Research Week 3

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Gujarat Technological University

Ph. D. Programme (2014 Batch)

3rd Research Week Presentation
Design and analysis of novel compact
microstrip patch antenna for LTE applications
using metamaterials
Name of Student: Tushar P. Dave
Enrollment no: 149997111015
Name of Guide: Dr.J.M.Rathod (BVM Engg.College-V V Nagar)
Name of Branch: Electronics & Communication Engineering
Name of College: Dr. S and S. S. Ghandhy Govt. Engg College, Surat.
 Implementation of S-parameters retrieval
 Metamaterial unit cell designs and results
 Application specific papers and analysis
 Logical metamaterial antenna Designs using CSRR-SRR
 Comparison of designs and their simulated and measured results
 Comments on results and scope of improvement
 New design and its results
 Numerical simulation using ADS
 Complete procedure design, simulation and paper submission
 Logical metamaterial antenna design for LTE application
 Research paper and its submission to standard journal
 Future work
 References
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 2
S-parameters retrieval

R01 
Z eff  1
( Z eff  1)

Z eff  
1  S11 2  S212
1  S11   S21
2 2

N eff 
k 0 d eff
 
I m ln e 
iN eff k 0 d eff
 2m  i Re ln e 
iN eff k 0 d eff
N eff
eff  N eff  Z eff  eff 
Z eff
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 3
Metamaterial unit cell design

Fig. no. 1 Metamaterial unit cell design and its use in


Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 4

Magnitude S-parameters 5

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave

Refractive index

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 6


Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 7


Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 8

Metamaterial unit cell design

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 9

Result - S11 of antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 10

Metamaterial unit cell design
d=4, C1=0.5mm,C2=0.2mm,
S1=0.4mm, S2=0.8mm,
S3=0.6mm, h=0.813mm

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 11


Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave


 Band 3 1.710GHz to 1.880GHz

 Band 5 824MHz to 894 MHz

 Band 40 2.3GHz to 2.4GHz

 Band 41 2.5GHz to 2.7GHz

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave

R. Khan, M. H. Jamaluddin, J. U. R. Kazim, J. Nasir and O. Owais,
"Multiband-dielectric resonator antenna for LTE application," in IET
Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 595-598, 4
24 2016.

Size of antenna is 110mm ×110mm

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 14

R. Khan, M. H. Jamaluddin, J. U. R. Kazim, J. Nasir and O. Owais,
"Multiband-dielectric resonator antenna for LTE application," in IET
Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 595-598, 4
24 2016

S11<-10dB for 828-880 MHz (B.W. 55MHz)

1.6GHz-2.2GHz (B.W.600MHz)

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 15

S. W. Wong, Q. K. Huang, G. H. Sun, L. Zhu and Q. X. Chu, "Multiple-
Mode Wideband Dual-Polarized Antenna for Long Term Evolution
(LTE) Application," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol. 15, no. , pp. 203-206, 2016.

Size of antenna 88.5mm × 88.5mm × 55.8mm

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 16

S. W. Wong, Q. K. Huang, G. H. Sun, L. Zhu and Q. X. Chu, "Multiple-
Mode Wideband Dual-Polarized Antenna for Long Term Evolution
(LTE) Application," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol. 15, no. , pp. 203-206, 2016.

S11 dB<-10dB for 1.620GHz – 3.527GHz

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 17

Logical antenna (simple) design

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 18

VSWR and Gain

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 19

Antenna design with stub

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 20

VSWR and Gain

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 21

CSRR loaded antenna
B.W.= 55MHz

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 22

VSWR and gain

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 23

SRR loaded antenna(25mm ×20mm)

fr1=2.0328GHz, B.W= 25MHz

fr2=2.4627GHz, B.W.=37MHz

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 24

VSWR and gain

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 25

CSRR loaded antenna

Fig. No.2 (a) Top view of CSRR loaded antenna in software (b) Top
view of CSRR loaded antenna in hardware
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
CSRR loaded antenna

Fig. No.3 (a) Bottom view of CSRR loaded antenna in software (b)
Bottom view of CSRR loaded antenna in hardware
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Measurement of CSRR loaded antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Simulation and measured results

Fig. No. 3 Simulated and measured S11 of antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
SRR loaded antenna

Fig. No.4 (a) Top view of SRR loaded antenna in software (b) Top
view SRR loaded antenna in hardware
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
SRR loaded antenna

Fig. No.5 (a) Bottom view of SRR loaded antenna in software (b)
Bottom view of SRR loaded antenna in hardware
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Measurement of SRR loaded antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Simulation and measured results

Fig. No. 6 Simulated and measured S11 of antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Comments on results and scope of
Difference between simulation and measured results are
observed due to…
1.FR4 material used as substrate which is lossy having loss tangent equal
to 0.017. Instead of FR4 I would like to use rogers material having loss
tangent equal to 0.0021 to minimize losses.

