in Eng.101

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The relationship of

reading fluency to
reading comprehension
Reading fluency
Reading fluency is the speed and
accuracy of decoding words.
Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is the ability
to understand what you are reading.
A student is considered a proficient reader when
reading fluency and reading comprehension are
at grade level.
Achieving the proper balance between reading
fluency and reading comprehension is important.
Some students who struggle with learning to read
will focus more on the mechanics of reading
(decoding) and miss comprehending what they
are reading. Other students can easily understand
what they are reading even though they struggle
with decoding.
It is important to develop both reading fluency
and reading comprehension in all students.
Fluid reading skills make reading easier and
more enjoyable.
Reading comprehension lets the student
acquire knowledge and follow a story line.
When there is a significant difference between
fluency and comprehension skills it is wise to
address them separately.
When reading comprehension skills are higher than
reading fluency skills:
1. Practicing reading fluency at the child’s reading decoding
level will help build reading fluency skills.

2. When reading fluency is low, consider these


 Does the child need repeated practice readings to

develop a better reading rate?
 Does the child need phonemic rules to increase reading
 Does the child need rapid automatic naming skills to build
the phonological loop?
3. Listening to audiobooks, or being read to, at
comprehension level, will enable a student who
struggles with reading fluency to gain knowledge, build
vocabulary, hone thinking skills, and develop the joy of
the written word.

4. Consider getting extra time for tests and exams so

students can demonstrate their knowledge.
When reading fluency skills are higher than reading
comprehension skills:

1. Make sure the student slows down and processes what the
words are saying.
 Before beginning a book take time to discuss the cover and
title with the student:
o Why do you think they chose this title?
o What do you think the book is going to be about?
 Stop and ask comprehension questions as you read:

o What do you think the main character looks like?

o What do you think the setting looks like?
o What do you think will happen next?
o Why do you think that character did that?
o Is what just happened in the book something you have ever
Fluid reading with good comprehension is the goal
for all readers. Some students learn one aspect of
reading more easily than the other. Take the time
to build both fluency and comprehension so your
child becomes a proficient reader.

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