Heat Treatment of Steels
Heat Treatment of Steels
Heat Treatment of Steels
e stainless
Cast Irons
Critical temperature
A1The temperature at which
transformation of austenite to
ferrite or to ferrite and cementite is
completed during cooling.
A2is called the Curie temperature
of ferrite (768⁰C), where
ferromagnetic ferrite on heating
changes to paramagnetic.
A3 The temperature at which
austenite begins to transform to
ferrite during cooling (in a
hypoeutectoid steel).
A4—The temperature at which
delta ferrite transforms to austenite
during cooling (in a
hypoeutectoid steel).
Definition of Heat treatment
Heat treating is defined as ‘a process in which the entire
object, or a portion thereof, is intentionally submitted to
thermal cycles and, if required, to chemical and additional
physical actions, in order to achieve desired (change in the)
structures and properties’
-International Federation for Heat Treating and Surface Engineering
Why is steel heat treated?
The recrystallization step is where new stress-free grains nucleate and grow to
replace those that were removed in the recovery state. Grain growth occurs only once
recrystallization has ended & if annealing is allowed to continues.
During grain growth, the microstructures of the material begin to coarsen, and the
material may lose some strength, so further heat treatment will be required.
A variety of annealing heat treatment are possible they are characterized
by the induced changes which are often microstructural and are responsible
for the alteration of the mechanical properties
Spherodizing Diffusion
full annealing Normalization Stress relieving
annealing Annealing