Module 9 Business Implementation

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>>>>>>>> Module 9

Business Plan Implementation

ng G oa l s
1 Implementing the business plan

2 Operating the business

3 Selling the product

4 Identifying reasons for keeping business

What I Kn ow

Before starting this lesson, let

us see what you already know
about implementing a business
plan. Answer the questions
What I Kn ow

Instruction: Read the

statements carefully then write
True if the statements is correct
& write False if you think the
answer is not correct.
What I Kn ow

1. You go to the office of the

Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) if you will
register your corporation
What I Kn ow

2. The office to visit when

registering your solely
owned business is Securities
and Exchange Commission
What I Kn o w

3. You go to the Bureau of

Internal Revenue when
you get Tax Identification
Number (TIN).
What I Kn o w

4. Employers are the

only one to pay
contribution at the Social
Security System (SSS)
What I Kn o w

5. You cannot start

your business without
a consultant.
What I Kn o w

6. Record keeping is
not necessary in
business operation
What I Kn o w

7. Record keeping is
beneficial to the
What I Kn o w

8. The objective of the

businessman should
be clear
What I Kn o w

9. Tasks before
starting the business
should have a time
What I Kn o w

10. Records are

sources of documents
What I Kn o w

11. Professional
advices is necessary
before starting the
What I Kn o w

12. Professional
advice is not needed
during the business
What I Kn o w

13. Bookkeeping is
only important to the
What I Kn o w

14. Record keeping

can measure the profit
and performance of
the enterprise
What I Kn o w

15. Record keeping

can be both physical
and electronics
Before we
What’s In proceed, let
us first recall
our previous

• Is the amount you gain after selling your
product. In computing your profit, you just
simply follow this formula:
Sales – Cost of Good Sold = Gross Profit
The gross profit represents the difference
between net sales and cost of sales.
What’s In

Variable costs are those things

that change based on the
amount of product being made
and are incurred as a direct
result of producing the product.
What’s In

Variable costs include:

1.Materials used 5. Plant supervisor salaries
2.Direct labor 6. Utilities for a plant or
a warehouse
3.Packaging 7. Depreciation expense on
production equipment
4.Freight 8. Machinery
What’s In
Fixed costs generally are more static in nature.
They include:
1.Office expenses such as supplies, utilities, a telephone for the office, etc.
2.Salaries and wages of office staff, salespeople, officers and owners.
3.Payroll taxes and employee benefits.
4.Advertising promotional and other sales expenses
6.Auto expenses for salespeople
7.Professional fees
What’s New
Identify the services offered by the following offices to you as an entrepreneur.

1.Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) _____________

2.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)_________

3.Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)__________________

4.Mayor’s Office _________________________________

5.Social Security System (SSS) ____________________

6.Philhealth ___________________________________

7.Pag-ibig Fund __________________________________

What’s is it?

Answer the following questions:

1.As an entrepreneur, is it important to know the services
offered by the offices mentioned above?
2.If your answer is YES, in what way that their services
becomes important to you?
3.If your answer is NO, what makes their services
unnecessary to you?
4.Do you think a business can last without availing the
services of the said offices? Why? Or why not?
What’s is it?


The content was well-thought, guide questions
Content were thoroughly answered 4
The paper was well-written with ideas easily
Organization conveyed to readers 3
Development Points are thoroughly developed

s f o r su c ce ssful
Guideline en tation
im p l em
business plan

1. Objectives – the
entrepreneur should have a
clear idea on what is his
purpose of putting up his
s f o r su c ce ssful
Guideline en tation
im p l em
business plan

2. Tasks – this means that the

entrepreneur must know what
the tasks are he has to
perform in order that his
objectives will be realized.
s f o r su c ce ssful
Guideline en tation
im p l em
business plan

3. Time allocation – this

means that the entrepreneur
should have a timetable or a
schedule to follow every task,
so that it will be accomplish on
time and realize his objective,
s f o r su c ce ssful
Guideline en tation
im p l em
business plan

4. Progress – this means that

the entrepreneur should
monitor the development of
the tasks and the
accomplishment of the
re n e u r s h ou ld
Why Entrep l ad v i ces
s si on a
consult profe

In operating a business, the

entrepreneur should first consult
professional advices, like accountants
or consultants from small enterprises.
In your case, you can consult your
teacher in entrepreneurship or anyone
you think that could help you.
m e nt t o s ta r ta
Basic require i li p p i ne s
he P h
business in t

Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC) Registration
–For partnership or
m e nt t o s ta r ta
Basic require i li p p i ne s
he P h
business in t

Department of Trade and

Industry (DTI) Registration
–For your business
m e nt t o s ta r ta
Basic require i li p p i ne s
he P h
business in t

Mayor’s Business Permit

–For getting the license to
operate in the city or
municipality and payment
of your local business
m e nt t o s ta r ta
Basic require i li p p i ne s
he P h
business in t

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

–for getting TIN, official receipts
and invoices, registering your
books of accounts and paying
your national internal revenue
m e nt t o s ta r ta
Basic require i li p p i ne s
he P h
business in t

SSS, Philhealth, and Pag-ibig Fund

–For requesting yourself or
company as an employers and
for remitting your employees
contribution together with your
employer’s share
f ollo w b ef ore
Other steps to i ne ss
g a b u s

1.Set up an accounting system

or hire an accountant.
Knowing how the business is
doing financially is important for
planning and survival.
f ollo w b ef ore
Other steps to i ne ss
g a b u s

2. Advertise the business.

No one will buy the products or
services if customers do not know
that the company exists. You can
make use of the social media.
f ollo w b ef ore
Other steps to i ne ss
g a b u s

3. Secure insurance for the

Liability insurance protects the
business the event or litigation.
Consider life and disability
insurance, health insurance and
the insurance when you are
leasing an office or storefront.
B u s i n e s s
Good record keeping can help protect the
business, measure the performance and
maximize profit.

Records are the source documents, both

physical and electronic, that specify transaction
dates and amounts, legal agreements and
private customer and business details.
B u s i n e s s
Developing system to log, store and dispose or
records can benefit the business. A systematic
recording allows you to:
A.Plan and work more efficiently
B.Meet legal and tax requirements
C.Measure profit and performance
D.Protect your rights, and
E.Manage potential risks
Wh a t ’s Mor e

Try to look around in your

community and identify the
three (3) oldest existing
businesses and find time to
ask the owner on how did
they started their business
and sustain it until today.
e L ea rn ed
What I Hav

Implementing the Business Plan

is not that easy. It needs to be
registered to make it legal and
record keeping gives a lot of
benefits to the enterprise.
Wha t I Ca n Do

You are going to implement your

business for one and a half month.
Following the Business Plan you have
th e B us i n e s s
Rubrics for t i o n
l e m en t a
P la n I m p

Rubrics for the Business Plan Implementation




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