Asexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction
1. Binary fission
2. Budding
3. Fragmentation
4. Regeneration
5. Tubers
6. Rhizome
7. Corm
8. Bulbs
9. Suckers / Sprouts
10. Runners
11. Adventitious buds
Asexual Reproduction in Microorganisms and Animals
1. Binary fission – is a type of asexual reproduction wherein the cell splits into two to produce two identical
2. Budding - the parent cell produces a bud on its surface. As the bud gets bigger, it eventually pinches off from the
parent cell.
3. Fragmentation – an organism splits into fragments. These fragments may develop and mature into new organisms
with the exact copy of their parent’s genetic material.
4. Regeneration – is a special type of asexual reproduction.
- the process can replace the an injured or lost body part, such as those of sea stars (star fishes).
- however, in some cases, the regenerated body part can grow into a whole organism.
Asexual Reproduction in Plants
1. Tuber – is a swollen part of an underground stem.
- it bears a number of nodes or “eyes”. Each eye bears one or more buds. New plants are produced from the
buds present in the eye.
2. Rhizome – is an underground horizontal stem, where each node gives rise to a new plant.
- plants use to store starch, proteins, and other nutrients that are useful when new shoots form.
3. Corm – is a vertical underground stem.
- it thickens as it continues to grow.
4. Bulb – is a special bud that is thick and freshy.
- it serves as storage of food during the period of dormancy to enable plants to survive adverse conditions.
5. Suckers or Sprouts – give rise to new plants.
6. Runner or Stolon – is a stem that grows below the ground, forming adventitious roots at the nodes and
forming a new plant from the buds.
7. Adventitious bud – develop in some plants.
- usually dormant but when they come in contact with soil, they develop into new plantlets.
Alternation of Generations
Alternation of generation refers to the process whereby organisms produce both asexually and sexually.