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Here is where your presentation begins

What is Judaism?
• is the way of life of the Jewish people.

• Judaism was a word invented by the English-

speaking Western world to generalize and put a
label on what seems to be a “religion.”

• In fact in the Hebrew language there are no

equivalent words for “Judaism” or “religion.”
Therefore the word Judaism was created by
outsiders not insiders of the religious tradition.
Three elements or points of
1. God – refers to the God of Israel, God of all
creation, the one God.
2. Torah – represents Judaism’s intellectual
culture (study and
interpretation of sacred texts).
3. Peoplehood – customs, foods, arts, music,
dance, and folkways.
Issue: Anti-Semitism
And The Holocaust

 refers to the age-old hatred against Jews

that perpetuate social tensions and acts
of violence.

 It is central to the Jewish experience

both in the ancient world and in more
modern times.
Here is a list of time periods and contexts when
anti-semitism was strong:
1. During the early Diaspora. diaspora, populations, such
as members of an ethnic or religious group, that originated from the
same place but dispersed to different locations.)
2. During the rise of Christianity.
3. During the European Enlightenment.
4. During the Post-Emancipation Period.
5. 19th century Dreyfus Affair in France
6. 19th century publication of The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion
7. During the rise of Nazism in Germany
The Holocaust
 Holocaust is an English word derived from a
Greek word that means
“all-burned.” In relation to Jewish history.
 the Holocaust refers to the genocide of over six
million Jews in Europe by the Nazis during the
1930s until the end of World War II.
 The massacre occurred in different places but
most especially in Poland and Lithuania where a
systematic elimination of the Jews was carried
 Christianity is not just the Roman Catholic church or
any other sect.

 We are including everyone inside this single name of

Christianity to differentiate it from the other world
Who is Jesus?
 Christians call him Christ or the Messiah.

 Jesus was born in Roman occupied Palestine among Jew parents

around two millennia ago. It is important to remember that Jesus did
not “found” any religion. He did not invent Christianity.

 Christianity later on grew out of his teachings and although many

regard him as the founder of Christianity he didn’t see it like that.
 Jesus did not write any of his teachings and no one wrote about him until
decades after his death. A small number of his followers that Christians call
his “apostles” reported that Jesus was resurrected from the dead and that
they were inspired to write about his life and create communities around

 The word “Christian” was coined by these communities to refer to


 It was first used in Antioch, which is located in modern day Turkey. From
there Christianity continued to spread especially after Constantine declared
it as a state religion of the Roman empire.
Christianity Today
 Today, one third of human beings call themselves Christian. Although there
are hundred of churches and denominations there are three major streams of
Christianity – the Catholic Communion, the Orthodox Christian Churches,
and the Protestant movements.

 Anglicanism and Pentecostalism are also beginning to grow greater

prominence. The Christian scriptures have been translated into many
languages leading to more conversions into the faith.

 Christianity grows most rapidly in Africa and Latin America.

 Issue: Child Sexual Abuse In The Catholic Church

 Islam is originally an Arabic word that means
“submission.” A cognate of this word is salaam which
means “peace.” Nevertheless,
today Islam refers to a worldwide religious tradition. A
follower of
Islam is called a Muslim.
 Islam is the youngest of the three big monotheist religious
traditions that was born in the Middle East. Its greatest
achievement is its long history and rich geographical and cultural
diversity, which is proof of the strength of its message.

 In simplest terms, Islam is the religion of a people who believes

that there is one God the Creator (Allah in Arabic) who
communicates to people through prophets and revelations. The
majority of Muslims believe that the last prophet of Allah is
Muhammad who wrote the last revelation in the Qur’an.
 Issue: Political Islam and Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and includes
icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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