Verlog Intro

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Hardware Description Languages

• High Level Language
–To describe the circuits by syntax and
–As oppose to circuit described by schematics
•Widely used HDLs
–Verilog – Similar to C
–VHDL – Similar to PASCAL
Simulation and Synthesis
• The two major purposes of HDLs are logic
simulation and synthesis
• During simulation, inputs are applied to a
module, and the outputs are checked to verify
that the module operates correctly
• During synthesis, the textual description of a
module is transformed into logic gates
• Circuit descriptions in HDL resemble code in a
programming language. But the code is
intended to represent hardware
Level of Abstraction

Performance specifications
Behaviour Test benches
Sequential descriptions
State machines
Dataflow Register transfers Level of
Selected assignments abstraction
Arithmetic operations
Boolean equations
Structure Hierarchy
Physical information
Verilog HDL
• Verilog was developed by Gateway Design
Automation as a proprietary language for logic
simulation in 1984.
•Gateway was acquired by Cadence in 1989
•Verilog was made an open standard in 1990
under the control of Open Verilog International.
•The language became an IEEE standard in 1995
(IEEE STD 1364) and was updated in 2001 and
Verilog HDL
• What is Verilog HDL?

Verilog HDL is a Hardware Description

Language that can be used to model a digital
system at many levels of abstraction:
– Behavioral level
– Data Flow level
– Structural level(gate Level)
– Switch-level
Basic building block in Verilog
Components of Verilog Module
Full Adder
Full adder Gate level or structural modeling
Full Adder Dataflow Modelling
module full_adder( S= A + B + C
    input a,
    input b, cout = (A + B).C + AB
    input cin, (or)
    output s,
cout = AB + BC + AC
    output cout,
assign x = a ^ b ;
assign y = x & cin ;
assign z = a & b ;
assign s = x ^ cin ;
assign cout = y | z ;
Full Adder Behavioural Modelling
module full_adder( A, B, Cin, S, Cout);
input wire A, B, Cin;
output reg S, Cout;
always @(A or B or Cin)
if(A==0 && B==0 && Cin==0) begin S=0; Cout=0; end
else if(A==0 && B==0 && Cin==1) begin S=1; Cout=0; end
else if(A==0 && B==1 && Cin==0) begin S=1; Cout=0; end
else if(A==0 && B==1 && Cin==1) begin S=0; Cout=1; end
else if(A==1 && B==0 && Cin==0) begin S=1; Cout=0; end
else if(A==1 && B==0 && Cin==1) begin S=0; Cout=1; end
else if(A==1 && B==1 && Cin==0) begin S=0; Cout=1; end
else if(A==1 && B==1 && Cin==1) begin S=1; Cout=1; end
Full Adder Behavioural Modelling
full_adder( A, B, Cin, S, Cout);
input wire A, B, Cin;
output reg S, Cout;
always @(A or B or Cin)
S = A ^ B ^ Cin;
Cout = A&B | (A^B) & Cin;
Full Adder Behavioural Modelling
full_adder(input wire A, B, Cin, output reg S, output reg Cout);
always @(A or B or Cin)
case (A | B | Cin)
3'b000: begin S = 0; Cout = 0; end
3'b001: begin S = 1; Cout = 0; end
3'b010: begin S = 1; Cout = 0; end
3'b011: begin S = 0; Cout = 1; end
3'b100: begin S = 1; Cout = 0; end
3'b101: begin S = 0; Cout = 1; end
3'b110: begin S = 0; Cout = 1; end
3'b111: begin S = 1; Cout = 1; end

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