Hiba Firoos Roll No.13. S4 B Batch
Hiba Firoos Roll No.13. S4 B Batch
Hiba Firoos Roll No.13. S4 B Batch
Roll no.13.
S4 B batch
•India is one of the twelve mega-diversity nations of the world accounting for 7.31% of the global
faunal and 10.88% of the global floral total species.
• Currently India is in tenth position in the world andfourth in the Asia in plant diversity.
• INDIA ranks tenth in mammalian sp in the world;
• and in terms of endemic species of higher vertebrates, it ranks eleventh.
About 2/3 of the geographical area of the country, hasat present 89,317 species of fauna and
45,364species of flora representing about 7.32% of theworld fauna and 10.88% the world
•Among plants, the species richness is high in
angiosperms > bryophyta > pteridophyta > orchidaceae.
Among animals,arthropoda (insects) are predominant.
•India is rich in agro-biodiversity.There are over 167 crop species and wild relatives. India
has the origin of 30,000 to 50,000 varieties of RICE, pigeon-pea, mango, turmeric, ginger,
sugarcane, gooseberries, etc. and ranks 7th in terms of contribution to world agriculture.
•India also boasts rich marine biodiversity,along the coastline of 7516.5 km with exclusive
economic zone of 202 million sq.km, supporting the most productive ecosystems such
asmangroves, estuaries, lagoons and coral reefs.
• •India has two major realms called the
Palaearcticand the Indo Malayan;and three biomes,
namely the tropical humid forests,the tropical dry
deciduous forests and the warm desert/ semi-
• •India has ten biogeographic regions, namely