Phrasal Verbs Group9 Recovered 1 1 Autosaved
Phrasal Verbs Group9 Recovered 1 1 Autosaved
Phrasal Verbs Group9 Recovered 1 1 Autosaved
Phrasal verbs
• Bring on (cause the onset of an
• Bring off (succeed in illness)
doing something) Ex: Sitting in the damp brought on his
Ex: The team tried for years to win
(cause trouble to happen to
the competition and they finally
brought it off. Ex: You have brought this on/upon yourself.
Come about let me explain how the situation come about
Get down to (begin to Get over (be surprised) Get on (make progress
seriously deal with) – especially in life)
I couldn’t get over how
It’s time we got down to Sue is getting on very
some real work.
well she looked
well in her new job.
Give away (betray)
His false identity
papers gave him
Give out (be Give off (send off a
exhausted) smell – liquid or gas)
When our money GIVE The cheese had begun
gave out we had to to give off a strange
borrow some. smell.
Give over (abandon, devote)
The rest of the time was given
over to playing cards.
Why don’t you give over! You’re
getting on my nerves.
Go back on (break a promise)
The management has gone back on its promise.
Go off (become bad – food)
This milk has gone off.
Go on (happen – usually negative)
Something funny is going on.
GO Go round (be enough)
There weren’t enough life-jackets to go round.
Go in for (make a habit of)
I don’t go in for that kind of thing.
(Enter competition)
Are you thinking of going in for the race?
o Have it out with (express
feelings so as to settle a
(be o Ex: I put up with the problem for a
o r
i t in f nkind t ve while but in the end I had it out
e u a
o Hav erately lso as h with her.
delib one – a
o m e ( go t) it
s has
go t ) ch e r
te a
x : My .
E m e
o r
in f
o Grow on (become more liked – colloquial)
Ex: This new record is growing on me.
o Hang onto (keep – collaquial)
Ex: I think we should hang onto the car until next year.
o Feel up to (feel capable of doing)
Ex: Old Mr. Smith didn’t feel up to walking on all that way.
o Follow up (act upon a suggestion)
Ex: Thanks for the information about that book. I’ll follow it up.
(take more action)
Ex: We’ll follow up this lesson next week.
I Complete each sentence with a suitable word
1. Getting up so early really gets me…
2. I was so surprised when Harry got the job, I couldn‘t …
over it.
3. Neil was to embarrassed to … up the question of who
would pay.
4. The police didn‘t … up Bill‘s complaint about his
Ex: The police have
promise to look into the
Keep up(continue)
Ex: Well done! Keep up the good work.
Lay down( state a rule)
Ex: The company has laid down strict procedures for this kind of music.
Miss out
fail to include
Ex: You have missed out a word here
lose a chance
Ex: Five people got promoted, but I missed out again
Own up( confess- colloquial)
Ex: None of the children would own up to breaking the window
Pack in( stop an activity)
Ex: John has packed in his job
Pay back(take revenge)
Ex: She paid him back for all his insult
Pick up( improve)
Run into (meet) Run down (criticize)
Run to (have Ex: Guess who I Ex: She is always
enough money) ran into at the running down her
Ex: I don’t think husband
we can run to a (lose power,
holiday abroad allow to decline)
this year Ex: I think the batteries
are running down
Run up against
Run over
Run up (a bill-let a usually a
(check) problem)
Ex: Let’s run bill get longer
Ex: We’ve run
over the plan without paying)
Ex: I ran up a up against a
once more slight problem
huge telephone bill
at the hotel
See someone off (go to
station, airport, etc to See through (realise
the truth about)
say goodbye to
someone) SEE Ex: I saw through his
Ex: I went to the station intentions at once
to see them off
Set up (establish)
Set (up) on (attack)
Ex: An inquiry into
Ex: We were set upon
the accident has
by a gang of hooligans
been set up
Stand by (keep to an
Ex: The company agreed
Stand for to stand by its original
(representinitials) commitment Stand up to
Ex: E.g Stands for
exempli gratia, it’s (resist, bear
Latin stress)
(tolerate) STAND Ex: The
Ex: I will not stand engine won’t
for this kind of
stand up to
behavior in my
house Stand in for (take the place the strain
Ex: Carol has kindly agreed
to stand in for Graham at
the monthly meeting
Take to someone
Take off (imitate)
(develop a linking
Ex: Dave takes off for)
the Prime Minister Ex: You’ll soon take
really well to your new boss,
I’m sure
Take over (gain Take up (time-
control of) occupy time)
Ex: The army Ex: The meeting
tried to take took up a whole
over the country morning
Talk into
Talk out of (persuade
(dissuade into)
from) Ex: Paul
talked me
Ex: I take
him out of
TALK into going
going to the skiing, against
club my better
Phrasal verbs
Rip off (charge too much)
Ex: its price really ripped you off
Send up (make fun of by imitating)
Ex: Jean is always sending up the French teacher
Sink in (realise slowly)
Ex: Slowly the realization that I had won began to sink in
Slip up (make a mistake)
Ex: Someone slipped up and my application was lost
Sort out (find a solution)
Ex: Don’t worry, I will sort out your problems
Stick up for (defend-especially yourself, you rights)
Ex: I can stick up for myself
o Tell off (scold) Our teacher told us off for being late
o Tie in with (be in an agreement with) We’re are trying to tie our
holiday in with her bussiness
o Track down (trace the whereabouts of) The police tracked down the
killer and arrested him
o Try out (test-a machine) Let’s try out the new washing machine
o Turn down (reject an offer) Another company offered me a job but I
turned them down
o Turn out (happen to be in the end) He turned out to be an old friend
of Helen’s
o Turn out (come to a meeting or to form a crowd) Thousands of fans
turned out to welcom the team
Turn up (be discover by chance) Don’t worry about that
missing book, it’s bound to turn up sooner or later
Turn up (arrive-often unexpectedly) Not many people
turned up for the lesson
Wear off ( lose effect-equally a drug) Most patients find
that the numbness from the injection wear off after about
an hour
Work out (calculate – also work out at for specific
amounts) The hotel bill worked out at $500
Tom asked Jane out, but she turned down him / turned him down
I told her off / told off her for leaving the office unlock
In the end it was quite a sunny day after all (out)
turned out to be quite a sunny day after all
The effect of these pills only lasts for three hours (off)
The effect of these pills……………. wear off for three hours
It’s sweet the way he …………… stick up for his little brother
sort out
I’ve had a …………….. in the bedroom-it’s looking rather better
He finally managed to ……………... track down the papers he wanted
working out
Make sure you drink plenty of water
turned up if you are ………………
Hundreds of people ………............ in the rain to see the prince
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