 0
2 2
j 2 nk j nk
WN2 nk  e N
e N 2
 W Nnk

WN2 n 1k  WNk  W Nnk

1 1

X k    x2nWNnk  WNk  x2n  1WNnk

2 2

n 0 2 n 0 2
1 1
2 2
  f1 (n)WNnk  WNk  f 2 (n)WNnk
n 0 2 n 0 2

X k   F1 k   WNk F2 k ; k  0, N  1        (2)

• Where F1(k) and F2(k) N/2-point DFTs
F1 k    f1 ( n)W Nnk
n 0 2
F2 k    f 2 ( n)W Nnk
n 0 2

• Since F1(k+N/2)= F1(k) and F2(k+N/2)= F2(k), WNk  N / 2  WNk

N  Property
X k   F1 k   WNk F2 k ; k  0,   1      (3.1)
2 
 N N 
X  k    F1 k   WN F2 k ; k  0,   1      (3.2)

 2 2 
Second Step: Split the N/2-point data sequences into
two N/4-point sequences
 N 
 v11(n) =f1(2n) ; n  0,1,  
 4

 1

 v12(n) =f1(2n+1)--------------- (4.1)

 N 
 v21(n) =f2(2n) ; n  0,1,  
 4
 1

 v22(n) =f2(2n+1)----------------(4.2)
F1 k    f1 (n)WNnk
n 0 2
1 1
4 4
  f1 (2n)W N2 nk   f1 (2n  1)WN( 2 n1) k
n 0 2 n 0 2
1 1
4 4
  v11 (n)WNnk  WNk  v12 ( n)W Nnk  V11 k   W NkV12 k     (5)
n 0 4 2 n 0 4 2
F 1 k   V11 k   W NkV12 k ; k  0,1,..........., ( N  1)

 N
F k    V11 k   W N V12 k     (6.1)

1 4  2
F 2 k   V21 k   W N V22 k 
k ; k  0,1,..........., (
 1)

 N
F k    V21
k   W  
N V22 k    (6.2)

2 4  2

• Where V11(k),V12(k),V21(k) and V22(k)

• N/4 point DFT of the sequences v11(n),v12(n),v21(n) and v22(n)
1 1

V11 k    v11 (n)WN ;V12 k    v12 (n)WN

4 4
nk nk

n 0 4 n 0 4
1 1

V21 k    v21 (n)WN ;V22 k    v22 ( n)W N

4 4
nk nk

n 0 4 n 0 4
• N=8, N2 - Three Stages
• Four 2-point(N/4) DFT’s --->Two 4-point(N/2) DFT’s --->One 8-point (N)DFT
v11(n) =f1(2n)
 v11(0) = f1(0) = x(0) v12(n) =f1(2n+1)
 v11(1) = f1(2) = x(4) v21(n) =f2(2n)
v22(n) =f2(2n+1) ; n=0,1,…(N/4-1)
 v12(0) = f1(1) = x(2) f1(n) =x[2n]
 v12(1) = f1(3) = x(6) f2(n) =x[2n+1] ; n=0,1,…(N/2-1)
Bit Re versal  Shuffling ofData
 v21(0) = f2(0) = x(1) x0  x000  x000  x0
 v21(1) = f2(2) = x(5) x1  x001  x100  x4
x2  x010  x010  x2
 v22(0) = f2(1) = x(3) x3  x011  x110   x6
x4  x100  x001  x1
 v22(1) = f2(3) = x(7)
x5  x101  x101  x3
x6  x110   x011  x5
x7  x111  x111  x7
• FirstNStage-Four 82-point(N/4) DFT’s
1 1
4 4 1
V11 k    11
v ( n )W nk
N   11
v ( n )W 8
  11
v ( n )W2

n 0 4 n 0 4 n 0 V11 0

 v11 (0)W2( 0 ) k  v11 (1)W2(1) k V11 1

k  0;V11 0   v11 (0)W2( 0 ) 0  v11 (1)W2(1) 0
 v11 (0)  W20 v11 (1)  x (0)  W80 x(4) V12 0 

k  1;V11 1  v11 (0)W2( 0 )1  v11 (1)W2(1)1 V12 1

 v11 (0)  v11 (1)W21  x (0)  W80 x ( 4)

