Elements of A Short Story
Elements of A Short Story
Elements of A Short Story
Materials: Laptop
PowerPoint Presentation
Internet Connection
References: http://www.ethanrutherford.net/elements-short-story/?fbclid
Picture Sequencing
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Elements of a Short
Learning Objectives
A short story is one of the forms of fiction writing, and we all know that fiction
is a series of events made from the imagination of the author. It is a prose writing
which does not depend on verses, rhymes or meters for the organization and
presentation of the narrative.
It is either the person is in a work for fiction, or it is solely the characteristics
of a person.
It is the time and place of which the story revolves.
Time- tells when did the story took place.
Place- is the geographical location of where the story happened.
It is the narrative sequence on how the author arranged his or her ideas. This is a
planned, logical series of event that has its own beginning, middle, and end.
Falling action: The events and conflicts of the story begin to resolve of
themselves. The readers will have a hint of what will happen next and whether
the conflict will be resolved or not.
Denouement: It is the final outcome of the story. The events and conflicts are
untangled and resolved.
The Hunger Games
Katniss is a 16-year-old girl who lives in the
poorest of all the districts, District 12 in a
post apocalyptic future known as Panem.
Both Katniss and Peeta are declared
winners of the Hunger Games. The game
makers changed their decisions and
She is best friends with Gale, her hunting
declared two winners and crowned them
partner with similar upbringings. She also
has a sister and a mother. Peeta is the male
tribute in District 12 and Katniss' ally in the
Falling action
During the selection process of Hunger
Katniss and Peeta are the champions of the
74th Hunger Games and are famous
throughout Panem. Finally the games are
Games a male and female tribute are chosen. done and they can head back home, both
Katniss' little sister, Prim would be the wealthy. President Snow was displeased with
female tribute from District 12. Katniss Peeta and Katniss are told there can their stunt, however when Katniss declared
volunteers and insists to take her place. only be one winner. At this point, they her love for Peeta, and would rather die than
While Peeta is the selected male, both of decide to eat poisonous berries instead be without him, the Capitol couldn't have no
them will now have to fight to the death in of having to kill each other. As they victors, so they allowed two victors from the
the games were about to eat the poisonous berries, same district.
the Capitol tells them not to. This
causes the Capitol to say that there will
Katniss and Peeta enter the Hunger be two winners, so neither one will have
Games after a short stay in the Capitol to commit suicide on national
where they trained and were put on
display for the public.
Point of view
Point of view refers to who is
telling or narrating a story.
first person
Second person (very rare)
third person
express the personal emotions
of either themselves or their
A little more abstract than the previous elements, the theme refers to the
underlying insight, the moral or idea that the writer is expressing through the story.
It is often thought of as the ‘message’ of the story.
Explain each elements of a short story based on what you’ve understood using
your own words.
Create a storyboard of your favorite short story or movie using a plot structure.
Be creative on your work!
Thank you!