Troyan Chiprovtsi
◦ Some pottery is undecorated and unglazed. But others - pitchers, pans, krondirs, bowls - are
real works of art. They are decorated with mineral paints in colors known from the Middle
Ages: yellow, green, brown, red.
◦ Vessels from Chiprovsko overflow in shades of yellow and green, and those from Troyansko -
in free-flowing drops of white and brown.
◦ During the Renaissance, sgraffito-ceramic medieval decoration was alive in Tarnovsko. With
the help of a sharp object - a stick or a needle - geometric and plant motifs are drawn on the
still wet vessel with white engobe, and rarely - animal images.
◦ The natural color of the clay is kept. There are also examples with plastic decoration. The
ornament protrudes above the body of the vessel, and for this purpose it is additionally glued.
The motifs follow the general traditions of folk art, deeply connected to folk beliefs. In
ceramics, not only the images of snakes, rosettes, concentric circles or crosses perform a
magical function, but also the color. So, for example, magic can only be done in a green pot,
and those suffering from the "self-wild disease" drink water only from a green pot.