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Warm-up Exercise
Identify the mistakes in the paragraph:

with the invention of the personal computer and the

Internet, a new age in communications begins. now people
could communicate fastest and more easily than ever before.
Writing editing and storing information became quick and
easy. It was no longest necessary to write draft after draft when
changes could be made so easily using a word Processor
program. Messages, could now be sent in no time to anywhere
in the world, without addressing envelopes or licking stamps.
with the invention of the personal With the invention of the personal
computer and the Internet, a new age in computer and the Internet, a new age in
communications begins. now people could communications began. Now people could
communicate fastest and more easily than communicate faster and more easily than
ever before. Writing editing and storing ever before. Writing, editing, and storing
information became quick and easy. It was information became quick and easy. It was
no longest necessary to write draft after draft no longest necessary to write draft after
when changes could be made so easily using draft when changes could be made so
a word Processor program. Messages, could easily using a word processor program.
now be sent in no time to anywhere in the Messages, could now be sent in no time to
world, without addressing envelopes or anywhere in the world, without addressing
licking stamps. envelopes or licking stamps.

• “The reading of text in proof in order to find and mark errors for
correction.” (Oxford English Dictionary)

• Proofreading is the process of reviewing the final draft of a piece of

writing to ensure consistency and accuracy in grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and formatting.
Examples of proof in writing includes:

Books Essay Report

Examples of proof in writing includes:

Magazine Flyer Poster

Examples of proof in writing includes:

Journal Articles Presentation

Importance of Proofreading
• Proofreading is important because it is the last chance to
find and fix errors before a document is presented to
readers. Proofreading eliminates mistakes in grammar,
punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and formatting,
allowing us to communicate our message accurately and
Importance of Proofreading
 It lets people focus on our message, not our mistakes.
 It enhances our authority and protects our reputation.
 It ensures we say what we mean to say.
 It can shield us from embarrassment.
 It allows us to make a good impression.
  It shows we care about our work.
 It allows students to get better grades.

Proofreading Editing

• Proofreading checks work to • Editing is all about making sure

identify all errors in spelling, the meaning and ideas in a piece of
work are conveyed in the best possible
punctuation and grammar. It also way, for the audience. Editing might also
picks up instances of inconsistent involve looking more closely at the
terminology, formatting and content itself, using specialist knowledge
referencing. Proofreading tends to of the subject to clarify text, and often
result in minor, aesthetic check facts as well. It uses much more
creativity and often considers the feelings
adjustments to text rather than big of the work's audience and editing
changes.  can cause extensive changes to text.
Proofreading Editing

 Free from all kind of errors.  Enhanced quality of the paper.

 Properly structured and will  Better and effective use of
include even language. language.
 Perfect writing.  The meaning are better
 Will be ready for being published. expressed.
 Increase the chance of
impressing the readers.

Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
Proofreading Marks
• Proofread backwards. 

Begin at the end and work back through the paper

paragraph by paragraph or even line by line. This will force
you to look at the surface elements rather than the meaning
of the paper.
• Place a ruler under each line as you read it. 

This will give your eyes a manageable amount of text

to read.
• Know your own typical mistakes. 

Before you proofread, look over papers you have

written in the past. Make a list of the errors you make
• Proofread for one type of error at a time.

 If commas are your most frequent problem, go

through the paper checking just that one problem. Then
proofread again for the next most frequent problem.
• Try to make a break between writing and

Set the paper aside for the night — or even for

twenty minutes.
• Proofread at the time of day when you are most
alert to spotting errors.
• Proofread once aloud. 

This will slow you down and you will hear the
difference between what you meant to write and what
you actually wrote.
• Ask someone else to read over your paper and
help you find sentences that aren’t clear, places
where you’re being wordy, and any errors.
• Try reading backwards, a sentence at a time. 

This will help you focus on the sentences, rather than

getting caught up in the content of your paper.
• Use the spell-checker on your computer, but use it
carefully, and also do your own spell-checking. 

Computer spell-checkers often make errors – they might

suggest a word that isn’t what you want at all, and they
don’t know the difference between there, their, and they’re,
for example.
• Remember that editing isn’t just about errors. You want to
polish your sentences at this point, making them smooth,
interesting, and clear. Watch for very long sentences, since
they may be less clear than shorter, more direct sentences.
Pay attention to the rhythm of your writing; try to use
sentences of varying lengths and patterns. Look for
unnecessary phrases, repetition, and awkward spots.

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