2.Soldering imperfections are also one of the reason while making

hardware from software design.

3.The results are measured in open space that may create reflections from
nearby metallic objects which in turn disturb the resonance frequency in

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar 34

CSRR loaded antenna

Fig. No. 7 (a) CSRR antenna (b) Electrical equivalent circuit of

CSRR antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
CSRR loaded antenna

Fig. No. 8 Electrical equivalent circuit of CSRR antenna in ADS

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
SRR loaded antenna

Fig. No. 9 (a) SRR antenna (b) Electrical equivalent circuit of

SRR antenna

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Metamaterial loaded patch antenna

Fig. No. 10 Metamaterial antenna (a) top view (b) Bottom view
Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Metamaterial loaded patch antenna

Fig. No. 11 Metamaterial antenna simulated results

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Complete process for paper submission
1) Design of unit metamaterial cell
2) Material medium parameter extraction
3) Design of metamaterial loaded patch antenna
4) Numerical simulation and circuit simulation of
proposed antenna
5) Parametric analysis of proposed antenna
6) Fabrication and testing of proposed antenna
7) simulated and measured result analysis of
proposed antenna
8) Comparison with previous papers to show novel

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
Metamaterial unit cell design

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 41

Parameter extraction

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave

Perspective view of SRR antenna

h1=1.27mm , h2= 1.52mm h=1.6mm

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 43

Final Antenna design (front view)

Enrollment no. 149997111015,

Tushar Dave
Final Antenna design (back view)

Enrollment no. 149997111015,

Tushar Dave

Band 1 fr=2.145GHz (B.W.=10MHz)

Band 2 fr=2.247GHz (B.W.=14MHz)
Band 3 fr=2.306GHz (B.W.=10MHz)

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 46

Paper submitted in springer
Dave Tushar P., Rathod Jagdish M. ; “A Thin-Layer Dielectric
and Metamaterial Unit-cell Stack Loaded Miniaturized SRR-
Based Antenna for Triple Narrow Band 4G-LTE Applications”
in wireless personal communication, springer

 submission id : WIRE-D-18-00798

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave 47

Future work
 Next design of metamaterial antenna will make use of new technique by
using active devices like PIN diode or Varactor diode for the
achievement of narrow bands in mentioned LTE bands. Active devices
are used for frequency tuning in design.
 A paper on the work done for new design will be published in standard

Enrollment no. 149997111015, Tushar Dave
1. Y. Yang, Q. Chu and C. Mao, "Multiband MIMO Antenna for GSM, DCS, and LTE Indoor
Applications," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, no. , pp. 1573-
1576, 2016.
2. R. Khan, M. H. Jamaluddin, J. U. R. Kazim, J. Nasir and O. Owais, "Multiband-dielectric
resonator antenna for LTE application," in IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 10,
no. 6, pp. 595-598, 4 24 2016.
3. S. W. Wong, Q. K. Huang, G. H. Sun, L. Zhu and Q. X. Chu, "Multiple-Mode Wideband Dual-
Polarized Antenna for Long Term Evolution (LTE) Application," in IEEE Antennas and
Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, no. , pp. 203-206, 2016.
4. D.R.Smith, D.C.Vier, Th. Koschny and C.M.Soukoulis, ”Electromagnetic parameter retrieval
from inhomogeneous materials”, APW E.71, 2005.
5. Z. Szabo, G. H. Park, R. Hedge and E. P. Li, "A Unique Extraction of Metamaterial Parameters
Based on Kramers–Kronig Relationship," in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 2646-2653, Oct. 2010.
6. J. D. Baena et al., "Equivalent-circuit models for split-ring resonators and
complementary split-ring resonators coupled to planar transmission lines," in IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1451-1461,
April 2005.


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