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Keterampilan Dasar Konseling

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Kuliah Magister Profesi Psikologi- Universitas Islam

1. Definitions

2. Councelling as a communication process

2.1 Basics of human communication

2.2 General model of counselling

3. Overwiev over specific counselling models and methods

1. Definitions
is a communication process between a counsellor
and one or more clients, in which
- the client is searching help on the basis of
his/her own willing and intention.
-The aim is giving help for the solution of a
current problem.
- The counsellor has professional knowledge
and skills for giving this required help.
1. Definitions
is a communication process between a
psychotherapist and one or more clients with
disorders and psychological suffering, in which
- the client is searching help on the basis of
his/her own willing and intention.
- The aim is reducing symptoms of sufferer and/or
changing of the personality.
- The psychotherapist needs a
current state of psychological
knowlegde about attitude-,
emotional– and behavioural

- The therapeutic behaviour should be

learnable (School oriented skills)

- The therapeutic process and the

therapeutic effect should be externally
Criteria Counselling Psychotherapy

Kinds of problems Solving of a current problem and prevention Disorders, suffer, grafe, life crisis
of similar problems

Methods of intervention More supportive and oriented on the current Re-structuring of the personality, re-
problem interpretation of problems and uncovering

Duration and intensity of interaction Short duration with lower intensity of Longer duration with higher intensity of
interaction interaction

Aims Developement of the personality, prevention, Healing or reducing of disorders

2. Councelling as a
communication process

2.1 Basics of human communication

Five axioms of the Theory of the Human
Communication of Watzlawick (1969)

• It is not possible not to communicate, if you are in face to

face situation. Each behaviour of the fisrt person has a
meaning for the second person and vica versa.
• Each communication has a content- and a relation aspect. The
relation aspect is dominating the content aspect – will be
earlier processed and is modulating the understanding of the
meaning of the content.
- Human communication is using digital and
analogous coding. Analogous coding is
represented by the language or content aspect of
communication. The digital coding is
representing by the non-verbal aspects (Gesture,
mimic) and the paraverbal aspects (Voice, speed
and intonation of speech).
- The nature of the interpersonal relation is defined by the
„Interpunction“/order of the subjectively reflected communication

- The interpersonal communication process can be symmetric or

asssymmetric in dependence, if the relation between the partners is
based on equivalence (Partnrership) or on difference (Position-, age
Supportive Relationship

Transactional Analysis
Parent Ego state

Adult Ego State

Child Ego State

Forms of transaction
• Complementary or open
• Crossed or blocked
• Ulterior (2 ego states at the same time), different between what is
stated and what is expected
What do we look for
in our transaction
Authentic Communication and
When organization members
fails to act authentically they
begin to make mistake, pass
the buck, complain about
inadequacies of other and self
Sudut Pandang dalam Konseling
• Prescriptive
• Developmental
Prescriptive Counseling
• Direktif, berfokus pada konselor
• During the interview attention is focused upon a particular
problem and possibilities for its solution.
• During the interview the counsellor plays a more active role
than the client.
• The client makes the decision, but the counsellor does all
that he can to get the counsellee or client makes a decision in
keeping with his diagnosis.
• The counsellor tries to direct the thinking of the counsellee or
client by informing, explaining, interpreting and advising him.
Developmental Counseling

• Berfokus pada klien

• purposeful;
• coherent;
• based on human development theories;
• and reflective of clients efforts and opportunities.
Often Forgotten

GOAL- Tujuan
Goal Setting

• Sepakat tentang tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam

sesi yang berjalan.
• Apa yang ingin dicapai melalui sesi ini?
• Setelah sesi ini apa yang ingin anda peroleh?
• Apa hal bermanfaat yang ingin and peroleh dari sesi

• Jika tujuan telah diatasi maka kita perlu mengeksplorasi

fakta dan perasaan terkait semua masalah/topik tersebut.
• Eksplorasi ini tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan
kesadaran tentang diri individu.
• Kesadaran yang dimaksudakan di sini adalah
“mempersepsi realitas sebagaimana adanya
• Menyadari dirinya  mengenali faktor2 di dalam dirinya
yang mengganggu persepsinya atas realitas.
Untuk membangun kesadaran tersebut,
kita perlu menggali sisi emosinya:

• Bagaimana perasaanmu tentang hal

Apa perasaan yang kuat anda rasakan ketika
• Apa yang kamu takutkan tentang hal
• Kalau dinilai dari 1 sd 10, sejauh mana anda yakin
degan kemampuanmu untuk melakukan…. ?
Pertanyaan Ajaib- Reality
• Sudah mengambil langkah apa?
• Apa efek dari tindakan tersebut?
• Jika jawabannya “tidak”, maka kita bisa gali apa yang membuatnya tak
melakukan tindakan apapun?
Jika realitas sudah dipahami, langkah selanjutnya adalah berpikir
tentang tindakan atau ide yang akan membantu dalam menghadapi
situasi/ memecahkan masalah.
Mengajak mencari alternatif tindakan menjadi penting, karena
membuat “mentee”/ konselee menjadi terlibat, memiliki kendali atas

• Tidak tahu
• Tidak mungkin
• Mereka tak akan pernah setuju
• Terlalu mahal/ terlalu lama
Check for –Limiting Belief

• Kalau begitu, menurutmu bagaimana?

