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Technology and Livelihood Education

Lesson 1: An Introduction to
Stop Motion Animation
Quarter 2 Week 1
Learning Objectives
• determine what is stop
• explain importance of stop
motion in animation; and
• conduct a simple internet
research about the application
used for stop motion
Early Animation

What is Stop How it Thaumatropes

Motion Works Mutoscopes
Stop Motion Animation
Wikipedia –

Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique in

which objects are physically manipulated in small
increments between individually photographed frames
so that they will appear to exhibit independent motion
or change when the series of frames is played back.
Any kind of object can thus be animated, but puppets
 with movable joints (puppet animation) or plasticine
 figures (clay animation or Claymation) are most used.
Puppets, models or clay figures built around an 
armature are used in model animation. Stop motion
with live actors is often referred to as pixilation. Stop
motion of flat materials such as paper, fabrics or
photographs is usually called cutout animation.
How it Works
Animation creates the impression of movement through
an optical illusion referred to as the “Persistence of

The eye retains an image for a split second after it has

actually been shown. Animation works by presenting

different images in quick succession, with the

persistence of vision filling in the gap between each
image and allowing

for the illusion of motion.

In the 19th century, this phenomenon was made use of

in many children’s toys that some students may still be

familiar with.
Popularized by John A. Paris in 1824,
thaumatropes work by presenting two separate
images on the front and back of a
piece of card with string attached to each side.
When the card is spun quickly using the string
the two images are shown
in quick succession, giving the illusion of one
image. Use the Thaumatrope worksheets on
pages 11 to 12 to help the
class to understand how thaumatropes work and
have a go at making their own.
Mutoscopes were manufactured
between 1895 and 1909. To achieve the
illusion of movement, a series of slightly
altered images were mounted onto a
circular core (a bit like a filofax) and
then turned quickly using a handle or
Mutoscopes were coin operated, the
viewer would put in their money and
then turn a crank to see the animation.





The more characters you have, the

more time it takes to create your
animation and the more complicated
the story
becomes, so use no more than four
characters to begin with.

Animations can take a long time

to make (just like anything
worth doing), so it is important
that the class do not spend
all day deciding on the

Once you have your basic narrative in place you, will

need to break it up into different scenes.

A great way of allowing the class

to decide democratically on what
their film is going to be about is
to ask them to pitch
their ideas to each other and
then to vote on the best film
Characters, Sets, and Props
Modelling Clay
A quick tip for creating
modelling clay characters is
to keep them strong and
simple – you do not want
pieces falling off
as you are adjusting their
Paper Cut-outs
Paper figures might be
easily broken by the time the
whole class
has animated with them, so
try to use thin card or
reinforce coloured paper
with card.

Using a lightbox can create a very dramatic and

filmic aesthetic for your animation. Lightboxes can
be bought cheaply
but it may be worth checking with the school art
department as they may already have one or two.
Mixed Media

Newspaper, corrugated cardboard, reflective

paper, sandpaper and tissue paper can be used to
create different textures and patterns. Crumpled,
colored tissue paper can be used for water and fire
effects in particular.
Bring the following tomorrow, November 9, 2022:

1. 1 short folder (for 4 persons)

2. 1 small bbq stick (individual)
3. Pentel pen
4. Crayons
Giant Template
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
conceptam te his, legimus inimicus
animal conceptam te his,
dissentiet at sed

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animal conceptam te his,
conceptam te his, legimus inimicus
dissentiet at sed

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animal conceptam te his,
dissentiet at sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, animal

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conceptam te his, legimus inimicus
animal conceptam te his,
dissentiet at sed
Giant Template
15$ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
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5$ Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, animal 25$ inimicus dissentiet at sed, cum an
idque possit percipitur.
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legimus inimicus
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legimus inimicus
dissentiet at sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

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inimicus dissentiet at sed, cum an
idque possit percipitur.
Text Here
Giant Template

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dissentiet at sed dissentiet at sed

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nec, scripta
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2013 2016

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nec, scripta
2018 2019

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Giant Template

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conceptam te his, legimus inimicus conceptam te his, legimus inimicus
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amet, animal amet, animal
Giant Template

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II conceptam te his, legimus inimicus

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