V12 0   x( 2)  W80 x(6) V21 0 

V12 1  x( 2)  W80 x(6) V21 1

V21 0   x (1)  W80 x(5)

V22 0 
V21 1  x (1)  W80 x (5)
V12 1
V22 0   x(3)  W x(7)
2 ( 0 )
V22 1  x(3)  W x(7)0 j
8 W80  e 8
Second Stage-Two 4-point(N/2) DFT’s
F1 0 

F 1 k   V11 k   WNkV12 k   V11 k   W8kV12 k 

2 2
F1 1

k  0; F 1 0   V11 0   W40V12 0  V11 0   W80V12 0 

F1 2 
k  1; F 1 1  V11 1  W V 1  V11 1  W V 1
4 12
8 12

 N  8 F1 3
F  k    V11 k   WNkV12 k   F  k    V11 k   W8kV12 k 
1 4 2 1 4 2

k  0; F 1 2   V11 0   W40V12 k   V11 0   W80V12 k 

F2 0 
k  1; F 1 3  V11 1  W V 1  V11 0   W V k 
4 12
8 12

k  0; F 2 0   V21 0   W40V22 0   V21 0   W80V22 0  F2 1

k  1; F 2 1  V21 1  W41V22 1  V21 1  W82V22 1

F2 2 
k  0; F 2 2   V21 0   W40V22 0   V21 0   W80V22 0 
k  1; F 2 3  V21 1  W41V22 1  V21 1  W82V22 1 F2 3
2 2
j 2 nk j nk
WN2 nk  e N
e N 2
 W Nnk j
2 ( 0 )

2 W8  e
0 8
WN2 n 1k  WNk  W Nnk j
2 ( 2 )

2 W8  e
2 8
e 2
Third Stage-One 8-point(N) DFT
X k   F1 k   WNk F2 k 
k  0; X 0   F1 0   W80 F2 0 
k  1; X 1  F1 1  W81 F2 1
k  2; X 2   F1 2   W82 F2 2 
k  3; X 3  F1 3  W83 F2 3
 N
X k    F k   W k
F2 k 
1 N

k  0; X 4   F1 0   W80 F2 0 
k  1; X 5  F1 1  W81 F2 1 2 ( 0 )

k  2; X 6   F1 2   W82 F2 2  W e 1
0 8
2  (1 ) 
j j

k  3; X 7   F1 3  W8 F2 3
3 W8  e
1 8
e 4
 0707  j 0.707
2 ( 3) 3
j j
W8   j;W8  e
2 3 8
e 4
 0707  j 0.707
1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage
x(0) X(0)

W 80
x(4) X(1)
W 80
x(2) X(2)
W 80 W8 1
x(6) X(3)
-1 -1
W8 0
x(1) X(4)
W80=1 W 80 W8 1
x(5) X(5)
-1 -1
W 80 W8 2
x(3) X(6)
-1 -1
W 80 W 81 W8 3
x(7) X(7)
-1 -1 -1
Decimation In Frequency(DIF) Radix-2 Algorithm
• Frequency Domain sequence is decimated
• Butterfly Diagram
Decimation In Frequency(DIF) Radix-2 Algorithm

• Time Domain Sequence Frequency Domain

decimated Sequence decimated
• Input Sequence is bit Normal order
Reversal order
• Output sequence is Bit-reversal order
Normal order
• Phase factor is Multiplied After subtraction
Before addition & subtraction
• x(n)={1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1}
• First Stage

V11 0

V11 (0)  x(0)  W80 x( 4)  1  1.1  2 V11 1

V11 1  x(0)  W80 x( 4)  1  1.1  0
V12 0   x (2)  W80 x (6)  1  1.1  0 V12 0 

V12 1  x( 2)  W80 x(6)  1  1.1  2 V12 1

V21 0   x (1)  W80 x(5)  1  1.1  0
V21 1  x(1)  W80 x(5)  1  1.1  2 V21 0 
V22 0   x (3)  W80 x(7)  1  1.( 1)  2
V21 1
V22 1  x (3)  W80 x(7)  1  1.( 1)  0
V22 0 