• Seandainya tak ada kendala tersebut, apa yang
akan kamu lakukan?
• Bagaimana jika situasinya anda memiliki uang dan
waktu yang diperlukan?
WILL/ Kemauan
• Jika pilihan sudah disepakati, maka harus dipastikan
bahwa mentee siap untuk menjalaninya
• What
• When
• Who
• On a scale of 1-10 how confident are you that you will
carry out the actions agreed?
• Feedback
• Setelah pilihan dijalani
• Diskusi peningkatan.
• Keluarga mengalami kesulitan untuk berfungsi dalam kapasitas normal:
 Merasa energi terkuras di dlam keluarga, hal-hal yang dulu terasa rutin
dan normal, kini terasa membebani
• Anggota keluarga cenderung memiliki reaksi emosi yang berlebihan.
Adakah yang menunjukkan marah, ketakutan dan kesedihan berlebihan,
atau depresi dan reaksi emosi berlebihan?
• Ada komunikasi yang terputus antar anggota keluarga? Berkomunikasi
dirasa lebih sulit daripada biasanya. Apakah anda lebih sering bersikap
“silent treatment”?
• Anggota keluarga menarik diri dari kehidupan/ kebersamaan keluarga.  Is
there a new pattern of one or more family members going into seclusion?
•Ada gejala-gejala untuk melakukan kekerasan kepeda diri sendiri atau
anggota keluarga yang lain. Apakah memang cenderung keras? Adakah
perilaku yang bisa disebut menyerang?
•Anggota keluarga merasa tak berdaya dan putus asa “Sudah habis
sabarnya, terlalu banyak tekanan? Apakah keluarga saya akan menjadi
lebih baik setelah ini?
•There have been changes in the children's behavior at home or
school. Nilai-nilai menurun? Anak menjadi susah dikendalikan?
•The family has had a traumatic experience and members are having a
hard time coping.  Kematian? Perceraian? Perselingkuhan? Situasi yang
sangat sulit?
•Family members have substance abuse problems. Are there challenges
with alcohol or drug use? Is there a family member with an eating
12 Signs of good psychological counselling

1. The counsellor presents a human face and not an official or expert face.

2. The counsellor and help seeker converse in a way sensible to both.

3. The counsellor and help seeker find, or create, common ground.

4. The atmosphere is safe, friendly & supportive—both parties feel involved.

5. The counsellor models and promotes dialogical communication

6. The counsellor guides the discussion but does not impose an agenda.
6. The counselling session is focused, reflective, active and has feeling.

7. The counsellor is attentive to the life experience of the help seeker.

8. The counsellor is prepared to use a range of communication modes—talking,

visualising, writing, reflecting, and respectful silence as needed.

9. The counsellor customises the counselling to fit the needs of the

particular help seeker.

10. The counsellor knows how to access any data or information that is
needed and is able to assist the help seeker convert the information to useful and
meaningful personal knowledge.

11. The counsellor and help seeker co-operate in producing and

evaluating good ideas about possible solutions; making decisions,
formulating goals, and outlining plans of action.

12. The counsellor guides but does not impose the communication and planning.
3 Overwiev over specific
counselling models and
Model Aim Theory Method
1.Counselling Developement Watzlawik/ Direct telling of
as Information- of a decision Schulz von Facts and
giving base Thun Opinions of

2. Counselling Relief of the Reaktance, Paradoxe

as directive client from cognitive Interventions
instructions decision Dissonance and Symptom
pressure and (Festinger) instruction
Model Aim Theory Method
3. Counselling Degree of Classical and Analysis of
as support for problem operational reinforcement
behaviour behaviour, conditioning, conditions,
changing increase of Modell learning, reactions and
aimed , cognitive rules
behaviour reconstruction
(Ellis, Beck,
4. Counselling Developement Cognitive Cognitive
as a problem of alternative Psychology reframing,
solving support activities (Dueker) stimulation of
/decisions creative
together with thinking
the client
Model Aim Theory Method
5. Counselling Self Humanistic Paraphrasing,
as non-directive actualisation, approaches verbalsation of
intervention self reflection, (Rogers) emotional
self contents,
responsibility, positive
self discovery acceptance,
6. Counselling Self regulation, Behavioral Self instruction,
as self directive self Therapy and Analysis of
intervention actualisation, self disfunctional
self management thoughts and
developement approaches behaviour
Model Aim Theory Method
7. Counselling Self discovery Psychoanalysis Free
as psycho- and self con- (Freud, Adler, association,
analytic process frontation, deve- Jung) dream and
lopement of dialog
awareness of interpretation
8. Counselling Change of Construktivism, Circular
as systemic interpretation Family Therapie questions,
intervention and interaction (Stierlin, metaphors,
patterns Minuchin) reframing,
Model Aim Theory Method
9. Counselling Awareness, self Gestalt Dialogical and
as Gestalt reflection, self Psychology imaginative
development confidence, (Köhler, interactions,
process responsibility Wertheimer, role playing

10. Counselling Trained Learned Dialogical

as application Optimism, Helplessness methods, skills
of Positive developing (Seligman) training,
Psychology positive Biodanza)
individual traits
Model Aim Theory Method
11. Counselling Solving of Supervision A group of three
as cooperative specific theories, self colleagues give
Intervention problems in management each other
(between 3 schools (Siehland) support for
teachers) specific aims
over 3 -4
months, self
12. Counselling Change of Mediator model Psycho-
as mediator attitudes and of Perrez education, role
approach educational play, model
behaviour of learning
parents and
Model Aim Theory Method
13. Counselling Reducing the Media Traditional and
by using mass barriere of Psychology electronical
media and counselling (Mangold, media,
individual media contact and Witruk) Individual-,
tabus (e.g. HIV, group restricted
drug abuse), and mass media
Reducing riscs
factors and

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