Report (Football) Group 1
Report (Football) Group 1
Report (Football) Group 1
Free kick
Goal Keeper
Football Field
Football Team
Team Captain
• A team sport played between two teams of 11 players
each. It is widely considered to be the most popular sport
in the world.
• A ball game, it is played on a rectangular grassfield with
a goal at each end of the field.
• The modern game was codified in England following the
formation of the Football Association, whose 1863 Laws
of the Game created the foundations for the way the sport
is played today.
• Football is governed internationally by Fédération
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). The most
prestigious international football competition is the
World Cup, held every four years. This event, the most
widely viewed and famous in the world, boasts twice the
audience of the Summer Olympics.
• The game is played using a single round ball (the football) and two teams of
eleven players each compete to get the ball into the other team's goal, thereby
scoring a goal.
• The team that has scored more goals at the end of the game is the winner; if
both teams have scored an equal number of goals, then the game is a draw.
• The primary rule is that the players (other than the goalkeepers) may not
intentionally touch the ball with their hands or arms during play (though they
do use their hands during a throw-in restart). Although players usually use their
feet to move the ball around, they may use any part of their bodies other than
their hands or arms.
• In typical game play, players attempt to propel the ball toward their
opponents' goal through individual control of the ball, such as
by dribbling, passing the ball to a team-mate, and by taking shots at
the goal, which is guarded by the opposing goalkeeper. Opposing
players may try to regain control of the ball by intercepting a pass or
through tackling the opponent who controls the ball; however,
physical contact between opponents is limited. Football is generally a
free-flowing game, with play stopping only when the ball has left the
field of play, or when play is stopped by the referee.
• The Laws of the Game do not specify any player positions other than goalkeeper, but a
number of player specializations have evolved. Broadly, these include three main
categories: strikers, or forwards, defenders and midfielders.
• The basic equipment players are required to wear includes a shirt,
shorts, socks, footwear and adequate shin guards. Players are
forbidden to wear or use anything that is dangerous to themselves
or another player (including jewellery or watches). The goalkeeper
must wear clothing that is easily distinguishable from that worn by
the other players and the match officials.
• A game is officiated by a referee, who has "full authority to
enforce the Laws of the Game in connection with the match to
which he has been appointed" (Law 5), and whose decisions are
final. The referee is assisted by two assistant referees. In many
high-level games there is also a fourth official (and in the world
cup a fifth official), who assist(s) the referee and may replace
another official should the need arise.
• Games revolving around the kicking of a ball have been played in many
countries throughout history.
• The roman games Harpastum may be a distant ancestor of football.
• Walter Camp is the Father of football game.
• Whilst football has continued to be played in various forms
throughout Britain, the English public schools (fee-paying schools) are
widely credited with certain key achievements in the creation of modern
• Football has a long history, it arose in 19th Century
• Mesoamerican culture - used rock in 3,000 years ago
• China- kicking a ball in the 3rd and 2nd Century BC named Cuju
• Developed in 12th Century, start of using fists
• 16th Century in Florence
• Meeting at Cambridge in 1848, where the standardization of rules
and ball size
• First football Association founded in 1863
• English and Scotish Teams
• 1824 - Start of football club
• Oldest professional football club- 1862 English Club Notts