Mutations Classification
Mutations Classification
Mutations Classification
e r mu t a tio n
g r e en feath
e rs)
Mutations can be NEGATIVE (harmful)
Some mutations are
harmful, and hurt the
organism’s chances for
Wilms tumor
Phenotypic Effects
Morphological Mutation
Lethal Mutation
Conditional Mutation
Biochemical Mutation
Morphological Mutation
Mutations that affect the outwardly visible
properties of an organism (i.e. curly ears in
Lethal Mutation
Mutations that affect the viability of the
organism (i.e. Manx cat)
Conditional Mutation
Mutations in which the mutant allele causes the mutant
phenotype only in certain environments (called the
restrictive condition).
In the permissive condition, the phenotype is no longer
mutant. (i.e. Siamese cat)
Mutant allele causes albino phenotype at the restrictive temperature
of most of the cat body but not at the permissive temperature in
the extremities where the body temperatures is lower)
Biochemical Mutation
Mutations that may not be visible or affect a specific
morphological characteristic but may have a general
affect on the ability to grow or proliferate.