Hyperinflation and Assess 1

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How strong and stable was the new Germany, by 1919?

• Answer this question in your own words, using as many of these

phrases as possible.

Weimar Diktat Constitution

War Guilt November Proportional

Clause Criminals Representation

Article 48 Dolchstoss Treaty of

• 1. Use Source A and your own knowledge to describe…. [5 marks]
• - Underline key words in question [focus]
• -describe what you can see/read in source- also use information provided in caption
[visual source]
• -Link this information to your own knowledge period
• -two developed points
• 2. What was purpose of…? [8 marks]
• -Spell out why source produced
• -use own knowledge period when consider content source and what it shows
• -Make use information provided in caption/attribution source as it can provide
important information such as publication date/ name newspaper, magazine, book…
• -Use this information to help identify motive (audience/ aim or purpose of source)
Use the source and own knowledge to explain
why Germany was in crisis 1919 (4 marks)

• 1. Use Source A and your own

knowledge to describe…. [5 marks]
• - Underline key words in question [focus]
• -describe what you can see/read in
source- also use information provided
in caption [visual source]
• -Link this information to your own
knowledge period • Image is a Berlin street scene in
• -two developed points 1919 (barricades and armed
What was the purpose of Source B? [8]
Guidance [Use details from Source B and your own knowledge and understanding of the
historical context to answer the question.]

• 2. What was purpose of…? [8 marks]

• -Spell out why source produced
• -use own knowledge period when consider content source and
what it shows
• -Make use information provided in caption/attribution source as it
can provide important information such as publication date/
name newspaper, magazine, book…
• -Use this information to help identify motive (audience/ aim or
purpose of source)
• A 1924 right-wing German political cartoon showing Philipp
Scheidemann, the politician who proclaimed the Weimar
Republic and was its second chancellor, and Matthias Erzberger,
an anti-war politician from the Centre Party, who ended World
War I by signing the armistice with the Allies, as stabbing the
German Army in the back
What was the purpose of Source B? [8]
[Use details from Source B and your own knowledge and understanding of
the historical context to answer the question.]

• Mention:
• Picture – why does it show what it does?
• Date – why would someone draw this at this time?
• Intended audience? What is it trying to persuade them of?
• Brief conclusion
• https://youtu.be/43yc2xITl4s
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLJEdp7gdVo [a bit cheesy but
well explained…] [10 mins]
• OR both of the next two [c 6 mins in total] – super cheesy but v good!
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrYhLNQMRro
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jycVFL8CNM

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