Bailment & Agency
Bailment & Agency
Bailment & Agency
Lecture # 8
“the transfer of possession, but not the title of
personal property by one party to another, under
Bailor: “the party who gives up possession,
but not title, of property in a bailment”
Duty of Bailee:
◦ tort of conversion
1) Sole Benefit of Bailor: possession of
personal property is transferred to another
for purposes that will benefit only the bailor
2) Sole Benefit of Bailee: transactions in
to serve as an agent”
Third Party
Agency by Ratification
Ratification is a principal's approval of an act of its agent where the agent lacked
authority to legally bind the principal. Ratification defines the international act whereby
a state indicates its consent to be bound to a treaty if the parties intended to show their
consent by such an act.
Agency by Conduct to signify the security given, by authority of the government, under the
great seal