4th Consultation

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Ignatian Pedagogy Paradigm to Improve Students’

Learning Ability in English For Specific Purpose

Subject at STIKOM YOS SUDARSO Purwokerto

Maria Dimitrij Angie and Dr. Deli Nirmala, M.Hum

4th Consultation
Review of Related Literature
1. Applying the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm to the Creation of an Accounting Ethics Course
By : Joan Van Hise & Dawn W. Massey
Springer Journal
2. Using the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm to Frame the Reflective Practice of Special Education Teacher Candidates
Vicki Caruana Assistant Professor, CPS School of Education, Regis University
Jesuit Higher education journal
3.Enhancing Students’ Learning Motivation by Applyıng Reflectıve
Pedagogy to Modules for Junıor High School
Tri Agnes, Asrowi, Leo Agung Sutimin
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies
4. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Pedagogi Ignasian pada Mata Kuliah Termodinamika
Dwi Nugraheni Rositawati
Prosiding SNFA (Seminar Nasional Fisika dan Aplikasinya)
5. Using Ignatian Pedagogy in a Mediation Course
Jacqueline N. Font-Guzmán
Jesuit Higher Education:
6. Ignatian Pedagogy as a Frame for Universal Design inCollege: Meeting Learning Needs of Generation ZJ. Mark Pousson
and Karen A. Myers
Saint Loius University Press

7. Socially Just Teaching and the Complementarity of Ignatian Pedagogy and Critical Pedagogy
Sharon M. Chubbuck
Chrisitian higher education journal

8. .Lecturers’ Perspectives on Ignatian Pedagogy

Brigitta Erlita Tri Anggadewi
Atlantis Press

9. Paradoxes, parallels and pedagogy: A case study of Ignatian pedagogy and of teachers' perceptions of its
implementation in Australian Jesuit schools
Christopher Xavier Hayes


Paulus Wahana
E-Journal Universitas Sanata Dharma
11. Engineering Students' Motivation to Learn Technical English in ESP Courses: Investigating Iranian
Teachers' and Students' Perceptions
Jafari Pazoki, Saeedeh; Alemi, Minoo
RELC Journal: A Journal of Language Teaching and Research

12.Understanding ESP Students’ Motivation The Case of Second Year Master Students of Political
Sciences at Tlemcen University
Chahrazad HOUBAD's Desertation
University of Tlemcen Faculty of Letters and Languages Department of English


The Journal of International Social Research

14. Learning motivation and strategies of ESP university students

Joseba M. González Ardeo1
Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

15. Enhancing Students’ Level of Motivation in Learning English: The Case of 1st Year’s Economics
F. Guerid
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics
The conventional teaching and learning process in institutions
between lecturers and students at STIKOM Yos Sudarso
Purwokerto, seems to be less optimal. In the learning process on
there, sometimes, students didn't know the benefits of any
teaching material in everyday life. Students learn only to get grades
and basic knowledge, not to seek and find meaning in their lives. In
fact, not only students students, but also lecturers also felt that they
did not integrate human values in every teaching material during
the learning process.
The learning process that should happen, how to integrate human values in
each teaching material so that students do not only develop their
competence, but also cultivate their conscience and compassion to others.
This is emphasized in the learning strategy of ignatian pedagogy paradigm
(Dominuco, 1993: 74)
Learning by using the Ignatian Pedagogic Paradigmcan be one solution to
overcome the problem of inclusion in the learning process in the classroom.
Teachers are expected to pay more attention to the background and
characteristics of each student in the teaching learning process.

Research Questions

1.what suitable enlish teaching materials for Enginnering using ?

2.How to measure the improvement of students’ ability?
3.How to improve students’ learning motivation using Pedagogy

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