Sustainable Tourism Ecotour
Sustainable Tourism Ecotour
Sustainable Tourism Ecotour
to the various negative impacts of mass tourism it has become necessary that non-traditional methods be applied to nonreduce these impacts. Industries must execute their activities in a sustainable manner for the future of the planet. Ecotourism has been growing rapidly over the last decades.
is a growing niche market within the larger travel industry. It has the potential of being an important sustainable development tool. With billions of dollars in annual sales, ecotourism is a real industry that seeks to take advantage of market trends. It frequently operates quite differently from other segments of the industry, because ecotourism is defined by its sustainable development results.
has the potential to conserve natural areas, educate visitors about sustainability and benefiting local people. Ecotourism has a unique role to play in educating travellers about the value of a healthy environment and the preservation of biodiversity. However, proper planning is necessary.
principles behind ecotourism have helped set new standards for the tourism industry, and these standards continue to evolve. Many aspects still need to be addressed during implementation. What is ecotourism?
has been defined as form of naturenature-based tourism in the marketplace, but it has also been formulated and studied as a sustainable development tool by NGOs, developing experts and academics since 1990. The term ecotourism, therefore, refers on one hand to a concept under a set of principles, and on the other hand to a specific market segment.
International Ecotourism Society (TIES) gave one of the earliest definitions: Ecotourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well being of the local people. (1991) The World Conservation Union (1996) gave this definition:
is environmentally responsible travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and any accompanying cultural features both past and present) that promotes conservation, has low negative visitor impact, and provides for beneficially active sociosocio-economic involvement of the local people.
is a sub-component of the field subof sustainable tourism. Ecotourism is basically a sustainable version of nature tourism, while including rural and cultural tourism elements. Ecotourism aspires in all cases to achieve sustainable development results.
all types of tourism should be geared towards sustainable development. This means that the planning and development of tourism infrastructure, its subsequent operation and also its marketing should focus on environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability criteria.
strong orientation of the ecotourism field toward the evolution of principles, guidelines, and certification based on sustainability standards gives it an unusual position in the field of tourism. Over the years discussions at various conferences has lead to a general consensus on the components of ecotourism.
Ecotourism - Components
to conservation of biological
diversity Sustains the wellbeing of local people Includes and interpretation/learning experience Involves responsible action on the part of tourists and the tourism industry It is delivered mainly to small groups by smallsmall-scale businesses.
Ecotourism - Components
lowest possible consumption of nonnon-renewable resources. Stresses local participation, ownership and business opportunities, particularly for rural people.
is a small but rapidly growing industry working within a niche market that is governed by market forces and regulations. Ecotourism is primarily advertised as being equivalent to nature tourism in the market place. There has been some confusion in the marketplace about the meaning of ecotourism as some places may have social and environmental policies while others do not.
Tourism Market
Cultural tou
Rural tourism
Nature Tourism
Business tourism
Adventure Tourism
adventure and ecotourism are shown as subcomponents of nature tourism, while ecotourism has stronger links to rural and cultural tourism than adventure tourism. In ecotourism the prime motivation is the observation and appreciation of natural features and related cultural assets, whereas in adventure it is rather the physical exercise and challenging situations in natural environments
a functional viewpoint, ecotourism in the marketplace is mostly individual or smallsmall-scale tourism (tour groups up to 25, and hotels with less than 100 beds) that is operated by small and medium-sized mediumcompanies in natural areas. It represents a segment of the marketplace that concentrates on leading and accommodating small groups in natural areas in an educational manner using interpretative materials and local specialist guides.
Roots of ecotourism
a history rooted in the conservation movement, ecotourism has provided a highly strategic source of revenue to natural areas that need protection. Ecotourism began as an untested idea that many hoped could contribute to the conservation of natural resources worldwide.
Roots of ecotourism
undertaken in Kenya in the 1970s (Thresher 1981) demonstrated that the economic benefits of wildlife tourism far surpassed hunting an activity that was banned in Kenya in 1977. In the early 1980s rain forests and coral reefs became the subject of both innumerable studies by biologists interested in biodiversity and of a plethora of nature films.