V12 1
2 ( 0 )
W80  e 8
Second Stage
F1 0 

F1 1
F 1 0  V11 0  W80V12 0  2  1.0  2
F1 2 
F 1 1  V11 1  W8 V12 1  0  ( j )(2)  2 j

F 1 2  V11 0  W80V12 k   2  1.0  2 F1 3

F 1 3  V11 0  W82V12 k   0  ( j )(2)  2 j

F2 0 
F 2 0  V21 0  W8 V22 0  0  1.(2)  2

F 2 1  V21 1  W82V22 1  2  ( j ).0  2 F2 1

F 2 2  V21 0  W80V22 0  0  1(2)  2 F2 2 

F 2 3  V21 1  W82V22 1  2  ( j ).0  2 F2 3

2 ( 0 )
W8  e
0 8
2 ( 2 ) 
j j
W8  e
2 8
e 2
Third Stage

X 0   F1 0   W80 F2 0   2  1.(2)  0
X 1  F1 1  W81 F2 1  2 j  (0.707  j 0.707)(2)
 1.414  j 3.414
X 2   F1 2  W82 F2 2   2  j 2
X 3  F1 3  W83 F2 3  1.414  j 0.585
X 4   F1 0  W80 F2 0   4
X 5  F1 1  W81 F2 1  1.414  j 0.585
X 6   F1 2  W82 F2 2   2  j 2
X 7   F1 3  W83 F2 3  1.4142  j 3.414
2 ( 0 )
W8  e
0 8
2  (1 ) 
j j
W8  e
1 8
e 4
 0707  j 0.707
2 ( 3) 3
j j
W8   j;W8  e
2 3 8
e 4
 0707  j 0.707
Application of FFT Algorithm
• Linear Filtering
• Correlation
• Spectrum Analysis
Use Of FFT in Linear Filtering and
• Let h(n).0nM-1,be the sample response of the FIR
• x(n)-Input data Sequence
Linear Filter
h( n) y ( n) Output or
Input x( n) Response
• The block size of the FFT Algorithm is N
• N=L+M-1 and L is the number of new data samples
being processed by the filter.
• N is a power of 2 . N  23
1. The N-point DFT of h(n),which is padded by L-1 zeros,
is denoted as H(K) using either DIT or DIF algorithm
2. The N-point DFT of x(n), is denoted as X(K) using
either DIT or DIF algorithm.
3. Multiply X(k) and H(K), Y(k)=X(k).H(K)
4. The inverse DFT can be computed by use of an FFT
• Step 1: Conjugate of Y(K) *
1 N 1
nk 
y( n )  DIT 
• Step 2: DFT of Y*(k) using either
orYDIF( k )radix-2
WN 
N  n 0 
• Step 3:conjugate of result of step 2
• Step 4: The result of Step 3 Divided by N, we get y(n).
Determine the response of LTI system when the input sequence
x(n)={-1,1,2,1,-1} by radix-2 DIT FFT. The impulse response of the
systems is h(n)={-1,1,1,-1}
• L=5,M=4,N=L+M-1=8
• x(n)= {-1,1,2,1,-1,0,0,0}
• h(n)={-1,1,1,-1,0,0,0,0}
• Determine X(K) using DIT or DIF algorithm
• X(K)={ 2,- 3.414j,-4,0.585j,-2,-0.5858j,-4,3.414j
• Determine H(K) using DIT or DIF algorithm
• H(K)={ 0,-1- 0.414j,0,-1-2.414j,-4,-1+2.414j,0,-1+0.414j}
• Y(k)={0,-1.413+3.414j,0,1.412-j0.585,8,1.12+0.585j,0,-1.413-3.414j}
• Y*(k)={0,-1.413-3.414j,0,1.412+j0.585,8,1.12-0.585j,0,-1.413+3.414j}
• DFT of Y*(k) using Either DIT or DIF
• The result of previous step divide by N=8
• y(n)={1,-2,0,-1,1,0,2,-1}
Inverse FFT

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