Solarwinds PAM

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What is privileged account management?

• Privileged Account Management (PAM) refers to the process of maintaining and

safeguarding the accounts within a system that have special access to sensitive data.
Privileged users can take a variety of forms, from trusted high-security company
managers to IT contractors with the ability to access necessary data. Delegating data
management responsibilities to privileged accounts can be crucial to company function,
but multiple users with data modification capability can also lead to increased risk of
privileged account login capabilities falling into the wrong hands.
• The key to successful PAM lies in establishing a comprehensive security protocol.
SolarWinds Security Event Manager provides a specific framework for PAM success,
including alerts for potential security breaches and tools to help minimize the number of
privileged accounts necessary for systems. 
How do PAM solutions work?

• Hackers commonly target the application server by gaining access to privileged accounts.

Without a plan to manage privileged account security, access to server data from bad
agents can slip under the radar. Unlike exterior threats, internal threats from privileged
accounts can be difficult for malware inhibitors to detect. Due to the nature of privileged
account threats, companies need a comprehensive, centralized way to observe and adjust
privileged accounts—or to quickly disable accounts if a security breach is suspected.
• The privileged account management tools in SolarWinds SEM are built to assess security
threats by monitoring the server data audit for discrepancies and changes. When unusual
data points are detected, the PAM tool can shut down suspicious privileged accounts and
automatically remove privileged access. SolarWinds PAM solutions can also use alert
systems to notify of potential compromise.
How does privileged account management work in SolarWinds SEM?

• SolarWinds SEM is an extensive security program that monitors and

centralizes logs from across your network, compiling audit trails on user
activity and behavior to help flag suspicious patterns and prevent data
breaches. The SolarWinds PAM tool is included in Security Event
Manager and doesn’t require a separate installation. The PAM feature
leverages in-depth, automated data monitoring to help you better detect
security threats, with the ability to enable real-time responses to
unusual behavior. Use SEM to gain insight into user groups and
permissions to easily implement effective privileged account settings.
PAM solutions support the implementation of least privilege

• Implementing a policy of least privilege minimizes unnecessary privilege

allocation to ensure access to sensitive data is available only to those users
who really need it. Using the PAM feature in SolarWinds Security Event
Manager (SEM), admins can easily integrate with Active Directory to set
privileged user access as needed. Admins can also achieve insight into
whether current privileged accounts are working as intended. SolarWinds
Security Event Manager is built to report on the actual usage of privileges, to
justify granting elevated permissions, and to audit for the abuse of these
Integrate intelligence with security automation tools

• Security automation enables you to avoid time-intensive manual tasks like

scouring log data for threats. SEM offers machine-driven normalization of
logs and files, along with advanced search and data visualization options.
Security Event Manager is built to compare network activity to an
integrated threat intelligence database, which offers researched, regularly
updated insight into known threats like bad IPs. This immediate, actionable
intelligence helps empower you to address security and
compliance concerns more quickly. 
Enforce privileged account security policies with auditing

• Shared operations accounts, default administrative accounts, and service

accounts are all commonly used to connect network users across platforms.
However, from a security perspective, it is important to prohibit hackers from
obtaining password-protected access to critical systems and confidential data. 
• SolarWinds SEM can help enforce these security policies by monitoring and
auditing all administrative changes. The PAM solutions in SEM are designed to
collect an intuitive audit of privileged account activities, so that admins can
easily run automated, custom reports of privileged account log data.
Related Features and Tools
• File Integrity Monitoring Software.
• Firewall Security Audit Tool.
• Firewall Security Management Software.
• Network Security Monitoring Software.
• SQL Server Audits.
• Information Security Risk Management.
• IT Compliance Management.
• Event Correlation Software.

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