Physics 24 - Radioactive Decay

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Radioactive decay

Radioactive decay is a random event –

When a nucleus decays it becomes
The unstable nuclei in some materials
more stable, but the loss of protons and
will break up, or disintegrate. It is
neutrons makes it a different element.
impossible to predict exactly which
The original nucleus is called the parent
nuclei will decay. This disintegration
nucleus. The nucleus formed is known
of the nuclei is called radioactive
as the daughter nucleus. Both are
called the decay products.

Mass number (nucleon

number) = total number of
nucleons (protons + Alpha particle Beta particle
neutrons) in the nucleus
4 + + 4 0
2He 2α β
Atomic number (proton
Four nucleons, An electron,
number) also shows the
relative charge of charge of -1
relative charge on the
Radioactive decay
When radium-226 decays, it does so
by emitting an alpha particle. This
means that the ‘daughter’ nucleus now
Use equations involving has 2 protons and 2 neutrons less than
nuclide notation to
represent changes in the it did before. We can write this as a
composition of the
nucleus when particles
nuclear equation.
are emitted

Let’s have a look

226 222 4
Rn + α
at some
examples! 88
Ra 86 2

A new element, radon, has

been formed from the
decay of the radium.
Radioactive decay

Use equations involving Thorium-232 also undergoes

nuclide notation to radioactive decay, again with the loss
represent changes in the
composition of the of an alpha particle (helium nucleus).
nucleus when particles
are emitted

Let’s have a look

232 228 4
Ra + α
at some
examples! 90
Th 88 2

The element radium has

been formed from the
decay of the thorium.
Radioactive decay
In beta decay, a neutron changes into
a proton plus an electron. The proton
stays in the nucleus and the electron
leaves the atom with high energy. The
Use equations involving
nuclide notation to
mass number remains unchanged (one
represent changes in the neutron lost, one proton gained) but
composition of the
nucleus when particles the atomic number increases by one.
are emitted
Both examples
involved alpha 14 14 0
decay. Let’s now
look at an 6
C N + e-
7 -1
example of beta
decay The element nitrogen has
been formed from the beta
decay of the carbon.
Radioactive decay

Use equations involving

In this example of beta decay, iodine-
nuclide notation to 131 emits a beta particle to become
represent changes in the
composition of the xenon.
nucleus when particles
are emitted
Both examples
involved alpha 131 131 0
decay. Let’s now
look at an 53
I 54
Xe + e- -1
example of beta
decay The mass number remains
unchanged, and the proton
number (atomic number)
increases by 1.
Radioactive decay
Radioactive decay is a random event –
Some types of The unstable nuclei in some materials
nucleus are more will break up, or disintegrate. It is
unstable than others impossible to predict exactly which
and decay at a faster nuclei will decay. This disintegration
rate. of the nuclei is called radioactive

10 Days 10 Days

One half-life One half-life

HALF-LIFE is the TIME TAKEN for HALF of the

radioactive atoms now present to DECAY
Radioactive decay
Radioactive decay is a random event –
Some types of The unstable nuclei in some materials
nucleus are more will break up, or disintegrate. It is
unstable than others impossible to predict exactly which
and decay at a faster nuclei will decay. This disintegration
rate. of the nuclei is called radioactive

Days Nuclei Half-life

0 64 0
10 32 1
20 16 2
30 8 3
40 4 4
50 2 5
Radioactive decay
Measurements taken with Radioactive decay is a random event –
a GM tube. Don’t forget The unstable nuclei in some materials
60 that you might need to will break up, or disintegrate. It is
subtract figures for impossible to predict exactly which
50 background radiation! nuclei will decay. This disintegration
Nuclei remaining

of the nuclei is called radioactive

Radioactive decay decay.
x Nuclei
30 Days Half-life
20 0 64 0
10 32 1
10 x
x 20 16 2
0 30 8 3
0 10 20 30 40 50
40 4 4
50 2 5
Radioactive decay
Measurements taken with Radioactive decay is a random event –
a GM tube. Don’t forget The unstable nuclei in some materials
60 that you might need to will break up, or disintegrate. It is
subtract figures for impossible to predict exactly which
50 background radiation! nuclei will decay. This disintegration
Nuclei remaining

of the nuclei is called radioactive

Radioactive decay decay.
x Radioactive
30 Half-life
20 Radon-220 52 secs
x Iodine-128 25 mins
10 x Radon-222 3.8 days
x Strontium-90 28 years
0 10 20 30 40 50 Radium-226 1602 years
Days Carbon-14 5730 years
Plutonium-239 24 400 years
Radioactive decay
In the early hours of 26 April 1986 Radioactive decay is a random event –
one of the four reactors at The unstable nuclei in some materials
Chernobyl power station exploded. will break up, or disintegrate. It is
impossible to predict exactly which
nuclei will decay. This disintegration
of the nuclei is called radioactive

