Romantic Opera and Components of An Opera
Romantic Opera and Components of An Opera
Romantic Opera and Components of An Opera
Components of an Opera
Unit 4: Vocal Music of the Romantic Period
01 02
Romantic Opera Components of an
describe the background of describe the parts of the
romantic opera components of the opera
Score - the book that the composer and librettist put together. The score has all
the musical notes, words and ideas to help the performers tell the story.
Often, there are operas with overtures, preludes, prologues, several acts,
finales and postludes.
Recitative - Declamatory singing, used in the prose parts and dialogue of opera.
Different roles in operas are created taking into account different types of
voices. Each role requires a different type of singer, not only able to sing a
given vocal range but also with certain voice characteristics, color and
It is also important to know the types of voices of singers. This will serve
as a guide for singers on their choice of songs and vocal quality expected of a
singer or opera character.
Acts - main divisions of an opera
Scene - setting or place
• Cantabile - In a singing style. Cantabile, an Italian word, means literally "singable" or "songlike". In
instrumental music, it is a particular style of playing designed to imitate the human voice.
• Capo - Head, the beginning. Da Capo, abbreviated D.C., literally means "take it from the top", or go
back to the beginning of the piece and repeat.
• Falsetto - a weaker and more airy voice usually in the higher pitch ranges.
• Rubato - slight speeding up or slowing down of the tempo of a piece at the discretion of the soloist.
• Vibrato - rapidly repeated slight pitch variation during a sustained note, to give a richer & more
varied sound.