Cloud Computing Security Testing
Cloud Computing Security Testing
Cloud Computing Security Testing
Secure cloud software testing involves a number of activities. Each activity is based on a formal standard or methodology and adds unique value to the overall secure software testing process. An organization typically selects testing activities based on a number of factors, including secure cloud software requirements and available resources. Analyses of test results form the basis for assessing risk to cloud information and means of remediation. Standards and methodologies such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9126 Standard for Software Engineering/Product Quality, the Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM) and the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) provide additional guidance for secure software evaluation and mitigation
One well known characterization of software quality is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9126 standard. The ISO 9126 standard characterizes software quality with six main attributes and 21 sub characteristics, as shown below: Functionality Suitability Accurateness Interoperability Compliance Security Reliability Maturity Fault tolerance Recoverability Usability Understandability Learn ability Operability
Time behavior Resource behavior
Analyzability Changeability Stability Testability
Adaptability Install ability Conformance Replace ability
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) states that conformance testing activities assess whether a software product meets the requirements of a particular specification or standard. Conformance testing methodologies applicable to cloud services have been developed for operating system interfaces, computer graphics, documented interchange formats, computer networks, and programming language processors. Most testing methodologies use test case scenarios (e.g., abstract test suites, test assertions, test cases), which themselves must be tested. One type of conformance testing, protocol-based testing, uses an applications communication protocol as a direct basis for testing the application. This method is useful for cloud-based applications. Protocol-based testing is especially important for security testing in Web-based applications, because Web protocols provide the easiest way for remote attackers to access such applications. A major benefit of conformance testing is that it facilitates interoperability between various cloud software products by confirming that each software product meets an agreed-upon standard or specification
In functional testing, a cloud software application is tested at runtime to determine whether it conforms to its functional requirements. Requirements that state how the application should respond when a specific event occurs are referred to as positive requirements. Typically, a positive requirement is mapped to a specific software artifact meant to implement that requirement. This provides traceability from requirements to implementation and informs the tester of which code artifact to test to validate the expected functionality. An example of a positive requirement is the application should lock the user account after three failed login attempts. A tester can validate the expected functionality (the lockout) by attempting to log in to the application three times with the same username and incorrect passwords. This type of test can be easily automated with a functional testing tool suite, such as the open-source Canoo WebTest ( Functional testing also includes negative requirements, which specify what software should not do. An example of a negative requirement is the cloud application should not allow for the stored data to be disclosed. This type of requirement is more difficult to test because the expected behavior is not implemented in a specific software artifact. Testing this requirement properly would require the tester to anticipate every anomalous input, condition, cause, and effect.
First, the security requirements are documented from a threats and countermeasures perspective: Encrypt authentication data in storage and transit to mitigate risk of information disclosure and authentication protocol attacks Encrypt passwords using nonreversible encryption such as a hashing algorithm and a salt to prevent dictionary attacks. Salt refers to inserting random bits into algorithms used for key generation to mitigate against dictionary attacks. Lock out accounts after reaching a login failure threshold and enforce password complexity to mitigate risk of brute-force password attacks Display generic error messages upon validation of credentials to mitigate risk of account harvesting/enumeration. Mutually authenticate client and server to prevent non-repudiation and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks.
In an online report (, NIST states that what distinguishes performance testing from functional testing is the form of the experimental result. A functional test yields a yes or no verdict, while a performance test yields a quantity. Performance testing measures how well the cloud software system executes according to its required response times, throughput, CPU, usage, and other quantifiable features in operation. Typically, performance testing is conducted late in the software life cycle when the software is fully developed. In order to obtain accurate measurements, the cloud software is deployed and tested in an environment that simulates the operational environment. This can be achieved by creating a cloud staging environment, essentially a mirror copy of the production infrastructure, and simulating typical operating conditions.
Performance measures and requirements are quantitative, which means they consist of numbers that can be measured and confirmed by rational experiments. A performance specification consists of a set of specified numbers that can be reduced to measured numbers, often in the form of a probability distribution. The numbers measured for the software product are either less than, more than, or equal to the specified values. If less than, the software product fails; if more than or equal to, the software product passes the tests. Every performance specification is a variation of these simple ideas. Common metrics used in performance testing include the following: Throughput The rate at which the system processes transactions, commonly measured in bytes per second Processing delay The time it takes to process those transactions, measured in seconds Load The rate at which transactions are submitted to a software product,measured in arriving transactions per second
Security testing should assess the security properties and behaviors of cloud software as it interacts with external entities (human users, environment, other software) and as its own components interact with each other. Following properties are used to determine Its behavior is predictable and secure. It exposes no vulnerabilities or weaknesses. Its error and exception handling routines enable it to maintain a secure state when confronted by attack patterns or intentional faults. It satisfies all of its specified and implicit nonfunctional security requirements. It does not violate any specified security constraints. As much of its runtime-interpretable source code and byte code as possible has been obscured or obfuscated to deter reverse engineering.
Software security testing techniques can be categorized as white box, gray box, or black box: White box Testing from an internal perspective, i.e., with full knowledge of the software internals; the source code, architecture and design documents, and configuration files are available for analysis. Gray box Analyzing the source code for the purpose of designing the test cases, but using black box testing techniques; both the source code and the executable binary are available for analysis. Black box Testing the software from an external perspective, i.e., with no prior knowledge of the software; only the binary executable or intermediate byte code is available for analysis.