Radon-220 52 secs
Iodine-128 25 mins
Radon-222 3.8 days

Because of the long-lived radiation in Strontium-90 28 years

the region surrounding the former Radium-226 1602 years
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the Carbon-14 5730 years
area won't be safe for human
Plutonium-239 24 400 years
habitation for at least 20,000 years.
Radioactive decay
In the early hours of 26 April 1986 Radioactive decay is a random event –
one of the four reactors at The unstable nuclei in some materials
Chernobyl power station exploded. will break up, or disintegrate. It is
impossible to predict exactly which
nuclei will decay. This disintegration
of the nuclei is called radioactive

In a radioactive sample, the

average number of disintegrations
per second is called the activity.
The SI unit of activity is the
becquerel (Bq). For example,
100Bq = 100 nuclei disintegrating
Because of the long-lived radiation in per second.
the region surrounding the former
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the
area won't be safe for human
habitation for at least 20,000 years.
Radioactive decay
Radioactive decay

Initial count rate = 600

counts per second.
Radioactive decay

Count rate falls to 200

counts per second after
25 minutes
Radioactive decay

If the initial count was

600, the half-life is 300
particles, which will be
after 16 minutes.
Radioactive decay

Initial count = 600, one

half life = 300, two half
lives = 150
Radioactive decay

Initial count = 600, one

half life = 300, two half
lives = 150


• Calculate half-life from data or decay
curves from which background Radioactive decay
radiation has not been subtracted

Every half-minute a teacher records a count Supplement

rate of a radioactive substance. The
background count was 3Bq. Calculate the
corrected count rate and draw a graph for
these results.
Time in Count rate Corrected count
minutes in Bq rate in Bq
0 52
0.5 33
1.0 27
1.5 21
2.0 18
2.5 14
3.0 13
3.5 12
4.0 8
4.5 9
• Calculate half-life from data or decay
curves from which background Radioactive decay
radiation has not been subtracted

Every half-minute a teacher records a count Supplement

rate of a radioactive substance. The
background count was 3Bq. Calculate the
corrected count rate and draw a graph for
these results.
Time in Count rate Corrected count
minutes in Bq rate in Bq
0 52 49
0.5 33 30
1.0 27 24
1.5 21 18
2.0 18 15
2.5 14 11
3.0 13 10
3.5 12 9
4.0 8 5
4.5 9 6
• Calculate half-life from data or decay
curves from which background Radioactive decay
radiation has not been subtracted

Every half-minute a teacher records a count Supplement

rate of a radioactive substance. The
background count was 3Bq. Calculate the
corrected count rate and draw a graph for
these results.
50 x
Time in Count rate Corrected count
minutes in Bq rate in Bq 45

Corrected count rate in Bq

0 52 49
0.5 33 30
30 x
1.0 27 24 25
1.5 21 18 x
20 x
2.0 18 15 15 x
2.5 14 11 10 x x
3.0 13 10 5 x x
3.5 12 9 0
4.0 8 5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
4.5 9 6
Time in minutes
• Calculate half-life from data or decay
curves from which background Radioactive decay
radiation has not been subtracted

Every half-minute a teacher records a count Supplement

rate of a radioactive substance. The
background count was 3Bq. Calculate the
corrected count rate and draw a graph for Use your graph to estimate the
these results. half-life of the material
50 x
Time in Count rate Corrected count Original count = 49
minutes in Bq rate in Bq 45

Corrected count rate in Bq

0 52 49
0.5 33 30
30 x
1.0 27 24 25 Half of original count = 24.5
1.5 21 18 x
20 x
2.0 18 15 15 x Half-life = 1 min
2.5 14 11 10 x x
3.0 13 10 5 x x
3.5 12 9 0
4.0 8 5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
4.5 9 6
Time in minutes
Ionising Radiation and Living Things

Alpha, beta and gamma Higher doses tend to kill cells

radiation will enter living cells completely, causing radiation
and collide with molecules – sickness.
these collisions cause ionisation,
damaging or destroying the

Lower doses cause The extent of the

non-fatal damage to harmful effects
cells, but can cause depends upon two
them to become things.
cancerous, when they
divide uncontrollably.

a) How much exposure there is to the radiation.

b) The energy and penetration of the radiation emitted – some
types are more hazardous than others.
Ionising Radiation and Living Things

Alpha radiation
cannot penetrate
through skin, so α β
outside the body
beta and gamma
radiation are the
most dangerous – γ
but both of these
are less ionising
than alpha and so
cause less
Ionising Radiation and Living Things

Alpha radiation
α However, if alpha
cannot penetrate particles get
through skin, so inside the body
outside the body (ingested,
beta and gamma breathed-in) then
radiation are the they can do much
most dangerous – more damage in a
but both of these very localised
are less ionising area because they
than alpha and so are so strongly
cause less ionising.
Ionising Radiation and Safety

In the school laboratory

• Handle with tongs, avoid skin contact with a
• Keep source as far away from the body as
• Avoid looking directly at the source
• Immediately return source to lead-lined box
when not required.

In industry
• Full protective suits prevent inhalation of radioactive
dust particles and direct skin contact
• Use lead-lined suits, lead/concrete barriers, thick lead
windows to prevent exposure to gamma radiation.
• Use of remotely controlled robot arms in highly
radioactive areas.

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