Physics 24 - Radioactive Decay
Physics 24 - Radioactive Decay
Physics 24 - Radioactive Decay
10 Days 10 Days
Radon-220 52 secs
Iodine-128 25 mins
Radon-222 3.8 days
• Calculate half-life from data or decay
curves from which background Radioactive decay
radiation has not been subtracted
Alpha radiation
cannot penetrate
through skin, so α β
outside the body
beta and gamma
radiation are the
most dangerous – γ
but both of these
are less ionising
than alpha and so
cause less
Ionising Radiation and Living Things
Alpha radiation
α However, if alpha
cannot penetrate particles get
through skin, so inside the body
outside the body (ingested,
beta and gamma breathed-in) then
radiation are the they can do much
most dangerous – more damage in a
but both of these very localised
are less ionising area because they
than alpha and so are so strongly
cause less ionising.
Ionising Radiation and Safety
In industry
• Full protective suits prevent inhalation of radioactive
dust particles and direct skin contact
• Use lead-lined suits, lead/concrete barriers, thick lead
windows to prevent exposure to gamma radiation.
• Use of remotely controlled robot arms in highly
radioactive areas.