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Krasimira Krasteva XIa

◦ Pottery is an artisan technology for the
production of ceramics in which clay is shaped
into vessels, primarily for consumption.
◦ A person involved in pottery is called a potter.
◦ His main tool is his hands, although many
other tools have been created in the history of
pottery, such as the potter's wheel, various
spatulas, shaping and cutting tools, rollers.
◦ A large part of the history of pottery dates ◦ In antiquity, the master potter purified the raw material
back to the prehistoric period, of which there from the influence of evil forces. This is how clay became
is no written record. fit to serve man. That is probably why in the mythology of
◦ Therefore, the history of pottery is mainly many nations (India, Mesopotamia, Egypt) the god is a
potter or a cultural hero who creates people from clay and
based on archaeological sources.
◦ Because ceramics and pots are made of
◦ The myth also exists in the biblical legend of the creation
durable materials, they have managed to
survive for millennia as archaeological of the world and is very close to the ideas about the magical
monuments. power of the master blacksmith, handling the purifying
element of fire.
In Bulgarian folklore, the
work of the potter is sacred.
According to popular belief,
the mastery of this craft is a
secret that is jealously
guarded in the family. Only
in the 18th and 19th
centuries, this usual norm
was broken and "foreign
people" entered the craft.
According to the Bulgarian
people, mastering the craft
requires not only hard work
and diligence, but also a
"gift of God".
◦ At the beginning of the 19th century, several
prominent centers were formed among the
ubiquitous pottery. By the middle of the
century, the craft in Troyan, Gabrovo, Berkovitsa
Berkovitsa, Razlog, Aytos, the villages of
Busintsi, Sofia, Chiprovtsi, etc. is in bloom.
◦ The developed sale at different ends leads to Razlog
mutual influence of technologies and artistic
◦ However, specific preferences for shapes,
manner of decoration, and color range are
preserved in individual regions.

Troyan Chiprovtsi
◦ Some pottery is undecorated and unglazed. But others - pitchers, pans, krondirs, bowls - are
real works of art. They are decorated with mineral paints in colors known from the Middle
Ages: yellow, green, brown, red.
◦ Vessels from Chiprovsko overflow in shades of yellow and green, and those from Troyansko -
in free-flowing drops of white and brown.
◦ During the Renaissance, sgraffito-ceramic medieval decoration was alive in Tarnovsko. With
the help of a sharp object - a stick or a needle - geometric and plant motifs are drawn on the
still wet vessel with white engobe, and rarely - animal images.
◦ The natural color of the clay is kept. There are also examples with plastic decoration. The
ornament protrudes above the body of the vessel, and for this purpose it is additionally glued.
The motifs follow the general traditions of folk art, deeply connected to folk beliefs. In
ceramics, not only the images of snakes, rosettes, concentric circles or crosses perform a
magical function, but also the color. So, for example, magic can only be done in a green pot,
and those suffering from the "self-wild disease" drink water only from a green pot.

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