Roots of ecotourism
interest helped launch a wide variety of local small businesses specializing in guiding scientists and filmmakers into remote zones. As these small businesses began to prosper in countries such as Costa Rica and Ecuador, a more formal industry soon evolved to meet the needs of small tourism groups that were primarily composed of birdwatchers and committed naturalists.
Roots of ecotourism
many areas of the world, pioneer entrepreneurs created special field visits and studies for adults travellers, students and volunteers. International nature-based businesses naturebegan to thrive in the 1980s with the growing interest in outdoor travel and the environment, spurred by excellent new outdoor equipment for camping and hiking , and events such as Earth Day.
Roots of ecotourism
companies began to realize that they could take the initiative to conserve the environment by sponsoring local conservation groups in the destinations they visited or by fund raising for local causes. They soon learned that training and hiring local people to run their businesses was the best way to manage their operations and excellent way of creating benefits to local people.
Roots of ecotourism
is a business and can be profitable, but it should be a responsible business that aims to meet the higher social and environmental goals. As such, ecotourism is highly dependent on the commitment of individual business owners who must be willing to apply a unique set of standards for their business approaches standards that have only evolved in the last 10 years
Roots of ecotourism
fact that no international regulatory body exists, and that standards in the field of ecotourism are quite difficult to measure, has allowed businesses and governments to promote ecotourism without any oversight. Ecotourism must be planned and managed to successfully offer its key social and environment objectives.
Roots of ecotourism
requires: Specialized marketing to attract travelers who are primarily interested in visiting natural areas. Management skills that are particular to handling visitors in protected natural areas. Guiding and interpretation services, preferably managed by local inhabitants, that are focused on natural history and sustainable development issues.
Roots of ecotourism
policies that earmark fees from tourism to generate funds for both conservation of wildlands and sustainable development of local communities and indigenous people. Focused attention on local peoples, who must be given the right of prior informed consent, full participation and, if they so decide, given the means and training to take advantage of this sustainable development option.
Principles of Ecotourism
ecotourism was just an idea many businesses and governments promoted it without an understanding of its most basic principles. Once principles are agreed upon, guidelines should be developed. Guidelines offer practical approaches to achieving sustainable development results.
Principles of ecotourism
ecotourism guidelines are being developed, it is important to consider some issues that may not be fully addressed by practitioners globally, such as:as: The amount of control that traditional/indigenous communities retain when ecotourism is developed in a natural area that they manage or inhabit.
Principles of ecotourism
efficiency and social fairness of current concepts of protected area (which are central to ecotourism) for long-term longconservation of biological and cultural diversity. The risk that unregulated tourists contribute to lowering genetic capital and traditional knowledge belonging to traditional communities; i.e. bio-piracy. bio-
Principles of ecotourism
to balance the needs of medium and large scale investor, often outsiders to local communities, with local expectations in participation with small scale efforts for community based tourism.
Principles of ecotourism
the negative impacts on nature and culture that can damage the destination. Educate the traveler on the importance of conservation. Stress the importance of responsible business, which works cooperatively with local authorities and people to meet local needs and deliver conservation benefits.
Principles of ecotourism
revenues to conservation and management of natural and protected areas. Emphasize the need for regional tourism zoning and for visitor management plans designed for either regions or natural areas that are slated to become ecoecodestinations.
Principles of ecotourism
use of environmental and social base-line studies, as well as longbaselongterm monitoring programs, to assess and minimize impacts. Strive to maximize economic benefit for the host country, local business and communities, particularly peoples living in and adjacent to natural and protected areas.
Principles of Ecotourism
to ensure that tourism development does not exceed the social and environmental limits of acceptable changes as determined by researchers in cooperation with local residents. Rely on infrastructure that has been developed in harmony with the environment, minimizing use of fossil fuels, conserving local plants and wildlife,
Principles of ecotourism
and blending with the natural and cultural environment.