Facing The Storm

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"Facing the Storm”"

Reading : Grade 6 S2 W2

We will read realistic fiction texts that focus on facing

obstacles and having the strength and motivation to

overcome them. As we read, We will also analyze how

characters change and we will also talk and write about

this concept.
 features of realistic fiction:
* includes characters who behave as real people do

* depicts events that are made up but could actually


* may be told using a third-person narrator, with a point

of view limited mostly to one character’s perspective

* often includes strong, vivid verbs to describe events

* may include flashbacks, foreshadowing, or other

narrative techniques to manipulate time
Essential Question:
*  What kinds of challenges transform people?

*Can overcoming a challenge transform


When an experience transforms someone, it

significantly changes that person’s life.
Read paragraphs 1–2: Point of View
* What is happening?
Isabel is volunteering at the Gateway Nature Center. She is
inserting papers into folders.

* What text evidence explains how Isabel feels about what

she is doing?

Isabel is “weary of filing.” She feels that she “knows more

about birds than almost anyone” at the nature center.
Paragraphs 3
* What text evidence explains how Isabel feels about
Isabel “felt herself shrink” when Amy entered the
room. Amy has been a volunteer a bit longer than
Isabel has. Isabel “recoiled” when Amy touched her.
* What do these details tell you about how Isabel feels
about Amy? 
Isabel doesn’t like Amy because Amy bosses her
Read paragraphs 3–4
*Whose thoughts and feelings do we continue to
learn about?

*What does this tell you about whose point of

view the story conveys? 
The reader is learning only about Isabel’s thoughts
and feelings so the story is from her point of view.
Paragraphs 5
* What do you think Isabel will do later in the story?

Isabel wants to work with the animals, especially the

injured birds. In this paragraph, She leaps to her feet,

excited by the idea that she will help Mr. Garza in the

aviary, where the birds are kept. So I think Isabel might

wind up saving the birds from the storm.

Paragraphs 5
* Why did Isabel leap to her feet?

 leaped to her feet because she was excited to help the

birds in the aviary.

people leaped to their feet because they felt excited.

“leaped to her feet.” means Isabel stood up quickly.

Vocabulary: Context Clues Paragraphs 1–2:

*  Why is there a change of plans? 

Because the winds are worse than expected

* What did Isabel, Amy, and Mr. Garza do?

They work quickly to put down the storm shutters

* What did they listen to when they went back inside? 

The wind batter and rattle the shutters
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words Paragraphs 2

 crow has two meanings.

When used as a noun, crow names a large black bird.
When used as a verb, crow means “to talk in a proud way.
 Is crowed a noun or a verb in this sentence?
(a verb) 
In what way is Amy speaking? 
(a proud way) it shows how Amy crowed that she was “in
Skill: Theme
* How does Amy react to the news about the storm
Amy “sounded flustered” and that she “seemed so
panicked” after hearing about the storm surge flooding
the bridge.

* What does this help you infer about her?

I think that Amy isn’t as confident and knowledgeable
as she appears.
Skill: Theme
* How does Isabel react to Amy’s announcement that she is in
She groans inwardly but says nothing.

* How does Isabel feel when both Amy and Mr. Garza express
Isabel is at first unnerved that Amy and Mr. Garza are so
worried, but then she decides she needs to stay calm.

*  What does this tell you about Isabel? 

This tells me that although she is shy and timid, she can also
stay calm and solve problems in a crisis.
Skill: Theme
* What does Isabel do? 
She calms down the agitated birds as she carries them from
the aviary to the safer reptile house.

* How would you describe Isabel? (shy and timid) 

* What does Mr. Garza say about Isabel? 
Her foresight and cool thinking saved the birds

*  How has Isabel changed from the beginning of the story? 

She has discovered that she has the confidence to stay calm
in a crisis and take charge.
Spotlight on Language :mimic
When you mimic, you do the same thing someone else
is doing.

* Who does Amy mimic? (Isabel) 

* What is Isabel doing? 

talking calmly to the birds

* Why does Amy try to mimic Isabel’s tone? 

Amy wants to calm the birds.
Connection of Ideas
Connecting story details can help you identify the theme.

* What is Isabel like at the beginning of the story? (She is

shy and timid.)

* How does her behavior change by the end of the story? 

She takes charge when faced with the hurricane. Taking
charge gives her confidence.

* What theme might these details suggest? 

Facing challenges can transform people.
*A dilemma is a difficult problem or choice
to be made.is a difficult problem or
choice to be made.
Cognate: dilema

*An action done feebly is done weakly.

* When something is persistent, it continues in spite
of interference or opposition.
Cognate: persistente

* Someone who has recoiled has fallen back suddenly

in fear or shock.

* When you are roused, you are woken up from sleep

or rest.
*Skewed means “took an indirect route.”

* If you summon something, you call upon it for a

certain action. to ask someone to come to you

* Something that has vastness vastnes. the quality

 of being extremely big Cognate: vastedad
* HW :

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