Source of Information: Tables and Desks
Source of Information: Tables and Desks
Source of Information: Tables and Desks
Cupboards Beds
Renaissance architecture, style of Renaissance is defined as Renaissance furniture was first •During the 16th century, the •Heavy dark paneling was in
architecture, reflecting the rebirth of ancient Greek and produced in Italy during the 15th numbers of chairs increased. use of the lower part of the
rebirth of Classical culture, that roman values in the art that century. Trade brought wealth to Italy, Besides the carved, wall ( Dado ).
originated in Florence in the began in Italy in the 14th and the growing bourgeoisie was able to rectangular, high back chairs, •Ceiling became more
early 15th century and spread century and gradually afford better and bigger housing. Also, there were the X- shaped decorative.
throughout Europe, replacing replaced the gothic style in they significantly increased the demand curule or savonarola chairs. •Flab orated plaster friezes
the medieval Gothic style. There the most of Europe during for high-quality furniture. This type was a smaller and appeared above the wooden
was a revival of ancient Roman the following 250 years. The Italian style of furniture also spread more comfortable chair. It was paneling and ceiling.
forms, including the column and Renaissance designers were to other parts of Europe. carved , sometimes gilded, and •Walls were often decorated
round arch, the tunnel vault, and inspired by the sculpture and CHEST could have a wooden seat with with panels painted to initiate
the dome. The basic design architectural remains of the The marriage chest, or cassone, was a a cushion placed on it . costly tapestries.
element was the order. amount world and their characteristic type of furniture during Towards the end of the century •Renaissance to
Knowledge of Classical furniture reflect this. the Renaissance. This chest was a , chairs were occasionally contemporary art of interior
architecture came from the ruins The dwelling of nobility wooden box decorated on the top and upholstered in silk, leather, or design in the interest of its
of ancient buildings and the became well known for their sides, and it was used both to store items tapestry. values and ideals, attempt to
writings of Vitruvius. As in the opulent interiors which and room decoration. •Savonarola chairs: Early create a harmonious, solemn
Classical period, proportion was include well crafted furniture The cassapanca derived from a large Italian X shaped and majestic interiors.
the most important factor of and magnificent paintings. cassoni by raising it’s bark and sides to commemorating a monk. Seat •Renaissance is characterized
beauty; Renaissance architects Renaissance furniture is form a sofa as settee . Loose cushion was often made of interlocked by rich décor furniture
found a harmony between characterized by horizontal were used for comfort. Late middle ages strips of wood and the back carving, inlays, gilding,
human proportions and form and classical balance. was provided wit high paneled back, it was usually carved or • painting.
buildings. This concern for Early renaissance was a style evolved into a cassapanca’ “chest- decorated with inlay work. •During the renaissance
proportion resulted in clear, of classical purity and bench”, which was the forerunner of the • Squabells : light wooden interiors used contrasting
easily comprehended space and simplicity. sofa. chair with straight narrow light and shadows, paneling
mass, which distinguishes the Carved, gilded, and painted The credenza side board with doors back heavily carved for dining if furniture and surfaces ,
Renaissance style from the more with scenes from classical and drawers for the preparation and and other purposes. perspective painted in fresco,
complex Gothic. Filippo mythology. serving the food , but it evolved in the •New solid backed side chairs and elaborate turning of
Brunelleschi is considered the Oak was very common as it late middle ages into a display for were developed these had structural support, as well as
first Renaissance was replaced by walnut. expensive plates and other vessels and carved backs and instead of ornamentation.
architect. Florence the early Pilasters are shallow column was thus often draped in luxurious legs used solid carved panels
Renaissance style spread attached to a furniture. fabrics. as support.
through Italy. Donato Cornice is an architectural TABLES
Bramante’s move term used in description of Tables of Italian Renaissance was
to Rome ushered in the High furniture for the molding of massive and had support in the form of
Renaissance (c. 1500– book-cases. lions, griffins or human figure.
20). Mannerism, the style of the Tops of the tables were pietra- Dura .
Late Renaissance (1520–1600), Supported by heavily carved trestles.
was characterized by Small tables had hexagonal or octagonal
sophistication, complexity, and tops which were supported by carved
novelty rather than the harmony, turning legs.
clarity, and repose of the High The reflectory tables was a solid oblong
Renaissance. top supported by trestles,
columns ,balusters pr slab end with
stretches between for support.