Performance management involves an ongoing process of communication between employees and their managers to identify and describe job responsibilities, set performance standards, provide feedback, and conduct performance reviews. The goals are to understand an employee's strengths and weaknesses, provide development opportunities, improve performance, and help employees advance their careers. It includes setting objectives, observing performance, providing feedback, conducting appraisals, and developing performance improvement plans.
Performance management involves an ongoing process of communication between employees and their managers to identify and describe job responsibilities, set performance standards, provide feedback, and conduct performance reviews. The goals are to understand an employee's strengths and weaknesses, provide development opportunities, improve performance, and help employees advance their careers. It includes setting objectives, observing performance, providing feedback, conducting appraisals, and developing performance improvement plans.
Performance management involves an ongoing process of communication between employees and their managers to identify and describe job responsibilities, set performance standards, provide feedback, and conduct performance reviews. The goals are to understand an employee's strengths and weaknesses, provide development opportunities, improve performance, and help employees advance their careers. It includes setting objectives, observing performance, providing feedback, conducting appraisals, and developing performance improvement plans.
Performance management involves an ongoing process of communication between employees and their managers to identify and describe job responsibilities, set performance standards, provide feedback, and conduct performance reviews. The goals are to understand an employee's strengths and weaknesses, provide development opportunities, improve performance, and help employees advance their careers. It includes setting objectives, observing performance, providing feedback, conducting appraisals, and developing performance improvement plans.
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Performance Management
Dr. Kapil Pandla
What is Performance Management?
01/07/23 Dr. Kapil Pandla 2
Is it differential Pay system? Is it objective setting process? Feedback or Appraisal System? Or it is Career Management System?
01/07/23 Dr. Kapil Pandla 3
Performance of an individual in organisational setting may therefore be defined as the output delivered by an individual in relation to a given role during a particular period of time under the set of circumstances operating at that point of time.
- Prof. T.V. Rao
Performance Management: An ongoing communication process that involves both the performance manager and the employee in:
1. identifying and describing essential job functions and
relating them to the mission and goals of the organization 2. developing realistic and appropriate performance standards 3. giving and receiving feedback about performance 4. writing and communicating constructive performance appraisals 5. planning education and development opportunities to sustain, improve or build on employee work performance. Elements of EPM Objectives of EPM Knowing the role and function Identifying strengths and weaknesses Identifying developmental needs of employee To increase mutuality between employee and supervisor Provide opportunity to employee of self reflection Help employee to internalise norms and culture Prepare employee for higher level jobs 01/07/23 Dr. Kapil Pandla 7 Process of EPM Job description and Strategic Plan Writing a job description is a process of systematically collecting, analyzing, and documenting the important facts about a job.
A strategic plan is composed of a mission
statement, identified goals related to the organization's mission, as well as strategic initiatives necessary to accomplish each goal. Performance Standards Standards of performance are written statements describing how well a job should be performed. Performance standards are developed collaboratively with employees, whenever possible, and explained to new employees during the first month on the job. Guidelines for Performance Standards
It should be related to assign work and job
Reporting system should be adequate Accomplishments of organisational objectives must be included. Where it is not possible to quantify the quality should be verified.
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Checking Standards Are the standards realistic? Are the standards specific? Are the standards based on measurable data, observation, or verifiable information? Are the standards consistent with organizational goals? Are the standards challenging? Are the standards clear and understandable? Are the standards dynamic? 01/07/23 Dr. Kapil Pandla 12 Observation and Feedback
Observing work performance and providing feedback
about it should be a routine part of the performance management process. Feedback should be based on observed and/or verifiable work-related behaviors, actions, statements, and results. This type of feedback is called behavioral feedback. Effective feedback helps the employee sustain good performance, to develop new skills and to improve performance when necessary.
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Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is a process of summarizing, assessing and developing the work performance of an employee. In order to be effective and constructive, the performance manager should make every effort to obtain as much objective information about the employee's performance as possible. Performance Development Plan An important component of the performance management process is development of employees' work-related skills, knowledge and experience. The development process offers another opportunity for you and your employee to work collaboratively to improve or build on his or her performance and to contribute to organizational effectiveness. Dimensions of Performance Management
Output or result dimension
Input Dimension Time Dimension Focus Dimension Quality Dimension Cost Dimension 01/07/23 Dr. Kapil Pandla 16